10 research outputs found
The Virtual Platform for Indigenous Art: An Indigenous-led Digital Strategy
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2022
- Field of study
Affirmative Action and Aboriginal Government: The Case for Legal Education in Nunavut
- Author
- Abele
- Allen
- Arthurs
- Arthurs
- Arthurs
- Aylward
- Battiste
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Boyle
- Brierly
- Brockman
- Brown
- Browning
- Buller
- Carter
- Chartrand
- Crenshaw
- Dacks
- de Sousa Santos
- Deloria
- Devlin
- DeVoretz
- Dezalay
- Dickason
- Dickerson
- Dorais
- Duffy
- Friedman
- George
- Grant
- Harring
- Hathaway
- Henderson
- Hill
- Himmelman
- Houston
- Jenish
- Kelly Gallagher-Mackay
- Kennedy
- Kyer
- Lepofsky
- Lindberg
- Lopez
- MacAulay
- MacIvor
- MacKinnon
- Mazer
- McLaren
- McLeod
- Merritt
- Mohanty
- Monture
- Neallni
- Nelson
- O'Brien
- Oppelt
- Patterson
- Pauktuutit
- Peller
- Pitseolak
- Poitras
- Poitras
- Pue
- Pue
- Purich
- Sheppard
- Sibenik
- Slattery
- Smith
- Sparks
- Tarnopolsky
- Thompson
- Thornton
- Timoll
- Tollet
- Valencia-Weber
- Valverde
- Ware
- Weber
- Weeden
- White
- White
- Zimmerman
- Zimmerman
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1999
- Field of study
- Author
- Abu-Lughod
- Adorno
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Ames
- Anderson
- Armes
- Asch
- Aschenbrenner
- Astre
- Azoulay
- Azoulay
- Azoulay
- Baele
- Baker
- Baldwin
- Baldwin
- Balibar
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Bambara
- Bann
- Banta
- Barnouw
- Barsam
- Barthes
- Baudrillard
- Bazin
- Beausoleil
- Beausoleil
- Beausoleil
- Behlmer
- Belin
- Bender
- Benjamin
- Benjamin
- Bennett
- Berillon
- Beylie
- Bhabha
- Bhabha
- Bhabha
- Biesele
- Bilby
- Blanckaert
- Blet
- Bloom
- Boas
- Bocquet-Appel
- Bogle
- Boullet
- Bradford
- Braun
- Braun
- Broca
- Brownlow
- Burden
- Burden
- Burden
- Calder-Marshall
- Canguilhem
- Cantrill
- Canudo
- Capitan
- Carby
- Carr
- Carroll
- Carroll
- Cartwright
- Cartwright
- Catalog. Exhibition
- Chapman
- Charcot
- Charnov
- Chiozzi
- Chiozzi
- Churchill
- Clifford
- Clifford
- Cohen
- Comte
- Comte
- Comte
- Conolly
- Conrad
- Cooper
- Corliss
- Couvares
- Crary
- Curtis
- Dalle Vacche
- Danzker
- Danzker
- Darmon
- Dash
- De Brigard
- De Brigard
- De Heusch
- de Lauretis
- de Mortillet
- Demeney
- Diawara
- Diawara
- Doane
- Doyle
- Dubois
- Duchet
- Dunlop
- D’Anglure
- Edwards
- Ellis
- Fabian
- Fanon
- Fanon
- Farnsworth
- Feldman
- Fienup-Riordan
- Fisher
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flury
- Folkmar
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fox
- François-Franck
- Frizot
- Frizot
- Fung
- FĂ©lix
- Gabriel
- Gabriel
- Geary
- Geary
- Geertz
- Gidley
- Gilman
- Ginsburg
- Ginzburg
- Goldner
- Gottesman
- Gould
- Greene
- Greenhalgh
- Greenhalgh
- Grierson
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Grimes
- Gruber
- Guillemin
- Hall
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hanson
- Haraway
- Haraway
- Harper
- Harris
- Heermann
- Heider
- Hellenbrand
- Heller
- Hendrick
- Herbert
- Hilton-Simpson
- Hinsley
- Hinsley
- Hinsley
- Hoberman
- Hollier
- Holm
- Holmes
- Honour
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hussey
- Hutton
- Imperato
- Institut fĂĽr den wissenschaftlichen Film
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jameson
- Jameux
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jordan
- Jordanova
- Kalb
- Kaufman
- Kavanaugh
- Kincaid
- Kincaid
- Kinney
- Kracauer
- Kroeber
- Krouse
- Krouse
- Kucklick
- Kuhn
- Kuntzel
- Kuper
- Lajard
- Lajard
- Latour
- Lears
- Leiris
- Lennes
- Leprohon
- Liotard
- Loos
- Lyman
- Lyon
- LĂ©vi-Strauss
- LĂ©vy
- MacDougall
- MacDougall
- Mainardi
- Malinowski
- Malinowski
- Marcus
- Marey
- Marey
- Marey
- Marey
- Mark
- Marks
- Martinez
- Masayesva
- Matthiessen
- Mauss
- Mayne
- McBride
- McInroy
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mercer
- Michaelis
- Miller
- Minh-ha
- Mitchell
- Mitman
- Mohanty
- Mohanty
- Montandon
- Morrison
- Mould
- Mudimbe
- Mudimbe
- Mulvey
- Museum
- Museum
- Musser
- Méliès
- Naipaul
- Neale
- Nichols
- Niver
- Noguès
- Nordau
- Nye
- Ollier
- Orwell
- Owusu
- O’Reilly
- Peary
- Peary
- Perry
- Pines
- Pitseolak
- Poe
- Pollman
- Powell
- Pratt
- Preloran
- Prins
- Proctor
- Pöch
- Rafael
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Renaud
- Riaille
- Richer
- Rogin
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Root
- Rose
- Rosen
- Rosen
- Rosenbaum
- Rotha
- Rotha
- Rouch
- Rouch
- Rouch
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Rupp-Eisenreich
- Rydell
- Sadoul
- Said
- Sale
- Sanders
- Sawchuk
- Scherer
- Schneider
- Schoedsack
- Schor
- Schwartz
- Seeleye
- Segal
- Sekula
- Senungetuk
- Sherwood
- Shohat
- Silverman
- Smith
- Smith
- Snead
- Snead
- Sontag
- Spackman
- Spindler
- Spivak
- Spivak
- Springer
- Stefansson
- Stirling
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stoddard
- Stoller
- Suid
- Suleri
- Tagg
- Taureg
- Taussig
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Telotte
- Torgovnick
- Trask
- Troy
- Trutat
- Turner
- Valladares
- Vallois
- Vialle
- Volkman
- Walker
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Weatherford
- Weatherford
- Weiner
- Wells
- West
- White
- Wiener
- Williams
- Winston
- Worth
- Wray
- Wright
- Xert
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1996
- Field of study
King Kong
- Author
- Abu-Lughod
- Adorno
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Ames
- Anderson
- Armes
- Asch
- Aschenbrenner
- Astre
- Azoulay
- Azoulay
- Azoulay
- Baele
- Baker
- Baldwin
- Baldwin
- Balibar
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Bambara
- Bann
- Banta
- Barnouw
- Barsam
- Barthes
- Baudrillard
- Bazin
- Beausoleil
- Beausoleil
- Beausoleil
- Behlmer
- Belin
- Bender
- Benjamin
- Benjamin
- Bennett
- Berillon
- Beylie
- Bhabha
- Bhabha
- Bhabha
- Biesele
- Bilby
- Blanckaert
- Blet
- Bloom
- Boas
- Bocquet-Appel
- Bogle
- Boullet
- Bradford
- Braun
- Braun
- Broca
- Brownlow
- Burden
- Burden
- Burden
- Calder-Marshall
- Canguilhem
- Cantrill
- Canudo
- Capitan
- Carby
- Carr
- Carroll
- Carroll
- Cartwright
- Cartwright
- Catalog. Exhibition
- Chapman
- Charcot
- Charnov
- Chiozzi
- Chiozzi
- Churchill
- Clifford
- Clifford
- Cohen
- Comte
- Comte
- Comte
- Conolly
- Conrad
- Cooper
- Corliss
- Couvares
- Crary
- Curtis
- Dalle Vacche
- Danzker
- Danzker
- Darmon
- Dash
- De Brigard
- De Brigard
- De Heusch
- de Lauretis
- de Mortillet
- Demeney
- Diawara
- Diawara
- Doane
- Doyle
- Dubois
- Duchet
- Dunlop
- D’Anglure
- Edwards
- Ellis
- Fabian
- Fanon
- Fanon
- Farnsworth
- Feldman
- Fienup-Riordan
- Fisher
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flury
- Folkmar
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fox
- François-Franck
- Frizot
- Frizot
- Fung
- FĂ©lix
- Gabriel
- Gabriel
- Geary
- Geary
- Geertz
- Gidley
- Gilman
- Ginsburg
- Ginzburg
- Goldner
- Gottesman
- Gould
- Greene
- Greenhalgh
- Greenhalgh
- Grierson
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Grimes
- Gruber
- Guillemin
- Hall
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hanson
- Haraway
- Haraway
- Harper
- Harris
- Heermann
- Heider
- Hellenbrand
- Heller
- Hendrick
- Herbert
- Hilton-Simpson
- Hinsley
- Hinsley
- Hinsley
- Hoberman
- Hollier
- Holm
- Holmes
- Honour
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hussey
- Hutton
- Imperato
- Institut fĂĽr den wissenschaftlichen Film
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jameson
- Jameux
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jordan
- Jordanova
- Kalb
- Kaufman
- Kavanaugh
- Kincaid
- Kincaid
- Kinney
- Kracauer
- Kroeber
- Krouse
- Krouse
- Kucklick
- Kuhn
- Kuntzel
- Kuper
- Lajard
- Lajard
- Latour
- Lears
- Leiris
- Lennes
- Leprohon
- Liotard
- Loos
- Lyman
- Lyon
- LĂ©vi-Strauss
- LĂ©vy
- MacDougall
- MacDougall
- Mainardi
- Malinowski
- Malinowski
- Marcus
- Marey
- Marey
- Marey
- Marey
- Mark
- Marks
- Martinez
- Masayesva
- Matthiessen
- Mauss
- Mayne
- McBride
- McInroy
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mercer
- Michaelis
- Miller
- Minh-ha
- Mitchell
- Mitman
- Mohanty
- Mohanty
- Montandon
- Morrison
- Mould
- Mudimbe
- Mudimbe
- Mulvey
- Museum
- Museum
- Musser
- Méliès
- Naipaul
- Neale
- Nichols
- Niver
- Noguès
- Nordau
- Nye
- Ollier
- Orwell
- Owusu
- O’Reilly
- Peary
- Peary
- Perry
- Pines
- Pitseolak
- Poe
- Pollman
- Powell
- Pratt
- Preloran
- Prins
- Proctor
- Pöch
- Rafael
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Renaud
- Riaille
- Richer
- Rogin
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Root
- Rose
- Rosen
- Rosen
- Rosenbaum
- Rotha
- Rotha
- Rouch
- Rouch
- Rouch
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Rupp-Eisenreich
- Rydell
- Sadoul
- Said
- Sale
- Sanders
- Sawchuk
- Scherer
- Schneider
- Schoedsack
- Schor
- Schwartz
- Seeleye
- Segal
- Sekula
- Senungetuk
- Sherwood
- Shohat
- Silverman
- Smith
- Smith
- Snead
- Snead
- Sontag
- Spackman
- Spindler
- Spivak
- Spivak
- Springer
- Stefansson
- Stirling
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stoddard
- Stoller
- Suid
- Suleri
- Tagg
- Taureg
- Taussig
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Telotte
- Torgovnick
- Trask
- Troy
- Trutat
- Turner
- Valladares
- Vallois
- Vialle
- Volkman
- Walker
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Weatherford
- Weatherford
- Weiner
- Wells
- West
- White
- Wiener
- Williams
- Winston
- Worth
- Wray
- Wright
- Xert
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1996
- Field of study
- Author
- Abu-Lughod
- Adorno
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Ames
- Anderson
- Armes
- Asch
- Aschenbrenner
- Astre
- Azoulay
- Azoulay
- Azoulay
- Baele
- Baker
- Baldwin
- Baldwin
- Balibar
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Bambara
- Bann
- Banta
- Barnouw
- Barsam
- Barthes
- Baudrillard
- Bazin
- Beausoleil
- Beausoleil
- Beausoleil
- Behlmer
- Belin
- Bender
- Benjamin
- Benjamin
- Bennett
- Berillon
- Beylie
- Bhabha
- Bhabha
- Bhabha
- Biesele
- Bilby
- Blanckaert
- Blet
- Bloom
- Boas
- Bocquet-Appel
- Bogle
- Boullet
- Bradford
- Braun
- Braun
- Broca
- Brownlow
- Burden
- Burden
- Burden
- Calder-Marshall
- Canguilhem
- Cantrill
- Canudo
- Capitan
- Carby
- Carr
- Carroll
- Carroll
- Cartwright
- Cartwright
- Catalog. Exhibition
- Chapman
- Charcot
- Charnov
- Chiozzi
- Chiozzi
- Churchill
- Clifford
- Clifford
- Cohen
- Comte
- Comte
- Comte
- Conolly
- Conrad
- Cooper
- Corliss
- Couvares
- Crary
- Curtis
- Dalle Vacche
- Danzker
- Danzker
- Darmon
- Dash
- De Brigard
- De Brigard
- De Heusch
- de Lauretis
- de Mortillet
- Demeney
- Diawara
- Diawara
- Doane
- Doyle
- Dubois
- Duchet
- Dunlop
- D’Anglure
- Edwards
- Ellis
- Fabian
- Fanon
- Fanon
- Farnsworth
- Feldman
- Fienup-Riordan
- Fisher
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flury
- Folkmar
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fox
- François-Franck
- Frizot
- Frizot
- Fung
- FĂ©lix
- Gabriel
- Gabriel
- Geary
- Geary
- Geertz
- Gidley
- Gilman
- Ginsburg
- Ginzburg
- Goldner
- Gottesman
- Gould
- Greene
- Greenhalgh
- Greenhalgh
- Grierson
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Grimes
- Gruber
- Guillemin
- Hall
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hanson
- Haraway
- Haraway
- Harper
- Harris
- Heermann
- Heider
- Hellenbrand
- Heller
- Hendrick
- Herbert
- Hilton-Simpson
- Hinsley
- Hinsley
- Hinsley
- Hoberman
- Hollier
- Holm
- Holmes
- Honour
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hussey
- Hutton
- Imperato
- Institut fĂĽr den wissenschaftlichen Film
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jameson
- Jameux
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jordan
- Jordanova
- Kalb
- Kaufman
- Kavanaugh
- Kincaid
- Kincaid
- Kinney
- Kracauer
- Kroeber
- Krouse
- Krouse
- Kucklick
- Kuhn
- Kuntzel
- Kuper
- Lajard
- Lajard
- Latour
- Lears
- Leiris
- Lennes
- Leprohon
- Liotard
- Loos
- Lyman
- Lyon
- LĂ©vi-Strauss
- LĂ©vy
- MacDougall
- MacDougall
- Mainardi
- Malinowski
- Malinowski
- Marcus
- Marey
- Marey
- Marey
- Marey
- Mark
- Marks
- Martinez
- Masayesva
- Matthiessen
- Mauss
- Mayne
- McBride
- McInroy
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mercer
- Michaelis
- Miller
- Minh-ha
- Mitchell
- Mitman
- Mohanty
- Mohanty
- Montandon
- Morrison
- Mould
- Mudimbe
- Mudimbe
- Mulvey
- Museum
- Museum
- Musser
- Méliès
- Naipaul
- Neale
- Nichols
- Niver
- Noguès
- Nordau
- Nye
- Ollier
- Orwell
- Owusu
- O’Reilly
- Peary
- Peary
- Perry
- Pines
- Pitseolak
- Poe
- Pollman
- Powell
- Pratt
- Preloran
- Prins
- Proctor
- Pöch
- Rafael
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
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- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Renaud
- Riaille
- Richer
- Rogin
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Root
- Rose
- Rosen
- Rosen
- Rosenbaum
- Rotha
- Rotha
- Rouch
- Rouch
- Rouch
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Rupp-Eisenreich
- Rydell
- Sadoul
- Said
- Sale
- Sanders
- Sawchuk
- Scherer
- Schneider
- Schoedsack
- Schor
- Schwartz
- Seeleye
- Segal
- Sekula
- Senungetuk
- Sherwood
- Shohat
- Silverman
- Smith
- Smith
- Snead
- Snead
- Sontag
- Spackman
- Spindler
- Spivak
- Spivak
- Springer
- Stefansson
- Stirling
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stoddard
- Stoller
- Suid
- Suleri
- Tagg
- Taureg
- Taussig
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Telotte
- Torgovnick
- Trask
- Troy
- Trutat
- Turner
- Valladares
- Vallois
- Vialle
- Volkman
- Walker
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Weatherford
- Weatherford
- Weiner
- Wells
- West
- White
- Wiener
- Williams
- Winston
- Worth
- Wray
- Wright
- Xert
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1996
- Field of study
Gestures of Self-Protection
- Author
- Abu-Lughod
- Adorno
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Ames
- Anderson
- Armes
- Asch
- Aschenbrenner
- Astre
- Azoulay
- Azoulay
- Azoulay
- Baele
- Baker
- Baldwin
- Baldwin
- Balibar
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Bambara
- Bann
- Banta
- Barnouw
- Barsam
- Barthes
- Baudrillard
- Bazin
- Beausoleil
- Beausoleil
- Beausoleil
- Behlmer
- Belin
- Bender
- Benjamin
- Benjamin
- Bennett
- Berillon
- Beylie
- Bhabha
- Bhabha
- Bhabha
- Biesele
- Bilby
- Blanckaert
- Blet
- Bloom
- Boas
- Bocquet-Appel
- Bogle
- Boullet
- Bradford
- Braun
- Braun
- Broca
- Brownlow
- Burden
- Burden
- Burden
- Calder-Marshall
- Canguilhem
- Cantrill
- Canudo
- Capitan
- Carby
- Carr
- Carroll
- Carroll
- Cartwright
- Cartwright
- Catalog. Exhibition
- Chapman
- Charcot
- Charnov
- Chiozzi
- Chiozzi
- Churchill
- Clifford
- Clifford
- Cohen
- Comte
- Comte
- Comte
- Conolly
- Conrad
- Cooper
- Corliss
- Couvares
- Crary
- Curtis
- Dalle Vacche
- Danzker
- Danzker
- Darmon
- Dash
- De Brigard
- De Brigard
- De Heusch
- de Lauretis
- de Mortillet
- Demeney
- Diawara
- Diawara
- Doane
- Doyle
- Dubois
- Duchet
- Dunlop
- D’Anglure
- Edwards
- Ellis
- Fabian
- Fanon
- Fanon
- Farnsworth
- Feldman
- Fienup-Riordan
- Fisher
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flury
- Folkmar
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fox
- François-Franck
- Frizot
- Frizot
- Fung
- FĂ©lix
- Gabriel
- Gabriel
- Geary
- Geary
- Geertz
- Gidley
- Gilman
- Ginsburg
- Ginzburg
- Goldner
- Gottesman
- Gould
- Greene
- Greenhalgh
- Greenhalgh
- Grierson
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Grimes
- Gruber
- Guillemin
- Hall
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hanson
- Haraway
- Haraway
- Harper
- Harris
- Heermann
- Heider
- Hellenbrand
- Heller
- Hendrick
- Herbert
- Hilton-Simpson
- Hinsley
- Hinsley
- Hinsley
- Hoberman
- Hollier
- Holm
- Holmes
- Honour
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hussey
- Hutton
- Imperato
- Institut fĂĽr den wissenschaftlichen Film
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jameson
- Jameux
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jordan
- Jordanova
- Kalb
- Kaufman
- Kavanaugh
- Kincaid
- Kincaid
- Kinney
- Kracauer
- Kroeber
- Krouse
- Krouse
- Kucklick
- Kuhn
- Kuntzel
- Kuper
- Lajard
- Lajard
- Latour
- Lears
- Leiris
- Lennes
- Leprohon
- Liotard
- Loos
- Lyman
- Lyon
- LĂ©vi-Strauss
- LĂ©vy
- MacDougall
- MacDougall
- Mainardi
- Malinowski
- Malinowski
- Marcus
- Marey
- Marey
- Marey
- Marey
- Mark
- Marks
- Martinez
- Masayesva
- Matthiessen
- Mauss
- Mayne
- McBride
- McInroy
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mercer
- Michaelis
- Miller
- Minh-ha
- Mitchell
- Mitman
- Mohanty
- Mohanty
- Montandon
- Morrison
- Mould
- Mudimbe
- Mudimbe
- Mulvey
- Museum
- Museum
- Musser
- Méliès
- Naipaul
- Neale
- Nichols
- Niver
- Noguès
- Nordau
- Nye
- Ollier
- Orwell
- Owusu
- O’Reilly
- Peary
- Peary
- Perry
- Pines
- Pitseolak
- Poe
- Pollman
- Powell
- Pratt
- Preloran
- Prins
- Proctor
- Pöch
- Rafael
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Renaud
- Riaille
- Richer
- Rogin
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Root
- Rose
- Rosen
- Rosen
- Rosenbaum
- Rotha
- Rotha
- Rouch
- Rouch
- Rouch
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Rupp-Eisenreich
- Rydell
- Sadoul
- Said
- Sale
- Sanders
- Sawchuk
- Scherer
- Schneider
- Schoedsack
- Schor
- Schwartz
- Seeleye
- Segal
- Sekula
- Senungetuk
- Sherwood
- Shohat
- Silverman
- Smith
- Smith
- Snead
- Snead
- Sontag
- Spackman
- Spindler
- Spivak
- Spivak
- Springer
- Stefansson
- Stirling
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stoddard
- Stoller
- Suid
- Suleri
- Tagg
- Taureg
- Taussig
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Telotte
- Torgovnick
- Trask
- Troy
- Trutat
- Turner
- Valladares
- Vallois
- Vialle
- Volkman
- Walker
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Weatherford
- Weatherford
- Weiner
- Wells
- West
- White
- Wiener
- Williams
- Winston
- Worth
- Wray
- Wright
- Xert
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1996
- Field of study
The Writing of Race in Film
- Author
- Abu-Lughod
- Adorno
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Ames
- Anderson
- Armes
- Asch
- Aschenbrenner
- Astre
- Azoulay
- Azoulay
- Azoulay
- Baele
- Baker
- Baldwin
- Baldwin
- Balibar
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Bambara
- Bann
- Banta
- Barnouw
- Barsam
- Barthes
- Baudrillard
- Bazin
- Beausoleil
- Beausoleil
- Beausoleil
- Behlmer
- Belin
- Bender
- Benjamin
- Benjamin
- Bennett
- Berillon
- Beylie
- Bhabha
- Bhabha
- Bhabha
- Biesele
- Bilby
- Blanckaert
- Blet
- Bloom
- Boas
- Bocquet-Appel
- Bogle
- Boullet
- Bradford
- Braun
- Braun
- Broca
- Brownlow
- Burden
- Burden
- Burden
- Calder-Marshall
- Canguilhem
- Cantrill
- Canudo
- Capitan
- Carby
- Carr
- Carroll
- Carroll
- Cartwright
- Cartwright
- Catalog. Exhibition
- Chapman
- Charcot
- Charnov
- Chiozzi
- Chiozzi
- Churchill
- Clifford
- Clifford
- Cohen
- Comte
- Comte
- Comte
- Conolly
- Conrad
- Cooper
- Corliss
- Couvares
- Crary
- Curtis
- Dalle Vacche
- Danzker
- Danzker
- Darmon
- Dash
- De Brigard
- De Brigard
- De Heusch
- de Lauretis
- de Mortillet
- Demeney
- Diawara
- Diawara
- Doane
- Doyle
- Dubois
- Duchet
- Dunlop
- D’Anglure
- Edwards
- Ellis
- Fabian
- Fanon
- Fanon
- Farnsworth
- Feldman
- Fienup-Riordan
- Fisher
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flury
- Folkmar
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fox
- François-Franck
- Frizot
- Frizot
- Fung
- FĂ©lix
- Gabriel
- Gabriel
- Geary
- Geary
- Geertz
- Gidley
- Gilman
- Ginsburg
- Ginzburg
- Goldner
- Gottesman
- Gould
- Greene
- Greenhalgh
- Greenhalgh
- Grierson
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Grimes
- Gruber
- Guillemin
- Hall
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hanson
- Haraway
- Haraway
- Harper
- Harris
- Heermann
- Heider
- Hellenbrand
- Heller
- Hendrick
- Herbert
- Hilton-Simpson
- Hinsley
- Hinsley
- Hinsley
- Hoberman
- Hollier
- Holm
- Holmes
- Honour
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hussey
- Hutton
- Imperato
- Institut fĂĽr den wissenschaftlichen Film
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jameson
- Jameux
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jordan
- Jordanova
- Kalb
- Kaufman
- Kavanaugh
- Kincaid
- Kincaid
- Kinney
- Kracauer
- Kroeber
- Krouse
- Krouse
- Kucklick
- Kuhn
- Kuntzel
- Kuper
- Lajard
- Lajard
- Latour
- Lears
- Leiris
- Lennes
- Leprohon
- Liotard
- Loos
- Lyman
- Lyon
- LĂ©vi-Strauss
- LĂ©vy
- MacDougall
- MacDougall
- Mainardi
- Malinowski
- Malinowski
- Marcus
- Marey
- Marey
- Marey
- Marey
- Mark
- Marks
- Martinez
- Masayesva
- Matthiessen
- Mauss
- Mayne
- McBride
- McInroy
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mercer
- Michaelis
- Miller
- Minh-ha
- Mitchell
- Mitman
- Mohanty
- Mohanty
- Montandon
- Morrison
- Mould
- Mudimbe
- Mudimbe
- Mulvey
- Museum
- Museum
- Musser
- Méliès
- Naipaul
- Neale
- Nichols
- Niver
- Noguès
- Nordau
- Nye
- Ollier
- Orwell
- Owusu
- O’Reilly
- Peary
- Peary
- Perry
- Pines
- Pitseolak
- Poe
- Pollman
- Powell
- Pratt
- Preloran
- Prins
- Proctor
- Pöch
- Rafael
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Renaud
- Riaille
- Richer
- Rogin
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Root
- Rose
- Rosen
- Rosen
- Rosenbaum
- Rotha
- Rotha
- Rouch
- Rouch
- Rouch
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Rupp-Eisenreich
- Rydell
- Sadoul
- Said
- Sale
- Sanders
- Sawchuk
- Scherer
- Schneider
- Schoedsack
- Schor
- Schwartz
- Seeleye
- Segal
- Sekula
- Senungetuk
- Sherwood
- Shohat
- Silverman
- Smith
- Smith
- Snead
- Snead
- Sontag
- Spackman
- Spindler
- Spivak
- Spivak
- Springer
- Stefansson
- Stirling
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stoddard
- Stoller
- Suid
- Suleri
- Tagg
- Taureg
- Taussig
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Telotte
- Torgovnick
- Trask
- Troy
- Trutat
- Turner
- Valladares
- Vallois
- Vialle
- Volkman
- Walker
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Weatherford
- Weatherford
- Weiner
- Wells
- West
- White
- Wiener
- Williams
- Winston
- Worth
- Wray
- Wright
- Xert
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1996
- Field of study
Seeing Anthropology
- Author
- Abu-Lughod
- Adorno
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Ames
- Anderson
- Armes
- Asch
- Aschenbrenner
- Astre
- Azoulay
- Azoulay
- Azoulay
- Baele
- Baker
- Baldwin
- Baldwin
- Balibar
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Bambara
- Bann
- Banta
- Barnouw
- Barsam
- Barthes
- Baudrillard
- Bazin
- Beausoleil
- Beausoleil
- Beausoleil
- Behlmer
- Belin
- Bender
- Benjamin
- Benjamin
- Bennett
- Berillon
- Beylie
- Bhabha
- Bhabha
- Bhabha
- Biesele
- Bilby
- Blanckaert
- Blet
- Bloom
- Boas
- Bocquet-Appel
- Bogle
- Boullet
- Bradford
- Braun
- Braun
- Broca
- Brownlow
- Burden
- Burden
- Burden
- Calder-Marshall
- Canguilhem
- Cantrill
- Canudo
- Capitan
- Carby
- Carr
- Carroll
- Carroll
- Cartwright
- Cartwright
- Catalog. Exhibition
- Chapman
- Charcot
- Charnov
- Chiozzi
- Chiozzi
- Churchill
- Clifford
- Clifford
- Cohen
- Comte
- Comte
- Comte
- Conolly
- Conrad
- Cooper
- Corliss
- Couvares
- Crary
- Curtis
- Dalle Vacche
- Danzker
- Danzker
- Darmon
- Dash
- De Brigard
- De Brigard
- De Heusch
- de Lauretis
- de Mortillet
- Demeney
- Diawara
- Diawara
- Doane
- Doyle
- Dubois
- Duchet
- Dunlop
- D’Anglure
- Edwards
- Ellis
- Fabian
- Fanon
- Fanon
- Farnsworth
- Feldman
- Fienup-Riordan
- Fisher
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flury
- Folkmar
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fox
- François-Franck
- Frizot
- Frizot
- Fung
- FĂ©lix
- Gabriel
- Gabriel
- Geary
- Geary
- Geertz
- Gidley
- Gilman
- Ginsburg
- Ginzburg
- Goldner
- Gottesman
- Gould
- Greene
- Greenhalgh
- Greenhalgh
- Grierson
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Grimes
- Gruber
- Guillemin
- Hall
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hanson
- Haraway
- Haraway
- Harper
- Harris
- Heermann
- Heider
- Hellenbrand
- Heller
- Hendrick
- Herbert
- Hilton-Simpson
- Hinsley
- Hinsley
- Hinsley
- Hoberman
- Hollier
- Holm
- Holmes
- Honour
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hussey
- Hutton
- Imperato
- Institut fĂĽr den wissenschaftlichen Film
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jameson
- Jameux
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jordan
- Jordanova
- Kalb
- Kaufman
- Kavanaugh
- Kincaid
- Kincaid
- Kinney
- Kracauer
- Kroeber
- Krouse
- Krouse
- Kucklick
- Kuhn
- Kuntzel
- Kuper
- Lajard
- Lajard
- Latour
- Lears
- Leiris
- Lennes
- Leprohon
- Liotard
- Loos
- Lyman
- Lyon
- LĂ©vi-Strauss
- LĂ©vy
- MacDougall
- MacDougall
- Mainardi
- Malinowski
- Malinowski
- Marcus
- Marey
- Marey
- Marey
- Marey
- Mark
- Marks
- Martinez
- Masayesva
- Matthiessen
- Mauss
- Mayne
- McBride
- McInroy
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mercer
- Michaelis
- Miller
- Minh-ha
- Mitchell
- Mitman
- Mohanty
- Mohanty
- Montandon
- Morrison
- Mould
- Mudimbe
- Mudimbe
- Mulvey
- Museum
- Museum
- Musser
- Méliès
- Naipaul
- Neale
- Nichols
- Niver
- Noguès
- Nordau
- Nye
- Ollier
- Orwell
- Owusu
- O’Reilly
- Peary
- Peary
- Perry
- Pines
- Pitseolak
- Poe
- Pollman
- Powell
- Pratt
- Preloran
- Prins
- Proctor
- Pöch
- Rafael
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
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- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
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- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
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- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Renaud
- Riaille
- Richer
- Rogin
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Root
- Rose
- Rosen
- Rosen
- Rosenbaum
- Rotha
- Rotha
- Rouch
- Rouch
- Rouch
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Rupp-Eisenreich
- Rydell
- Sadoul
- Said
- Sale
- Sanders
- Sawchuk
- Scherer
- Schneider
- Schoedsack
- Schor
- Schwartz
- Seeleye
- Segal
- Sekula
- Senungetuk
- Sherwood
- Shohat
- Silverman
- Smith
- Smith
- Snead
- Snead
- Sontag
- Spackman
- Spindler
- Spivak
- Spivak
- Springer
- Stefansson
- Stirling
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stoddard
- Stoller
- Suid
- Suleri
- Tagg
- Taureg
- Taussig
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Telotte
- Torgovnick
- Trask
- Troy
- Trutat
- Turner
- Valladares
- Vallois
- Vialle
- Volkman
- Walker
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Weatherford
- Weatherford
- Weiner
- Wells
- West
- White
- Wiener
- Williams
- Winston
- Worth
- Wray
- Wright
- Xert
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1996
- Field of study
Taxidermy and Romantic Ethnography
- Author
- Abu-Lughod
- Adorno
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Ames
- Anderson
- Armes
- Asch
- Aschenbrenner
- Astre
- Azoulay
- Azoulay
- Azoulay
- Baele
- Baker
- Baldwin
- Baldwin
- Balibar
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Bambara
- Bann
- Banta
- Barnouw
- Barsam
- Barthes
- Baudrillard
- Bazin
- Beausoleil
- Beausoleil
- Beausoleil
- Behlmer
- Belin
- Bender
- Benjamin
- Benjamin
- Bennett
- Berillon
- Beylie
- Bhabha
- Bhabha
- Bhabha
- Biesele
- Bilby
- Blanckaert
- Blet
- Bloom
- Boas
- Bocquet-Appel
- Bogle
- Boullet
- Bradford
- Braun
- Braun
- Broca
- Brownlow
- Burden
- Burden
- Burden
- Calder-Marshall
- Canguilhem
- Cantrill
- Canudo
- Capitan
- Carby
- Carr
- Carroll
- Carroll
- Cartwright
- Cartwright
- Catalog. Exhibition
- Chapman
- Charcot
- Charnov
- Chiozzi
- Chiozzi
- Churchill
- Clifford
- Clifford
- Cohen
- Comte
- Comte
- Comte
- Conolly
- Conrad
- Cooper
- Corliss
- Couvares
- Crary
- Curtis
- Dalle Vacche
- Danzker
- Danzker
- Darmon
- Dash
- De Brigard
- De Brigard
- De Heusch
- de Lauretis
- de Mortillet
- Demeney
- Diawara
- Diawara
- Doane
- Doyle
- Dubois
- Duchet
- Dunlop
- D’Anglure
- Edwards
- Ellis
- Fabian
- Fanon
- Fanon
- Farnsworth
- Feldman
- Fienup-Riordan
- Fisher
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flury
- Folkmar
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fox
- François-Franck
- Frizot
- Frizot
- Fung
- FĂ©lix
- Gabriel
- Gabriel
- Geary
- Geary
- Geertz
- Gidley
- Gilman
- Ginsburg
- Ginzburg
- Goldner
- Gottesman
- Gould
- Greene
- Greenhalgh
- Greenhalgh
- Grierson
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Grimes
- Gruber
- Guillemin
- Hall
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hanson
- Haraway
- Haraway
- Harper
- Harris
- Heermann
- Heider
- Hellenbrand
- Heller
- Hendrick
- Herbert
- Hilton-Simpson
- Hinsley
- Hinsley
- Hinsley
- Hoberman
- Hollier
- Holm
- Holmes
- Honour
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hussey
- Hutton
- Imperato
- Institut fĂĽr den wissenschaftlichen Film
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jameson
- Jameux
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jordan
- Jordanova
- Kalb
- Kaufman
- Kavanaugh
- Kincaid
- Kincaid
- Kinney
- Kracauer
- Kroeber
- Krouse
- Krouse
- Kucklick
- Kuhn
- Kuntzel
- Kuper
- Lajard
- Lajard
- Latour
- Lears
- Leiris
- Lennes
- Leprohon
- Liotard
- Loos
- Lyman
- Lyon
- LĂ©vi-Strauss
- LĂ©vy
- MacDougall
- MacDougall
- Mainardi
- Malinowski
- Malinowski
- Marcus
- Marey
- Marey
- Marey
- Marey
- Mark
- Marks
- Martinez
- Masayesva
- Matthiessen
- Mauss
- Mayne
- McBride
- McInroy
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mercer
- Michaelis
- Miller
- Minh-ha
- Mitchell
- Mitman
- Mohanty
- Mohanty
- Montandon
- Morrison
- Mould
- Mudimbe
- Mudimbe
- Mulvey
- Museum
- Museum
- Musser
- Méliès
- Naipaul
- Neale
- Nichols
- Niver
- Noguès
- Nordau
- Nye
- Ollier
- Orwell
- Owusu
- O’Reilly
- Peary
- Peary
- Perry
- Pines
- Pitseolak
- Poe
- Pollman
- Powell
- Pratt
- Preloran
- Prins
- Proctor
- Pöch
- Rafael
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Renaud
- Riaille
- Richer
- Rogin
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Root
- Rose
- Rosen
- Rosen
- Rosenbaum
- Rotha
- Rotha
- Rouch
- Rouch
- Rouch
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Rupp-Eisenreich
- Rydell
- Sadoul
- Said
- Sale
- Sanders
- Sawchuk
- Scherer
- Schneider
- Schoedsack
- Schor
- Schwartz
- Seeleye
- Segal
- Sekula
- Senungetuk
- Sherwood
- Shohat
- Silverman
- Smith
- Smith
- Snead
- Snead
- Sontag
- Spackman
- Spindler
- Spivak
- Spivak
- Springer
- Stefansson
- Stirling
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stoddard
- Stoller
- Suid
- Suleri
- Tagg
- Taureg
- Taussig
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Telotte
- Torgovnick
- Trask
- Troy
- Trutat
- Turner
- Valladares
- Vallois
- Vialle
- Volkman
- Walker
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Weatherford
- Weatherford
- Weiner
- Wells
- West
- White
- Wiener
- Williams
- Winston
- Worth
- Wray
- Wright
- Xert
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1996
- Field of study
Time and Redemption in the “Racial Film” of the 1920s and 1930s
- Author
- Abu-Lughod
- Adorno
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Ames
- Anderson
- Armes
- Asch
- Aschenbrenner
- Astre
- Azoulay
- Azoulay
- Azoulay
- Baele
- Baker
- Baldwin
- Baldwin
- Balibar
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Balikci
- Bambara
- Bann
- Banta
- Barnouw
- Barsam
- Barthes
- Baudrillard
- Bazin
- Beausoleil
- Beausoleil
- Beausoleil
- Behlmer
- Belin
- Bender
- Benjamin
- Benjamin
- Bennett
- Berillon
- Beylie
- Bhabha
- Bhabha
- Bhabha
- Biesele
- Bilby
- Blanckaert
- Blet
- Bloom
- Boas
- Bocquet-Appel
- Bogle
- Boullet
- Bradford
- Braun
- Braun
- Broca
- Brownlow
- Burden
- Burden
- Burden
- Calder-Marshall
- Canguilhem
- Cantrill
- Canudo
- Capitan
- Carby
- Carr
- Carroll
- Carroll
- Cartwright
- Cartwright
- Catalog. Exhibition
- Chapman
- Charcot
- Charnov
- Chiozzi
- Chiozzi
- Churchill
- Clifford
- Clifford
- Cohen
- Comte
- Comte
- Comte
- Conolly
- Conrad
- Cooper
- Corliss
- Couvares
- Crary
- Curtis
- Dalle Vacche
- Danzker
- Danzker
- Darmon
- Dash
- De Brigard
- De Brigard
- De Heusch
- de Lauretis
- de Mortillet
- Demeney
- Diawara
- Diawara
- Doane
- Doyle
- Dubois
- Duchet
- Dunlop
- D’Anglure
- Edwards
- Ellis
- Fabian
- Fanon
- Fanon
- Farnsworth
- Feldman
- Fienup-Riordan
- Fisher
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flury
- Folkmar
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fox
- François-Franck
- Frizot
- Frizot
- Fung
- FĂ©lix
- Gabriel
- Gabriel
- Geary
- Geary
- Geertz
- Gidley
- Gilman
- Ginsburg
- Ginzburg
- Goldner
- Gottesman
- Gould
- Greene
- Greenhalgh
- Greenhalgh
- Grierson
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Grimes
- Gruber
- Guillemin
- Hall
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hanson
- Haraway
- Haraway
- Harper
- Harris
- Heermann
- Heider
- Hellenbrand
- Heller
- Hendrick
- Herbert
- Hilton-Simpson
- Hinsley
- Hinsley
- Hinsley
- Hoberman
- Hollier
- Holm
- Holmes
- Honour
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hurston
- Hussey
- Hutton
- Imperato
- Institut fĂĽr den wissenschaftlichen Film
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacknis
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jameson
- Jameux
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jordan
- Jordanova
- Kalb
- Kaufman
- Kavanaugh
- Kincaid
- Kincaid
- Kinney
- Kracauer
- Kroeber
- Krouse
- Krouse
- Kucklick
- Kuhn
- Kuntzel
- Kuper
- Lajard
- Lajard
- Latour
- Lears
- Leiris
- Lennes
- Leprohon
- Liotard
- Loos
- Lyman
- Lyon
- LĂ©vi-Strauss
- LĂ©vy
- MacDougall
- MacDougall
- Mainardi
- Malinowski
- Malinowski
- Marcus
- Marey
- Marey
- Marey
- Marey
- Mark
- Marks
- Martinez
- Masayesva
- Matthiessen
- Mauss
- Mayne
- McBride
- McInroy
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mead
- Mercer
- Michaelis
- Miller
- Minh-ha
- Mitchell
- Mitman
- Mohanty
- Mohanty
- Montandon
- Morrison
- Mould
- Mudimbe
- Mudimbe
- Mulvey
- Museum
- Museum
- Musser
- Méliès
- Naipaul
- Neale
- Nichols
- Niver
- Noguès
- Nordau
- Nye
- Ollier
- Orwell
- Owusu
- O’Reilly
- Peary
- Peary
- Perry
- Pines
- Pitseolak
- Poe
- Pollman
- Powell
- Pratt
- Preloran
- Prins
- Proctor
- Pöch
- Rafael
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Regnault
- Renaud
- Riaille
- Richer
- Rogin
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Rony
- Root
- Rose
- Rosen
- Rosen
- Rosenbaum
- Rotha
- Rotha
- Rouch
- Rouch
- Rouch
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Rupp-Eisenreich
- Rydell
- Sadoul
- Said
- Sale
- Sanders
- Sawchuk
- Scherer
- Schneider
- Schoedsack
- Schor
- Schwartz
- Seeleye
- Segal
- Sekula
- Senungetuk
- Sherwood
- Shohat
- Silverman
- Smith
- Smith
- Snead
- Snead
- Sontag
- Spackman
- Spindler
- Spivak
- Spivak
- Springer
- Stefansson
- Stirling
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stocking
- Stoddard
- Stoller
- Suid
- Suleri
- Tagg
- Taureg
- Taussig
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Telotte
- Torgovnick
- Trask
- Troy
- Trutat
- Turner
- Valladares
- Vallois
- Vialle
- Volkman
- Walker
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Weatherford
- Weatherford
- Weiner
- Wells
- West
- White
- Wiener
- Williams
- Winston
- Worth
- Wray
- Wright
- Xert
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1996
- Field of study