4 research outputs found

    Envisioning a Dream University : from the Lens of Internationalisation at Home (IaH)

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    In Irish third-level education, less than four per cent of students have traditionally benefited from an international mobility experience as part of their studies through international exchanges, Erasmus programmes, etc. (HEA, 2023). Since most students are not able to access mobility opportunities, Internationalisation at Home (IaH) helps them build their global competencies at their home institution. IaH seeks to provide international and intercultural learning to the majority who cannot take advantage of the mobility opportunities due to socio-economic, physical, or personal circumstances or a lack of interest or awareness about IaH, defined as ‘the purposeful integration of international and intercultural dimensions into the formal and informal curriculum for all students within domestic learning environments’ (Beelen & Jones, 2015). As an Irish Research Council doctoral student researching IaH in the Irish higher education context at SETU, the author presents a poster using the imagery of the SETU building, symbolising it as a dream university. This visual metaphor is depicted from the prism of IaH and encompasses international experiences for its students at their home institution campus. IaH will prepare students as future leaders to tackle global challenges that may or may not necessarily be limited to societal, environmental, economic and technological problems. The author represents key aspects of IaH across four categories bringing the canvas to life- contribution to United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, emphasis on an inclusive campus, and formal and informal curricula. These will amplify the impact in shaping global citizens that prepare students to thrive in the 21st-century world where they live and work, contributing to ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakkam’ – the world is one family

    Promoting Sustainability through Internationalisation at Home in Ireland

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    Celebrating the contribution of internationalisation towards UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this poster reflects how institutions in Ireland and globally can foster sustainability through internationalisation at home (IaH). IaH directly contributes to the three main SDGs namely SDG 4 on Quality Education, SDG 10 on Reducing Inequalities and SDG17 on Partnership for the Goals

    Promoting Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion through Internationalisation at Home in Ireland

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    This poster on 'Promoting Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion through Internationalisation at Home in Ireland' was presented at the South East Technological University Equitas - EDI in Higher Education Conference held on May 25-26, 2023. It focuses on Internationalisation at Home (IaH) and highlights the pathways in which Irish HEIs can embed IaH in third-level curricula addressing inequalities in internationalisation experiences. As student mobility remains limited to a privileged few, this poster showcases how IaH can provide inclusive international and intercultural learning opportunities for all students, irrespective of their participation in mobility programs. This research aligns with the United Nations #SDGs, emphasising our commitment to fostering global citizenship and advancing equitable education. Let's embrace diversity, promote equality, and prepare students for the global world of work, both abroad and at home in Ireland

    Pushing Boundaries through Borderless Education- The Power of Internationalisation at Home : Preparing for the Changing Context of Higher Education in Ireland

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    This poster aims to captivate a broader audience and shed light on a ground-breaking research project focused on the untapped potential of Internationalisation at Home (IaH). It explores how this innovative approach pushes the boundaries of conventional learning methods. The poster effectively utilises an 'IaH funnel' as a compelling visual metaphor to depict the research project's journey and its intended outcomes. The funnel illustrates the transformative process of integrating internationalisation into the curriculum, thereby enriching the learning experience. The impact section of the poster showcases a cup with a globe depicted as a tea bag, symbolising the infusion of internationalisation into the Irish Higher Education system. This imagery effectively conveys the positive effects and benefits that arise from embracing IaH. By disseminating the significance of IaH through this thought-provoking poster, the research team endeavors to raise awareness about the potential of borderless education and inspire a wider audience to explore new horizons in education