21 research outputs found

    The relationship between drive to thinness, conscientiousness and bulimic traits during adolescence: a comparison between younger and older cases in 608 healthy volunteers

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    Adolescence represents one of the critical transitions in the life span and is characterized by a tremendous pace in growth and change that is second only to that of infancy. Both biological and psychological changes occurring during early adolescence may also influence the definition of subsequent late adolescence or early adulthood physiological or (psycho)-pathological features, including bulimia nervosa (BN) whenever occurring. Therefore, a pre-emptive assessment of suggestive psychological traits, including bulimic ones, during early and late years of adolescence, is recommended and represents the goal of the present study

    Cognitive functioning and subjective quality of life in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients before and after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty: a preliminary report

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the nervous system that has profound effects on everyday functioning and quality of life of not only the person who is diagnosed, but also her/his family and acquaintances. Despite this, the uncertainties of the actual etiological basis of MS make it difficult to reach a conclusive statement about the optimal therapeutic management of the disease, which may differ depending on the given case and phase of illness. This has led to an interest in potential novel therapeutic avenues, including percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA). Yet, evidence in support of PTA in the management of MS is scarce and contradictory. The aim of the present study was to provide a preliminary assessment as to whether PTA may impact subjective quality of life and cognitive functioning in severe MS

    Psychopathological aspects of kidney transplantation: Efficacy of a multidisciplinary team

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    Renal transplantation is a well established treatment for end-stage renal disease, allowing most patients to return to a satisfactory quality of life. Studies have identified many problems that may affect adaptation to the transplanted condition and post-operative compliance. The psychological implications of transplantation have important consequences even on strictly physical aspects. Organ transplantation is very challenging for the patient and acts as an intense stressor stimulus to which the patient reacts with neurotransmitter and endocrine-metabolic changes. Transplantation can result in a psychosomatic crisis that requires the patient to mobilize all bio-psycho-social resources during the process of adaptation to the new foreign organ which may result in an alteration in self-representation and identity, with possible psychopathologic repercussions. These reactions are feasible in mental disorders, e.g., post-traumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorder, and psychosomatic disorders. In organ transplantation, the fruitful collaboration between professionals with diverse scientific expertise, calls for both a guarantee for mental health and greater effectiveness in challenging treatments for a viable association between patients, family members and doctors. Integrated and multidisciplinary care should include uniform criteria and procedures for standard assessments, for patient autonomy, adherence to therapy, new coping strategies and the adoption of more appropriate lifestyles

    Psychological perspective of medication adherence in transplantation

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    To identify the risk factors and the post-transplant psychological symptoms that affect adherence to therapy in a population of kidney transplant recipients

    Quality of Life and Mental Health in Kidney Transplant Recipients During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in mental distress such as phobic anxieties, depressive reactions, hypochondriac concerns, and insomnia. Among the causes are risk of infection and prolonged isolation. This study aimed to analyze psychopathological variables and dysfunctional lifestyles related to adequate therapeutic compliance in kidney transplant recipients.Methods: Eighty-nine kidney transplant recipients were evaluated using an online protocol including a questionnaire concerning habits, lifestyle and psychophysical well-being in the COVID-19 period, the Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire (MHQ) and the SF-36 Health Survey to evaluate the perception of their physical and emotional health.Results: Of these recipients, 28.6% reported changes in their emotional state. Sleep quality deteriorated for 16.1%. Anxiety (M = 5.57, r = 0.33; p < 0.05) and phobia (M = 6.28, r = 0.26; p < 0.05) correlated with concerns related to physical health. There was no negative impact on relational and socialization aspects, which were likely well compensated by the use of remote technologies such as video phone calls, Zoom meetings and use of computers (r = 0.99; r = 0.80; p < 0.05).Conclusions: It would be interesting to maintain this remote visit and interview mode to monitor, on a clinical and psychological level, kidney transplant recipients in subsequent follow-ups (12–18 months), to check for any psychopathological disorders and/or changes in their resilience capacity in the Coronavirus emergency

    Relations Between Mood States and Eating Behavior During COVID-19 Pandemic in a Sample of Italian College Students

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    The fear of contagion during the COVID-19 pandemic has been indicated as a relevant cause of psychological pathologies occurring in this period. Food represents a compensating experience, distracting from the experiences of uncertainty, fear and despair, causing alterations in eating habits and behaviors. The study aims at evaluating the relations between fear of a pandemic, mood states and eating disorders in Italian college students, taking into account gender differences. During the lockdown for the pandemic, a sample of 469 college students equally distributed by gender, was recruited online using a questionnaire including the FCV-19S for the assessment of fear of COVID-19, the profile of mood states (POMS) for the evaluation of different emotional states, the eating disorder inventory-2 (EDI-2) and the binge eating scale (BES) to evaluate the presence of the levels of eating disorders. As expected, all emotive states measured by POMS (tension, depression, anger, tiredness, confusion) resulted significantly correlated with the fear of COVID-19. Women were more exposed to fear of COVID-19 showing greater tension, fatigue, depression and confusion, and a significantly higher total mood disturbance score than males. Regarding the EDI-2 and BES variables, tension and anxiety resulted significantly correlated also with bulimic behavior, while depression with interoceptive awareness, impulsivity, and binge eating behaviors, without gender differences. In conclusion, the negative impact of the fear of COVID-19 on the emotional profile and eating behavior suggests the need to implement strategies against psychological distress during the pandemic emergency, and to design psycho-educational interventions aimed at modifying the lifestyle for preventing risks of mental disorders fostering health-oriented behaviors

    Comparison of the CBA-H and SF-36 for the screening of the psychological and behavioural variables in chronic dialysis patients

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    The aim of the study was to perform an analysis of the emotional reactions, perception of stressful life and behavioural changes related to Haemodialysis (HD) in order to identify those variables that can improve lifestyle and the adherence to treatment. Some psycho- metric assessment, such as the Cognitive Behavioural Assessment, Hospital Form, (CBA- H) and the Health Survey (SF-36), which provides two indexes: the Physical Component Score (PCS) and the Mental Component Score (MCS), are suitable to assess a patient’s psychological and behavioural style and their health-related quality of life. The study involved 37 Italian out-patients with end-stage renal disease under HD therapy. We calcu- lated the Spearman correlation between variables of CBA-H, SF-36, age and time on HD. We also performed a multivariate linear regression using the CBA-H variables as predictors and PCS and MCS as dependent variables. From the CBA-H, 95% of participants self- reported psychological characteristics comparable to Type A personality, which identifies an anxious, hyperactive and hostile subject. Physical limitations were found to be directly pro- portional to the time on dialysis (rs = -0.42). The condition of perceived stress worsens the state of mental health (rs = -0.68) and general health perception (rs = -0.44). The condition of vital exhaustion correlates both the PCS and the MCS (p<0.01) with possible outcomes of physical and mental illness. The psychological wellbeing of a dialyzed patient could be due to the combination of several factors, including life parameters, the positive perception of psychosocial outcomes, and the perceived quality of life. A multidisciplinary team (neurolo- gists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and nurses) is essential to plan effective psychological and psychotherapeutic interventions to improve a mind-body integration

    Ruolo ed efficacia di un team multidisciplinare nel percorso psicologico e terapeutico del trapianto renale

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    Il trapianto renale costituisce il miglior trattamento terapeutico per la malattia renale cronica, permettendo alla maggior parte dei pazienti il ritorno ad una qualità di vita soddisfacente. La letteratura ha identificato alcuni aspetti problematici che possono influenzare l'adattamento alla condizione di trapiantato e la compliance post-operatoria. Le implicazioni psicologiche dei soggetti trapiantati hanno conseguenze importanti anche sul piano strettamente fisico. Il trapianto d organo rappresenta per il paziente un compito di straordinario impegno che agisce come uno stimolo stressogeno intenso a cui l organismo reagisce con modificazioni neurotrasmettitoriali ed endocrino-metaboliche. L esperienza del trapianto può anche configurare una crisi psicosomatica che richiede al paziente la mobilitazione di tutte le sue risorse biopsicosociali nel processo di adattamento al nuovo organo estraneo, il quale può determinare un'alterazione della rappresentazione di sè e del senso di identità, con possibili ripercussioni psicopatologiche. Il presente lavoro documenta l importanza di prevedere e programmare, ai fini di una migliore riabilitazione post-trapianto e in virtù degli evidenti rischi di psicopatologia, lo sviluppo di interventi interdisciplinari, uno dei compiti socio-sanitari e psicoterapici essenziali, senza i quali l adattamento successivo al trapianto potrebbe risultare difficile e con ripercussioni inevitabili sulla qualità della vita di tutti i soggetti coinvolti