14 research outputs found

    Cinema Home

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    Dada la coyuntura actual, es decir, la crisis por la pandemia por covid - 19, y a consecuencia de ello, el aislamiento social. Muchos de los negocios se han visto afectados, siendo uno de ellos, el sector de entretenimiento, específicamente el que involucra la proyección de contenido audiovisual. Muchas de las películas, eventos, obras, conciertos, entre otros a suscitar entre los años 2020 y 2021 se han visto afectadas y por lo tanto, postergadas. Por esta razón, nace el proyecto “Cinema Home”, esta idea de negocio se basa en implementar un servicio de alquiler de equipos de proyección y accesorios complementarios, los cuales serán de fácil uso y acceso para el hogar. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo fundamental, ofrecer al usuario una alternativa distinta en la experiencia en tamaño de imagen, sonido y que el público disfrute de un momento agradable y de distracción junto a sus amigos o familiares. Por lo tanto, el presente informe tiene como objetivo demostrar la viabilidad de este proyecto a partir de una serie de experimentos que nos permitirán medir el interés de nuestros clientes potenciales. Todo ello, a partir de identificar los aspectos fundamentales de nuestro servicio a partir del desarrollo de la herramienta de Business Model Canvas y un estudio de mercado.Given the current situation, that is, the crisis due to the covid-19 pandemic, and as a consequence, social isolation. Many of the businesses have been affected, one of them being the entertainment sector, specifically the one that involves the projection of audiovisual content. Many of the films, events, plays, concerts, among others to arouse between 2020 and 2021 have been affected and therefore postponed. For this reason, the "Cinema Home" project was born, this business idea is based on implementing a rental service for projection equipment and complementary accessories, which will be easy to use and access for the home. The main objective of this project is to offer the user a different alternative in terms of image size, sound and that the public enjoy a pleasant and distracting moment with their friends or family. Therefore, this report aims to demonstrate the feasibility of this project based on a series of experiments that will allow us to measure the interest of our potential clients. All this, from identifying the fundamental aspects of our service from the development of the Business Model Canvas tool and a market study.Trabajo de investigació

    Influence of landscape characteristics on carnivore diversity and abundance in Mediterranean farmland

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    Predation is increasingly pointed out as one of the factors contributing to population declines of groundnesting farmland birds, though it remains poorly understood how ongoing transformations of agricultural landscapes affect predator assemblages. This study addressed this issue, estimating the contribution of landscape composition and configuration to spatial variation in species richness and abundances of mammalian carnivores across a gradient of agricultural intensification in southern Portugal. The carnivore assemblage was diverse (10 species), but it was largely dominated by just three widespread and abundant species of generalist predators: domestic dog (Canis familiaris), red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon). The number of domestic carnivore species and the abundance of cats (Felis catus) increased along with farmland occupation by human dwellings, whereas dogs were not responsive to landscape variables. The species richness of wild carnivores was highest in landscapes with a patchwork of arable fields and semi-natural habitats such as forests and shrubland, though it was also high in irrigated landscapes with dense networks of irrigation channels and tree lines bordering agricultural fields. Irrigation was also positively associated with the abundance of otters (Lutra lutra) and mongooses. Cats, foxes, badgers (Meles meles), and total and wild carnivore abundances, were positively affected by increasing cover by eucalyptus and pine forest plantations. In general, results suggest that the highest diversity and abundance of carnivores in Mediterranean farmlandmay occur inmosaic landscapes with small agricultural fields, high cover by woody vegetation patches and corridors, and many human dwellings. Preventing scrub encroachment and afforestation may thus be necessary to maintain a low predation risk in open farmland habitats, which are often inhabited by ground-nesting birds of high conservation concern. Conversely, keeping shrubland and forest patches within farmed landscapes may be essential where carnivore persistence is a relevant conservation goa

    Hsa‐miR‐139‐5p is a prognostic thyroid cancer marker involved in HNRNPF‐mediated alternative splicing

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    It is critical to identify biomarkers and functional networks associated with aggressive thyroid cancer to anticipate disease progression and facilitate personalized patient management. We performed miRNome sequencing of 46 thyroid tumors enriched with advanced disease patients with a median follow-up of 96 months. MiRNome profiles correlated with tumor-specific histopathological and molecular features, such as stromal cell infiltration and tumor driver mutation. Differential expression analysis revealed a consistent hsa-miR-139-5p downexpression in primary carcinomas from patients with recurrent/metastatic disease compared to disease-free patients, sustained in paired local metastases and validated in publicly available thyroid cancer series. Exogenous expression of hsa-miR-139-5p significantly reduced migration and proliferation of anaplastic thyroid cancer cells. Proteomic analysis indicated RICTOR, SMAD2/3 and HNRNPF as putative hsa-miR-139-5p targets in our cell system. Abundance of HNRNPF mRNA, encoding an alternative splicing factor involved in cryptic exon inclusion/exclusion, inversely correlated with hsa-miR-139-5p expression in human tumors. RNA sequencing analysis revealed 174 splicing events differentially regulated upon HNRNPF repression in our cell system, affecting genes involved in RTK/RAS/MAPK and PI3K/AKT/MTOR signaling cascades among others. These results point at the hsa-miR-139-5p/HNRNPF axis as a novel regulatory mechanism associated with the modulation of major thyroid cancer signaling pathways and tumor virulence.CAM; Grant numbers: S2017/BMD-3724, TIRONET2-CM; Grant sponsor: Fundacion Cientifica Asociacion Espanola Contra el Cancer; Grant number: AIO15152858; Grant sponsor: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Accion Estrategica en Salud, cofinanciado a traves del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); Grant numbers: PI14/00240, PI17/01796S