27 research outputs found

    An optimal bound for nonlinear eigenvalues and torsional rigidity on domains with holes

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    In this paper we prove an optimal upper bound for the first eigenvalue of a Robin-Neumann boundary value problem for the p-Laplacian operator in domains with convex holes. An analogous estimate is obtained for the corresponding torsional rigidity problem

    A saturation phenomenon for a nonlinear nonlocal eigenvalue problem

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    Given 1q21\le q \le 2 and αR\alpha\in\mathbb R, we study the properties of the solutions of the minimum problem λ(α,q)=min{11u2dx+α11uq1udx2q11u2dx,uH01(1,1),u≢0}. \lambda(\alpha,q)=\min\left\{\dfrac{\displaystyle\int_{-1}^{1}|u'|^{2}dx+\alpha\left|\int_{-1}^{1}|u|^{q-1}u\, dx\right|^{\frac2q}}{\displaystyle\int_{-1}^{1}|u|^{2}dx}, u\in H_{0}^{1}(-1,1),\,u\not\equiv 0\right\}. In particular, depending on α\alpha and qq, we show that the minimizers have constant sign up to a critical value of α=αq\alpha=\alpha_{q}, and when α>αq\alpha>\alpha_{q} the minimizers are odd

    Convex Symmetrization for Anisotropic Elliptic Equations with a lower order term

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    We use "generalized" version of total variation, coarea formulas, isoperimetric inequalities to obtain sharp estimates for solutions (and for their gradients) to anisotropic elliptic equations with a lower order term, comparing them with the solutions to the convex symmetrized ones.Comment: 16 page

    A nonlocal anisotropic eigenvalue problem

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    We determine the shape which minimizes, among domains with given measure, the first eigenvalue of the anisotropic laplacian perturbed by an integral of the unknown function. Using also some properties related to the associated \lq\lq twisted\rq\rq problem, we show that, this problem displays a \emph{saturation} phenomenon: the first eigenvalue increases with the weight up to a critical value and then remains constant.Comment: 18 page

    Sharp estimates for the first pp-Laplacian eigenvalue and for the pp-torsional rigidity on convex sets with holes

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    We study, in dimension n2n\geq2, the eigenvalue problem and the torsional rigidity for the pp-Laplacian on convex sets with holes, with external Robin boundary conditions and internal Neumann boundary conditions. We prove that the annulus maximizes the first eigenvalue and minimizes the torsional rigidity when the measure and the external perimeter are fixed.Comment: 17 page

    On the second Dirichlet eigenvalue of some nonlinear anisotropic elliptic operators

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    Let Ω\Omega be a bounded open set of Rn\mathbb R^{n}, n2n\ge 2. In this paper we mainly study some properties of the second Dirichlet eigenvalue λ2(p,Ω)\lambda_{2}(p,\Omega) of the anisotropic pp-Laplacian Qpu:=div(Fp1(u)Fξ(u)), -\mathcal Q_{p}u:=-\textrm{div} \left(F^{p-1}(\nabla u)F_\xi (\nabla u)\right), where FF is a suitable smooth norm of Rn\mathbb R^{n} and p]1,+[p\in]1,+\infty[. We provide a lower bound of λ2(p,Ω)\lambda_{2}(p,\Omega) among bounded open sets of given measure, showing the validity of a Hong-Krahn-Szego type inequality. Furthermore, we investigate the limit problem as p+p\to+\infty

    Sharp estimates for the first Robin eigenvalue of nonlinear elliptic operators

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    The aim of this paper is to obtain optimal estimates for the first Robin eigenvalue of the anisotropic pp-Laplace operator, namely: \begin{equation*} \lambda_1(\beta,\Omega)=\min_{\psi\in W^{1,p}(\Omega)\setminus\{0\} } \frac{\displaystyle\int_\Omega F(\nabla \psi)^p dx +\beta \displaystyle\int_{\partial\Omega}|\psi|^pF(\nu_{\Omega}) d\mathcal H^{N-1} }{\displaystyle\int_\Omega|\psi|^p dx}, \end{equation*} where p]1,+[p\in]1,+\infty[, Ω\Omega is a bounded, mean convex domain in RN\mathcal R^{N}, νΩ\nu_{\Omega} is its Euclidean outward normal, β\beta is a real number, and FF is a sufficiently smooth norm on RN\mathcal R^{N}. The estimates we found are in terms of the first eigenvalue of a one-dimensional nonlinear problem, which depends on β\beta and on geometrical quantities associated to Ω\Omega. More precisely, we prove a lower bound of λ1\lambda_{1} in the case β>0\beta>0, and a upper bound in the case β<0\beta<0. As a consequence, we prove, for β>0\beta>0, a lower bound for λ1(β,Ω)\lambda_{1}(\beta,\Omega) in terms of the anisotropic inradius of Ω\Omega and, for β<0\beta<0, an upper bound of λ1(β,Ω)\lambda_{1}(\beta,\Omega) in terms of β\beta.Comment: 24 page