997 research outputs found

    Innate Antiviral Response: Role in HIV-1 Infection

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    As an early response to infection, cells induce a profile of the early inflammatory proteins including antiviral cytokines and chemokines. Two families of transcriptional factors play a major role in the transcriptional activation of the early inflammatory genes: The well-characterized family of NFkB factors and the family of interferon regulatory factors (IRF). The IRFs play a critical role in the induction of type I interferon (IFN) and chemokine genes, as well as genes mediating antiviral, antibacterial, and inflammatory responses. Type I IFNs represent critical components of innate antiviral immunity. These proteins not only exert direct antiviral effects, but also induce maturation of dendritic cells (DC), and enhance functions of NK, T and B cells, and macrophages. This review will summarize the current knowledge of the mechanisms leading to the innate antiviral response with a focus on its role in the regulation of HIV-1 infection and pathogenicity. We would like this review to be both historical and a future perspective

    IRF-5 - A New Link to Autoimmune Diseases

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    Antiviral Activity of Innate Immune Protein ISG15

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    The host innate immune response, including the production of type-I IFN, represents the primary line of defense against invading viral pathogens. Of the hundreds of IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs) discovered to date, ISG15 was one of the first identified and shown to encode a ubiquitin-like protein that functions, in part, as a modifier of protein function. Evidence implicating ISG15 as an innate immune protein with broad-spectrum antiviral activity continues to accumulate rapidly. This review will summarize recent findings on the innate antiviral activity of ISG15, with a focus on the interplay between ubiquitination and ISGylation pathways resulting in modulation of RNA virus assembly/budding. Indeed, ubiquitination is known to be proviral for some RNA viruses, whereas the parallel ISGylation pathway is known to be antiviral. A better understanding of the antiviral activities of ISG15 will enhance our fundamental knowledge of host innate responses to viral pathogens and may provide insight useful for the development of novel therapeutic approaches designed to enhance the immune response against such pathogens

    Social Innovation and CoCreation through Design: utilising natural resources to facilitate sustainable development

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    The study and practice of design is deeply rooted in culture and tradition, establishing resilience through its proven methods and producing robustness in the continual development of knowledge and skills. This research explores the value of co-creative design methods within rural communities as a means to motivate and empower while contributing to new ways of thinking, doing, and understanding sustainability in design practice. Through observational studies, qualitative insights and participatory design methods, this research examines the challenges faced by the rural women of β€˜Gudiya Village’ in Indore, India, where design skills are tested to promote sustainable development through use of natural building materials, resources and techniques. The main focus of the research expands on the role of co-creative practice in disrupting the hegemonic position of design, leading towards and promoting the fluidity in knowledge transfer and exchange. This paper provides a discussion of how design practice and knowledge are influenced by cultural traditions while, in turn, informing new perspectives for cultural production through the symbiotic relationship between designers and communities of practice. The role of design, to educate and empower, is presented as a framework for future designers, researchers and co-creators to embed cultural and sustainable practices as part of shifting resilience into robustness

    Expression profiling of mammalian microRNAs uncovers a subset of brain-expressed microRNAs with possible roles in murine and human neuronal differentiation

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    BACKGROUND: The microRNAs (miRNAs) are an extensive class of small noncoding RNAs (18 to 25 nucleotides) with probable roles in the regulation of gene expression. In Caenorhabditis elegans, lin-4 and let-7 miRNAs control the timing of fate specification of neuronal and hypodermal cells during larval development. lin-4, let-7 and other miRNA genes are conserved in mammals, and their potential functions in mammalian development are under active study. RESULTS: In order to identify mammalian miRNAs that might function in development, we characterized the expression of 119 previously reported miRNAs in adult organs from mouse and human using northern blot analysis. Of these, 30 miRNAs were specifically expressed or greatly enriched in a particular organ (brain, lung, liver or skeletal muscle). This suggests organ- or tissue-specific functions for miRNAs. To test if any of the 66 brain-expressed miRNAs were present in neurons, embryonal carcinoma cells were treated with all-trans-retinoic acid to promote neuronal differentiation. A total of 19 brain-expressed miRNAs (including lin-4 and let-7 orthologs) were coordinately upregulated in both human and mouse embryonal carcinoma cells during neuronal differentiation. The mammalian ortholog of C. elegans lin-28, which is downregulated by lin-4 in worms via 3' untranslated region binding, was also repressed during neuronal differentiation of mammalian embryonal carcinoma cells. Mammalian lin-28 messenger RNAs contain conserved predicted binding sites in their 3' untranslated regions for neuron-expressed miR-125b (a lin-4 ortholog), let-7a, and miR-218. CONCLUSIONS: The identification of a subset of brain-expressed miRNAs whose expression behavior is conserved in both mouse and human differentiating neurons implicates these miRNAs in mammalian neuronal development or function
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