18 research outputs found

    Early predicting of preeclampsia in pregnant women after assisted reproductive technologies

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    Aim: to identify new prognostic criteria of potential preeclampsia (PE) in pregnant women after assisted reproductive technologies (ART) for timely PE prophylaxis.Materials and methods. A prospective study of 85 patients who entered the program of ART was conducted. All patients were examined for possible hemostatic abnormalities (genetic thrombophilia and chronic hypercoagulation) and also for granulocytemacrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in the serum during the most critical periods (4–6, 12–14, 22–24 и and 30–32 weeks) of the fetoplacental complex formation.Results. The lowest level of GM-CSF was observed in patients with hemostatic disorders. Thus, in pregnant women who later developed PE, there was a decrease in GM-CSF level below the physiological: in those diagnosed with genetic thrombophilia – by 79.4 %, and those with hypercoagulation – by 63.6 %.Conclusion. The determination of serum GM-CSF and identification of hemostatic abnormalities in pregnant women after ART has a prognostic importance for potential PE. This result is significant for the understanding of the pathogenesis of PE and also has a practical value: it allows the doctor to attribute the patient to a high risk group from the first trimester of her pregnancy and start preventive therapy rather early

    Intraoperative fluorescence diagnostics upon recurrent operations for brain gliomas

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    The method of fluorescent diagnosis (FD) using 5-ALA has been widely employed in surgery of primary intracerebral tumors over the last years. The issue of FD application in surgery of gliomas with continued growth has remained less studied

    Функциональная МРТ покоя головного мозга в предоперационном планировании. Обзор литературы

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    Today, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) allows to plan surgery based on the topography of functionally important areas of the human brain cortex and tumor. This method can complement the surgical strategy with significant clinical information. The stimulus-dependent fMRI with motor and language paradigms is generally used for preoperative planning. The study outcome depends on the patient's ability to perform tasks paradigm, which is broken in brain tumors. In an attempt to overcome this problem, resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) is used for brain mapping. Rs-fMRI is based on the measurement of spontaneous fluctuations of the BOLD signal (blood oxygen level-dependent), representing the functional structure of the brain. In contrast to stimulus-dependent fMRI, rs-fMRI provides more complete information about functional architecture of the brain. rs-fMRI is used in conditions where the results of stimulusdependent fMRI may be falsely positive or in the absence of the possibility of its implementation. In aggregate, both methods significantly expand the efficiency and specificity of preoperative planning.В настоящее время функциональная магнитно-резонансная томография (фМРТ) позволяет планировать оперативное вмешательство с учетом топографии функционально значимых зон коры головного мозга и опухоли. Этот метод может дополнить стратегию хирургического лечения значимой клинической информацией. Как правило, для предоперационного планирования используется стимулзависимая фМРТ с двигательными и речевыми парадигмами. Результат исследования во многом зависит от способности пациентавыполнять задания парадигм, которые нарушаются при опухолях головного мозга. В попытке преодоления этойпро блемы используется метод фМРТ в состоянии покоя (рс-фМРТ, resting-state fMRI) с картированием функционально значимых зон. рс-фМРТ основана на измерении спонтанных колебаний BOLD сигнала (blood oxygen level-dependent), отражающего функциональное строение мозга. В отличие от стимулзависимой фМРТ рс-фМРТ предоставляет более полную информацию о функциональной архитектуре мозга и применяется в условиях, когда результаты стимулзависимой фМРТ могут быть ложноположительными или при отсутствии возможности ее выполнения. В совокупности оба ме тода существенно расширяют эффективность и специфичность предоперационного планирования