91 research outputs found

    Tight Markov chains and random compositions

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    For an ergodic Markov chain {X(t)}\{X(t)\} on N\Bbb N, with a stationary distribution Ο€\pi, let Tn>0T_n>0 denote a hitting time for [n]c[n]^c, and let Xn=X(Tn)X_n=X(T_n). Around 2005 Guy Louchard popularized a conjecture that, for nβ†’βˆžn\to \infty, TnT_n is almost Geometric(pp), p=Ο€([n]c)p=\pi([n]^c), XnX_n is almost stationarily distributed on [n]c[n]^c, and that XnX_n and TnT_n are almost independent, if p(n):=sup⁑ip(i,[n]c)β†’0p(n):=\sup_ip(i,[n]^c)\to 0 exponentially fast. For the chains with p(n)β†’0p(n) \to 0 however slowly, and with sup⁑i,j βˆ₯p(i,β‹…)βˆ’p(j,β‹…)βˆ₯TV<1\sup_{i,j}\,\|p(i,\cdot)-p(j,\cdot)\|_{TV}<1, we show that Louchard's conjecture is indeed true even for the hits of an arbitrary SnβŠ‚NS_n\subset\Bbb N with Ο€(Sn)β†’0\pi(S_n)\to 0. More precisely, a sequence of kk consecutive hit locations paired with the time elapsed since a previous hit (for the first hit, since the starting moment) is approximated, within a total variation distance of order k sup⁑ip(i,Sn)k\,\sup_ip(i,S_n), by a kk-long sequence of independent copies of (β„“n,tn)(\ell_n,t_n), where β„“n=Geometric (Ο€(Sn))\ell_n= \text{Geometric}\,(\pi(S_n)), tnt_n is distributed stationarily on SnS_n, and β„“n\ell_n is independent of tnt_n. The two conditions are easily met by the Markov chains that arose in Louchard's studies as likely sharp approximations of two random compositions of a large integer Ξ½\nu, a column-convex animal (cca) composition and a Carlitz (C) composition. We show that this approximation is indeed very sharp for most of the parts of the random compositions. Combining the two approximations in a tandem, we are able to determine the limiting distributions of ΞΌ=o(ln⁑ν)\mu=o(\ln\nu) and ΞΌ=o(Ξ½1/2)\mu=o(\nu^{1/2}) largest parts of the random cca composition and the random C-composition, respectively. (Submitted to Annals of Probability in August, 2009.
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