26 research outputs found

    On the use of metamodeling for modeling and analysis of the radar response of forests

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    Dans ce travail, une nouvelle approche de conduite des observations radar de la forĂȘt est proposĂ©e. Elle combine des mĂ©thodes statistiques pour l’analyse de sensibilitĂ© et les plans d’expĂ©riences numĂ©riques sĂ©quentiels et un code de calcul simulant la rĂ©trodiffusion d’une forĂȘt en vue de l’élaboration d’un modĂšle approchĂ© (mĂ©tamodĂšle) Ă  moindre coĂ»t numĂ©rique. L’introduction de ces outils mathĂ©matiques a pour objectif d’aider Ă  la planification et Ă  l’exĂ©cution des simulations radar et Ă  l’organisation et l’analyse de leurs rĂ©sultats. D’une part, les techniques de l’analyse de sensibilitĂ© sont appliquĂ©es afin de classer par ordre d’importance les paramĂštres d’entrĂ©e du modĂšle et d’identifier les paramĂštres de la forĂȘt les plus significatifs ainsi que leurs effets sur le signal radar. D’autre part, la construction d’un mĂ©tamodĂšle adaptable accĂ©lĂšre le code de calcul, en prĂ©servant la physique du phĂ©nomĂšne. Le cadre opĂ©rationnel de ce modĂšle approchĂ© sert finalement Ă  introduire le principe du radar cognitif dans notre stratĂ©gie. Dans ce cas, une analyse rapide du signal reçu est nĂ©cessaire pour concevoir, en temps rĂ©el, le nouveau signal Ă  Ă©mettre. De cette façon, les observations du radar simulĂ©es incluent en temps rĂ©el l’effet de l’environnement illuminĂ© grĂące aux simulations plus rapides et ciblĂ©es.In this work, a new approach to conduct the radar observations of forests is proposed. It combines statistical methods for sensitivity analysis and adaptive design of simulation experiments and a numerical code simulating the the forest backscattering for the use of a approximate model (metamodel) with less computational cost. The introduction of these mathematical tools has as an objective to assist the design and the execution of radar simulations and at the organization and the analysis of their results. On the one hand, the sensitivity analysis techniques were applied in order to classify the input parameters by means of their importance and to identify the most significant forest parameters as well as their effects on the radar signal. On the other hand, the construction of an adaptive metamodel accelerates the simulation model, while keeping the physics of the phenomenom. The operational frame of this approximate model serves finally in the introduction of the cognitive radar principle in our strategy. In that case, a fast analysis of the received signal is necessary to design, in real time, the new signal to be emitted. That way, the simulated radar observations take into account in real time the effect of the illuminated environment, thanks to the more focused and fast simulations

    Gender roles and implicit causality

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    Sentence interpretation is crucial for a complete understanding of one another. Past research has discovered a phenomenon termed implicit causality, which is the person or thing that is viewed as the cause of the action of a sentence. Current research suggests that gender and social power can act to moderate causal attributions (LaFrance, Brownell, & Hahn, 1997). The present study was a conceptual replication of LaFrance et al., but accounted for a methodological issue of their study. Participants were asked to complete 48 partial sentences with an explanation for the action that occurred. The findings suggested that the social power and the placement of the names within the experimental sentences resulted in differing causal attributions.Thesis (M.A.)Department of Psychological Scienc

    De l'utilisation de mĂ©ta-modĂšles pour la modĂ©lisation et l'analyse de la rĂ©ponse radar des forĂȘts

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    In this work, a new approach to conduct the radar observations of forests is proposed. It combines statistical methods for sensitivity analysis and adaptive design of simulation experiments and a numerical code simulating the the forest backscattering for the use of a approximate model (metamodel) with less computational cost. The introduction of these mathematical tools has as an objective to assist the design and the execution of radar simulations and at the organization and the analysis of their results. On the one hand, the sensitivity analysis techniques were applied in order to classify the input parameters by means of their importance and to identify the most significant forest parameters as well as their effects on the radar signal. On the other hand, the construction of an adaptive metamodel accelerates the simulation model, while keeping the physics of the phenomenom. The operational frame of this approximate model serves finally in the introduction of the cognitive radar principle in our strategy. In that case, a fast analysis of the received signal is necessary to design, in real time, the new signal to be emitted. That way, the simulated radar observations take into account in real time the effect of the illuminated environment, thanks to the more focused and fast simulations.Dans ce travail, une nouvelle approche de conduite des observations radar de la forĂȘt est proposĂ©e. Elle combine des mĂ©thodes statistiques pour l’analyse de sensibilitĂ© et les plans d’expĂ©riences numĂ©riques sĂ©quentiels et un code de calcul simulant la rĂ©trodiffusion d’une forĂȘt en vue de l’élaboration d’un modĂšle approchĂ© (mĂ©tamodĂšle) Ă  moindre coĂ»t numĂ©rique. L’introduction de ces outils mathĂ©matiques a pour objectif d’aider Ă  la planification et Ă  l’exĂ©cution des simulations radar et Ă  l’organisation et l’analyse de leurs rĂ©sultats. D’une part, les techniques de l’analyse de sensibilitĂ© sont appliquĂ©es afin de classer par ordre d’importance les paramĂštres d’entrĂ©e du modĂšle et d’identifier les paramĂštres de la forĂȘt les plus significatifs ainsi que leurs effets sur le signal radar. D’autre part, la construction d’un mĂ©tamodĂšle adaptable accĂ©lĂšre le code de calcul, en prĂ©servant la physique du phĂ©nomĂšne. Le cadre opĂ©rationnel de ce modĂšle approchĂ© sert finalement Ă  introduire le principe du radar cognitif dans notre stratĂ©gie. Dans ce cas, une analyse rapide du signal reçu est nĂ©cessaire pour concevoir, en temps rĂ©el, le nouveau signal Ă  Ă©mettre. De cette façon, les observations du radar simulĂ©es incluent en temps rĂ©el l’effet de l’environnement illuminĂ© grĂące aux simulations plus rapides et ciblĂ©es

    L’agora : terrain Nannopoulos

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    Pariente Anne, Piteros Christos. L’agora : terrain Nannopoulos. In: Bulletin de correspondance hellĂ©nique. Volume 133, livraison 2, 2009. pp. 581-595

    La observaciĂłn electoral como mecanismo de participaciĂłn ciudadana: alcances y limitaciones

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    Este texto explica quĂ© es, en quĂ© consiste y cĂłmo surge la observaciĂłn electoral, cuĂĄles fueron las prĂĄcticas sociales que impulsaron este mecanismo de participaciĂłn, cuĂĄles han sido los logros obtenidos y sus limitaciones. Explica el papel que desempeñó esta modalidad de ejercicio de ciudadanĂ­a, tanto en las elecciones de 1994 y en la ulterior alternancia del gobierno federal en el año 2000, asĂ­ como el papel que ha tenido en las reformas electorales en MĂ©xico. Plantea, por Ășltimo, algunas consideraciones en torno a la situaciĂłn actual de la observaciĂłn electoral. Palabras clave: ObservaciĂłn Electoral, ParticipaciĂłn Ciudadana, Elecciones, Reformas PolĂ­tico-Electorales Abstract This paper explains election observation: what it is, what it is about and how it emerges; what were the social practices that contributed to this sharing mechanism and what have been its achievements and limitations. It also explains the role played by this type of exercise in citizenship, in the 1994 elections and the subsequent alternation of the federal government in 2000 and the role played in electoral reforms in Mexico. Finally, it poses some considerations about the current status of election observation. Keywords: Election Observation, Citizen Participation, eEections, Political and Electoral Reforms RĂ©sumé Ce texte explique en quoi consiste et comment surgit l’observation Ă©lectorale, quelles ont Ă©tĂ© les pratiques sociales qui ont impulsĂ© ces mĂ©canismes de participation, quels ont Ă©tĂ© ses succĂšs et ses limites. Il explique le rĂŽle qu’a jouĂ© cette modalitĂ© de participation citoyenne, tant lors des Ă©lections de 1994 comme dans celles ultĂ©rieures qui ont abouti Ă  l'alternance du pouvoir au gouvernement fĂ©dĂ©ral, en 2000, ainsi que le rĂŽle qu’elle a tenu dans les rĂ©formes Ă©lectorales, au Mexique. Finalement, il dĂ©veloppe quelques considĂ©rations sur l'Ă©tat actuel de l’observation Ă©lectorale. Mots-clĂ©s: Observation Électorale, Participation Citoyenne, Élections, RĂ©forme Politique et Électoral

    A. Le terrain Nannopoulos

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    Pariente Anne, Piteros Christos. A. Le terrain Nannopoulos. In: Bulletin de correspondance hellénique. Volume 128-129, livraison 2.1, 2004. pp. 806-827