27 research outputs found

    ATLAS detector and physics performance: Technical Design Report, 1

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    Новый способ выделения компонентов эфирного масла из плодов фенхеля обыкновенного

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    The aim of the work was to prove experimentally the possibility of extraction of main essential oil components from the Foe-niculum vulgare Mill. fruits by perfluoro organic solvents Novec 1230 and Novec 7100. Materials and methods. For study purposes, we used Foeniculum vulgare Mill. fruits with particle fraction of 0.1-0.5 mm. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of extracts were carried out by GC-MS and RP-HPLC methods. Two methods of extraction were used: simple maceration, plant raw material / solvent ratio 1:10 w/v, temperature 24±1 °С, maceration time 24 hours; circulation method: plant raw material / solvent ratio 1:5 w/v, solvent circulation time from 1 to 5 hours. Results and discussion. During maceration, the highest yield of anethole was observed in n-hexane, 96±4%, and in solvent Novec 7100, 94±4%, whereas in solvent Novec 1230, the yield of anethole was three times less, 28±2%. Solvents Novec 7100/1230 extracted identical compounds, and trans-anethole was the dominant one among them. The yield of anethole within two hours of solvent circulation was up to 82±4% for Novec 7100, and 89±4% for Novec 1230. Conclusions. The possibility of extraction of main components of essential oil from the plant raw material with perfluoro organic solvents Novec 1230/7100 by the example of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. fruits was experimentally tested. It was determined that the level of solvent molecule fluorination influenced its extraction properties with respect to anethole and fatty oil.Цель исследования - экспериментально проверить возможность экстракции основных компонентов эфирного масла из плодов фенхеля обыкновенного с помощью перфторорганических растворителей Novec 1230/7100. Показано, что при мацерации наибольший выход анетола наблюдался в н-гексан (96±4%) и в растворитель Novec 7100 (94±4%), при этом в растворитель Novec 1230 переходило в три раза меньше анетола (28±2%). В растворители Novec 1230/7100 переходят идентичные вещества, причем транс-анетол среди них доминирует. Выход анетола за два часа циркуляции растворителя достигал 82±4% (Novec 7100) и 89±4% (Novec 1230). Экспериментально проверена адекватность выдвигаемой рабочей гипотезы о возможности экстракции основных компонентов эфирного масла из эфиромасличного растительного сырья с помощью перфторорганических растворителей Novec 1230/7100 на примере плодов фенхеля обыкновенного. Обнаружено, что степень фторированности молекулы растворителя влияет на его экстракционные свойства в отношении анетола и жирного масла

    The spectrum of pharmacological activity of different groups of natural compounds of laurel leaves and the choice of the optimal extractant for the extraction of essential oil from them [Спектр фармакологической активности разных групп природных соединений листьев лавра обыкновенного и выбор оптимального экстрагента для извлечения эфирного масла из них]

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    Background: Laurel noble - Laurus nobilis L., a plant whose leaves are widely used in cooking and are used in folk medicine. L. nobilis L. leaves contain more than 80 volatile components, represented mainly by monocyclic monoterpenes. The identification of more and more new therapeutic properties of the plant testifies to its incompletely undisclosed therapeutic potential. However, despite the impressive therapeutic potential of the plant, it is not used in domestic scientific medicine. The aim of the study: To describe the spectrum of types of pharmacological activity of L. nobilis L. and selection of the optimal extractant for the extraction of essential oil from the leaves of the object under study. Materials and methods: Laurel leaves were used as the test material. The essential oil from the leaves was obtained by extraction with freons, which are methoxynonafluorobutane and fluoroketone. The extractant for comparison was n-hexane. The method of studying essential oils was chromatography-mass spectrometry. Chromatography was performed on a gas chromatograph - mass spectrometer - GCMS-QP2010 Ultra, Shimadzu, Japan. Ionization is carried out in the electronic shock mode, detection by the total ionic current (SCAN) in the programmed temperature mode. Results: According to the literature, the essential oil of L. nobilis L. leaves have a pronounced antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Polyphenolic compounds of L. nobilis L. leaves are represented by flavonoids, derivatives of kaempferol and quercetin. It is believed that flavonoids are responsible for hypoglycemic, insular protective, antioxidant effects. The results of chromatography showed that the essential oil is represented mainly by 12 compounds, the dominant of which were 1.8-cineole (eucalyptol), alpha-terpenyl acetate and methyleugenol. During chromatography, it was also found that the optimal extractant is methoxynonafluorobutane, which extracts terpenoids with the highest yield. The prospects of using freons as agents for obtaining essential oil from laurel leaves have been shown. The composition of the essential oil isolated by freons from the leaves of laurel was determined by the method of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results of chromatography showed that in the obtained freon extracts, 1.8-cineole (eucalyptol), alpha-terpenyl acetate and methyleugenol were dominant, which is close in composition to the native essential oil, according to literature data. Conclusion: The prospects of using freons as agents for extracting essential oil from L. nobilis L. leaves were shown. During chromatography, it was found that the optimal extractant is methoxynonafluorobutane, which extracts volatile components with the highest yield compared to fluoroketone and n-hexane; in addition, methoxyfluorobutane is non-toxic compared to n-hexane. © 2020 Smart Agriculture. All rights reserved

    Comprehensive studies for development of galenicals with antimicrobial activity from hypericum perforatum L. Herb

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    This article describes the development galenicals with antimicrobial activity from Hypericum perforatum L. herb. Based on the working hypotheses, we developed a mathematical model. Its adequacy was verified experimentally, and it was noted that the working hypotheses suggested were not disapproved. Carrying out microbiological studies, we found that the maximum level of ethanol-water extract’s antimicrobial activity was observed in the samples obtained with ethanol 72 and 97 % v/v. It was determined that the level of antimicrobial activity of ethanol-water extracts (1:5 w/v) with ethanol 72 and 97 % v/v was equal to that of reference drug «Chlorhexidine bigluconate water solution 0.05 %». It was found that using the filtration method of extraction for one hour, it is possible to obtain the liquid extract (1:1 w/v) with the concentration of dry residue that equals 13.0 ± 0.7 w/v, and in two hours, we can obtain the tincture (1:5 w/o) with the yield of main biologically active substances more than 90 %. The comprehensive studies conducted increase theoretical knowledge in the field of development of galenicals with antimicrobial activity from Hypericum perforatum L. herb. © 2019, Folium Ltd. All rights reserved

    Development of the technology for obtaining a thick extract from fruits of milk thistle with the stage of ultrasonic influence

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    This article presents the results of the development of technology for obtaining a thick extract of milk thistle fruits using ultrasonic treatment of plant material and extractant in the soaking stage. Materials and Methods: For the research, crushed fruits of milk thistle from “Biokor” Ltd, Penza, Russia, series 011216 were used, and the shelf life is 2 years. The particle size of the plant raw material is 0.5–1.0 mm. An aqueous solution of ethanol of 70% by volume was used as an extractant. Ultrasonic influence on the plant material and extractant were carried out under the following conditions: “Bandelin SONOPULS HD 3200” installation, ultrasonic frequency of 20 kHz, sound system of extracting system 5, 10, and 15 min, emitter power 280 W, and temperature 25°С. Results and its Discussion: It was found that with the ultrasonic treatment of raw materials and extractant in the soaking stage, the output of the phalavolignan complex almost doubles. To achieve the maximum concentration of flavonolignans in the extract, 5 min of ultrasound exposure to a mixture of raw material and extractant. Conclusions: The application of ultrasound at the stage of soaking plant material in the technology of obtaining a thick extract from the fruits of milk thistle is justified. It was shown that under the proposed conditions for extraction of flavonolignans from milk thistle, ultrasound promoted an increase in the yield of flavonolignans from plant raw materials and did not adversely affect these biologically active substances in the extract

    Results of study dealing with antimicrobial activity of model gel mixtures for dental use with juniper essential oil

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    Background: In the last decade the incidence of periodontal disease has increased many times, and, according to data from WHO, it has become a global problem. In Russia 98.5% of those examined have periodontal disease. Currently, there is a shortage of locally produced medical remedies for the treatment of periodontal diseases. This situation creates a need for their pharmaceutical development. Aim: To study the antimicrobialactivity of model gel mixtures for dental use, with juniper essential oil as the final stage, in the development of a new soft dosage form for dental use. Materials and methods: Model samples of gel with apple pectin and gel with carbomer 934 were obtained. Antimicrobial activity was determined according to GPI. “Determination of the antimicrobial activity of antibiotics by agar diffusion”. Results: All samples showed an acceptable degree of antimicrobial activity, however developed gel samples turned out to be priority in comparison with the market drug. Conclusion: It was established that the developed samples have moderate and high antibacterial activity in relation to the studied microorganism strains and a more pronounced biocidal effect than the reference drug – Metrogil-Dent gel. © 2020, Advanced Scientific Research. All rights reserved

    Study of plants of genus stachys on the example of Betonicaofficinalisl. Within the scientific course “pharmaceutical remake”

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    The paper describes a retrospective analysis of the use of common betony in traditional and modern medicine. The Stachys plants have not been used in modern domestic medicine yet. Therefore, based on the historical experience of the use of common betony in traditional medicine, we have emphasized its value as a plant with high therapeutic potential. In this study, we used the so-called “Pharmaceutical remake”, intended to revive interest in the now-forgotten objects of flora, which were previously widely used in medicine. The polyphenol structure of betony grass was studies with the use of the reverse-phase and graduate elution high-performance liquid chromatography. The presence of glycosides of diosmin, acacetin, luteolin and apigenin was established. The grass also contains hydroxycinnamic acids such as chlorogenic and rosemary acids, with the latter dominating in the polyphenol complex. The composition of plant terpenes in a hexane extraction has been studied by gas-liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection. It was determined that the terpenoid composition of betony is mainly represented by sesquiterpens: aromadendrene and germacrene, and monoterpenes: 3-carene and dihydrocarveol. © 2016, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved

    Study of baicalin hydrolysis kinetics in the process of its extraction from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi roots

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the kinetics of baicalin hydrolysis in the process of its extraction from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi roots. Materials and methods. For the studies, Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi roots with a particle range of mm were used. The method of extraction was a simple maceration during a specified period of time, the ratio of plant raw material : extractant was 1:10 w/v at the temperature of 24±1°C. Baicalin and baicalein contents were analyzed by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP HPLC) at the analytical wavelength of 275 nm. The extractant was a water solution of ethanol 26, 43, 59, 72, 81, 97±1% v/v. The time of the extraction was from 1 to 24 hours. Results. The experimental points of dependency of baicalin concentration in the extract on the time of extraction for ethanol solutions with a concentration of 43 and 72% v/v are closely approximated by a linear equation in coordinates lnC=f(t). The value of determination coefficient is more than R2>0,99. Half lifetime for baicalin has been calculated: for ethanol with the concentration of 43% v/v it is 4.3±0.7 hours, and for ethanol with the concentration of 72% v/v it is 42.3±1.8 hours. Conclusion. Baicalin hydrolysis kinetics in the process of its extraction from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi roots with 43 and 72% v/v ethanol concentration. has been studied. It has been established that the process of baicalin hydrolysis is well described by the first order kinetic equation. The constants of baicalin hydrolysis during its extraction from Scutelaria baicalensis roots with ethanol having different concentrations have been calculated. Recommendations on technology optimization for baicalin or baicalein extraction from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi roots have been given. © 2019 Volgograd State Medical University, Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute. All rights reserved

    Разработка галеновых препаратов с антимикробной активностью из травы зверобоя продырявленного

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    This article describes the development galenicals with antimicrobial activity from Hypericum perforatum L. herb. Based on the working hypotheses, we developed a mathematical model. Its adequacy was verified experimentally, and it was noted that the working hypotheses suggested were not disapproved. Carrying out microbiological studies, we found that the maximum level of ethanol-water extract’s antimicrobial activity was observed in the samples obtained with ethanol 72 and 97 % v/v. It was determined that the level of antimicrobial activity of ethanol-water extracts (1:5 w/v) with ethanol 72 and 97 % v/v was equal to that of reference drug «Chlorhexidine bigluconate water solution 0.05 %». It was found that using the filtration method of extraction for one hour, it is possible to obtain the liquid extract (1:1 w/v) with the concentration of dry residue that equals 13.0 ± 0.7 w/v, and in two hours, we can obtain the tincture (1:5 w/o) with the yield of main biologically active substances more than 90 %. The comprehensive studies conducted increase theoretical knowledge in the field of development of galenicals with antimicrobial activity from Hypericum perforatum L. herb.Описаны комплексные исследования в области разработки галеновых препаратов с антимикробной активностью из травы зверобоя продырявленного. Обнаружено, что максимальный уровень антимикробной активности спиртоводных извлечений наблюдается у тех образцов, которые были получены при использовании этанола с концентрацией 72 и 97 об.% Уровень антимикробной активности спиртоводных извлечений (1:5 м/о) не уступает уровню активности препарата сравнения «Хлоргексидин биглюконат водный раствор 0,05 %». С помощью метода фильтрационной экстракции в течение 1 ч можно получить жидкий экстракт (1:1 м/о) с концентрацией сухого остатка 13,0 ± 0,7 % м/о, а за 2 ч можно получить настойку (1:5 м/о) с выходом основных БАВ более 90 %