5 research outputs found

    Staphylococcus epidermidis is a safer surrogate of Staphylococcus aureus in testing bacterial filtration efficiency of face masks

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    Face masks play a role in reducing the spread of airborne pathogens, providing that they have a good filtration performance, are correctly fitted and maintained. Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) is a key indicator for evaluating filtration performance according to both European and US standards, requiring the use of Staphylococcus aureus loaded aerosol. However, the generation and handling of a Biohazard group 2 bacterium aerosol require a careful management of the biological risk and pose limitations to the accessibility to this method. To mitigate these drawbacks, we investigated the use of S. epidermidis ATCC 12228, a Biohazard group 1 bacterium, as surrogate in BFE test. To this end, tests with the surrogate strain were performed to tune the method. Then, three face mask models, representative for both surgical and community masks, were tested according to the standard method and then using an aerosolized suspension of S. epidermidis. BFE% values were calculated for each mask model and tested microorganisms. Results showed that BFE test can be performed using the S. epidermidis instead of S. aureus, preserving results validity and turnaround time, but reducing residual risk for laboratory operators

    Non-exhaust traffic emissions: Sources, characterization, and mitigation measures

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    Non-exhaust emissions (NEE) of particulate matter (PM) from brake, tyre, road pavement and railway wear, as well as resuspension of already deposited road dust, account for up to 90% by mass of total traffic-related PM emitted. This review aims at analysing the current knowledge on road traffic NEE regarding sources, particle generation processes, chemical and physical characterization, and mitigation strategies. The literature on this matter often presents highly variable and hardly comparable results due to the heterogeneity of NEE sources and the absence of standardized sampling and measurement protocols. As evidence, emission factors (EFs) were found to range from 1 mg km-1 veh-1 to 18.5 mg km-1 veh-1 for brake wear, and from 0.3 mg km-1 veh-1 to 7.4 mg km-1 veh-1 for tyre wear. Resuspended dust, which varies in even wider ranges (from 5.4 mg km-1 veh-1 to 330 mg km-1 veh-1 for cars), is considered the prevailing NEE source. The lack of standardized monitoring approaches resulted in the impossibility of setting international regulations to limit NEE. Therefore, up until now the abatement of NEE has only been achieved by mitigation and prevention strategies. However, the effectiveness of these measures still needs to be improved and further investigated. As an example, mitigation strategies, such as street washing or sweeping, proved effective in reducing PM levels, but only in the short term. The replacement of internal combustion engines vehicles with electric ones was instead proposed as a prevention strategy, but there are still concerns regarding the increase of NEE deriving from the extra weight of the batteries. The data reported in this review highlighted the need for future studies to broaden their research area, and to focus not only on the standardization of methods and the introduction of regulations, but also on improving already existing technologies and mitigating strategies

    Iniezione di particelle ferrose per la bonifica di sistemi acquiferi: studio sperimentale su modelli di laboratorio di larga scala

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    L’impiego di micro e nanoparticelle (mZVI e nZVI) a base di ferro zerovalente per la bonifica in situ di acquiferi contaminati è stato fino ad oggi limitato da problemi legati alla stabilità colloidale e mobilità in falda di tali sospensioni. In questo studio viene testato l’uso di un gel viscoelastico, costituito da una miscela di due biopolimeri, come agente stabilizzante per l’ottimizzazione dell’iniezione di mZVI in sistemi acquiferi. Lo studio è stato supportato sia da prove di trasporto in colonna sia da test di iniezione realizzate all’interno di un setup sperimentale a simmetria radiale, che ha consentito di riprodurre in laboratorio condizioni operative simili a quelle riscontrate sul campo. Il gel si è dimostrato molto efficace nella stabilizzazione dell’mZVI, migliorandone notevolmente l’iniettabilità e la mobilità in mezzi porosi. Il comportamento della sospensione in geometria radiale è stato quindi simulato con successo tramite il software MNMs 2018, che si è dimostrato quindi uno strumento di supporto utile nella progettazione di interventi di nanoremediation

    Injection of Zerovalent Iron Gels for Aquifer Nanoremediation: Lab Experiments and Modeling

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    One of the main technical problems faced during field-scale injections of iron microparticles (mZVI) for groundwater nanoremediation is related to their poor colloidal stability and mobility in porous media. In this study, a shear-thinning gel, composed of a mixture of two environmentally friendly biopolymers, i.e., guar gum and xanthan gum, was employed to overcome these limitations. The slurry rheology and particle mobility were characterized by column transport tests. Then, a radial transport experiment was performed to mimic the particle delivery in more realistic conditions. The gel, even at a low polymeric content (1.75 g/L), proved effective in enhancing the mobility of high concentrated mZVI suspensions (20 g/L) in field-like conditions. The high radius of influence (73 cm) and homogeneous iron distribution were achieved by maintaining a low injection overpressure (<0.4 bar). Based only on the information derived from column tests, the MNMs 2018 software (Micro- and Nanoparticle transport, filtration, and clogging Model-Suite) was able to predict the particle distribution and pressure build-up measured in the radial domain. Experimental and simulated results showed good agreement, thus proving that a simplified experimental-modeling procedure based on 1D column tests could be used to effectively upscale the slurry behavior to more representative scales, e.g., radial domains