6 research outputs found
Ilmanvaihtojärjestelmien puhtaus ja puhdistaminen sairaaloiden vuodeosastoilla
Ilmanvaihtojärjestelmien epäpuhtaudet voivat auheuttaa sisäilmaongelmia.Työterveyslaitos, Laadukas sisäympäristö -teema, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Ympäristötieteen laitos, Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu.1
ARCH 14 - International Conference on Research on Health Care Architecture - November 19-21, 2014, Espoo, Finland - Conference Proceedings
Healthcare Architecture has grown rapidly in recent years. However, there are still many questions remaining. The commission, therefore, is to share the existing research knowledge and latest results and to carry out research projects focusing more specifically on the health care situation in a variety of contexts. The ARCH14 conference was the third conference in the series of ARCH conferences on Research on Health Care Architecture initiated by Chalmers University. It was realized in collaboration with the Nordic Research Network for Healthcare Architecture .It was a joint event between Aalto University, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) and National Institute of Health and Welfare (THL International).The conference gathered together more than 70 researchers and practitioners from across disciplines and countries to discuss the current themes
Työvalmennuksen laadun varmentaminen Jupiter-säätiössä
Opinnäytetyön päätavoitteena oli auki kirjoittaa ja koota Jupiter-säätiössä olemassa olevat laadun varmentamisen osajärjestelmät yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi sekä käynnistää säätiön valmennuksen ala-prosessien kokoamistyö Jupiter-säätiön sähköiseen toimintakäsikirjaan.
Opinnäytetyö seuraa perinteistä rakennetta; johdantokappaleessa on raamitettu opinnäytetyö (luku 1), jonka pohjalta kirjallisuuskatsaus (luvut 2-5) antoi tarvittavan tietopohjan Case-osuudelle (luvut 6-9).
Tässä opinnäytteessä tutkimusmenetelmänä on tapaustutkimus, toimintaa on vuoden ajan suunniteltu, toteutettu, havainnoitu, arvioitu ja reflektoitu, jonka jalkeen on suunniteltu uudestaan. Tapaustutkimuksen tutkimusaineistona on toiminut case-yrityksestä koottu materiaali, kuten kokouspöytäkirjat, kehittämispäivien ja -kokousten materiaaJit, toirninnan havainnointi sekä kirjallisuuskatsaus. Näiden pohjalta opinnäytteeseen koottiin laadun varmentamisen tarvittavia rakenteita sekä laadittiin konkreettisia laatuun liittyviä työkaluja. Case-yritykselle laadittiin ehdotus uudistetusta organisaatiokaaviosta jossa on säätiökohtainen prosessikartta,
laatutekniikoille selosteet ja prosessikansiot sekä työvalmennuksen alaprosesseille laadintaohjeet ja prosessikaaviomalli yksittäiselle toiminnolle.
Tässä opinnäytteessa laaditut prosessikaaviot (BSC, STL, Hyppy työelämään -hanke) sekä muokattuja osia tekstistä on sisällytetty case-organisaation lntra-jarjestelmään osana toimintakirjaa. Opinnäytteessä laaditut laadun varmentamisen ja jatkuvan para:ntamisen kuvaukset sekä muut opinnäytteessä laaditut kuvat ja kuvaukset esitellään toimitusjohtajalle, joka harkintansa mukaan määrää ne jatkomuokattavaksi ja/tai käsiteltaväksi jobtoryhmässä.The main objective of the thesis was to clarify and assemble existing subsystems and models regarding quality assurance and start the collection of existing subprocesses regarding work orientation in to Jupiter-foundations electronic operational manual.
This thesis followss traditional stracture; in the introductory chapter the ibesis is framed (chapter 1), on tbe basis of witch the litterature review (chapters 2-5) provide the necessary information base for the casepart of tbe thesis (chapters 6-9).
The research method used in this thesis was case-study. Through one year, activities was planned, implemented, observed, reflected and re-planned. The research material consisted of material from tbe case organization such as memos from different meetings, the material from development meetings & days, observation of the work done and the litterature review. From this basis quality assurance structures were assembled and concrete tools regarding quality were prepared. The case-organization were drafted a proposal renewed organization including an foundation by process map, reports and charts to the quality technics used and preparation instructions and process diagrams used in work orientation.
The process diagrams concerning STL, Balancede Scorecard and Hyppy työelämään project made during this study, is implemented in action within the case-orgamzation today. The operational models and charts concerning quality assurance and continuous improvement is to be presented at the discretion of the CEO to the management team within the case-organization
Effectiveness of digital counseling before pediatric diagnostic imaging
Purpose: To review and synthesize the available evidence on the effectiveness of preparatory digital counseling for children undergoing diagnostic imaging and their parents in terms of patient-related and imaging outcomes.
Methods: Relevant studies were identified by searching databases and gray literature resources. References from full-text articles identified in the initial search were searched manually to identify additional relevant studies. The reviewed literature included studies on children and adolescents aged 3 to 21 years, their parents, or both, who participated in digital counseling interventions before medical imaging examinations. Literature selection and quality appraisal were conducted by 2 independent reviewers. Data were extracted using standardized tools and synthesized using the narrative synthesis approach. This review was reported according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines.
Results: Five randomized controlled trials and quasi-experimental studies were included in this review. Digital counseling was provided via multiple approaches with interactive elements. Digital counseling was reported to be effective at reducing anxiety and increasing knowledge and satisfaction among children and their parents. It also appeared to reduce the need for general anesthesia and to improve the success of imaging procedures based on image quality and number of repeated images required. Digital counseling also appeared to increase children’s confidence and help them remain still during the imaging process.
Discussion: The increased knowledge from digital counseling can strengthen senses of security and self-efficacy, which are important for successful medical imaging examinations, especially in children. The digital counseling applications used in the included studies are location-independent, and children and their parents can use them as often as they want, which might help ensure the provision of sufficient counseling before procedures.
Conclusions: Digital counseling seems to be an effective method for preparing children for diagnostic imaging and a useful tool for facilitating successful medical imaging examinations of children. Because of the small number of original studies in this area, further research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of digital counseling in children’s diagnostic imaging