2 research outputs found

    Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma of the thyroid gland: a case report and literature review = MALT linfoma della tiroide: caso clinico e revisione della letteratura

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    Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphomas are low-grade, non-Hodgkin’s B cell lymphomas, mainly occurring in the gastrointestinal tract, but also in other tissues. We describe the management of a patient with hypothyroidism, tracheoesophageal compressive symptoms and chest tightness affected by a thyroid MALT lymphoma. The patient underwent debulking thyroidectomy and temporary tracheostomy in order to reduce dysphonia and dysphagia, followed by adjuvant chemotherapy and subsequently radiation therapy. A CT scan performed at the end of radiotherapy 6 months after surgery revealed remnants of residual tissue from the thyroidectomy without any pathological findings. I linfomi MALT sono dei linfomi non-Hodgkin a cellule B a basso grado che in genere insorgono a livello del tratto gastrointestinale, ma anche in altri tessuti. Descriviamo in questo articolo il management clinico-chirurgico di un paziente con ipotiroidismo, sintomi da compressione tracheo-esofagea e senso di oppressione toracica, affetto da linfoma MALT della tiroide. Il paziente è stato sottoposto a parziale asportazione della massa tiroidea e tracheostomia allo scopo di ridurre i sintomi compressivi ed in seguito a trattamento chemioterapico e radioterapico. L’esame TC effettuato una volta conclusa la radioterapia, circa 6 mesi dopo l’intervento, ha evidenziato gli esiti della tiroidectomia parziale in assenza di altri reperti patologici

    Tumore cistico pancreatico trattato mediante splenopancreasectomia distale con riscontro occasionale di neoplasia neuroendocrina

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    INTRODUCTION: Cystic and neuroendocrine pancreatic neoplasms are quite rare tumors which diagnosis is often difficult due to their non specific symptomatology and limited diagnostic accuracy of conventional diagnostic instruments. Their treatment is still controversial. CASE REPORT: A young woman is admitted with abdominal pain and dyspepsia. Instrumental diagnosis reveals a cystic pancreatic lesion which seems to be malignant as CEA of pancreatic liquid is increased. The patient undergoes distal spleno-pancreatectomy and postoperative histological examination found IPMN associated with MCN and furthermore there was occasional diagnosis of a small neuroendocrine tumor in the pancreatic tail. DISCUSSION: A correct diagnostic approach is indispensable for a correct therapeutic approach. Radical surgical treatment is indicated in all cases of main- and branch duct IPMN and in case of MCN with signs of malignant transformation. Surgical treatment is also the gold standard for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors if they are singular and in M0 stage. CONCLUSIONS: In case of cystic and neuroendocrine neoplasms of the pancreas the preoperative diagnostic approach is often not enough to obtain a definite diagnosis. Review of literature and this case report show that a definite diagnosis can only be done after postoperative histological examination. Recent prospective studies suggest the possibility for a follow up instead of surgical treatment for some neuroendocrine tumors