3 research outputs found

    Seroprevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection among pregnant women and their outcome

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    Background: Genitourinary infections either sexually transmitted or by other means are a major concern among women, particularly young adults and teens. The objective was to find out seroprevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in pregnant women and its effect on pregnancy outcome.Methods: the present study was carried out in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, King George Medical University of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, over a period of September 2003 to July 2004. Total 120 pregnant women were included in the study, these pregnant women were selected according to their will in taking part in the study irrespective of age and parity. 2 ml of blood sample was collected and determination of antichlamydial IgM antibody was done by VIRCELL SL IgM ELISA Kit in microbiology department. Prevalence of chlamydia trachomatis in pregnant women were assessed and correlated with age group, parity, socioeconomic status, previous obstetric outcome, anaemia, PROM, mode of termination according to gestational age, perinatal outcome regards birthweight, and adverse neonatal outcome.Results: Out of 120 cases, total 70 (58.33%) were positive while the remaining 50 cases were negative. 80 cases were followed till delivery in which 66.25% were positive for antichlamydial IgM antibody. There was significant association of previous history of 2-3 abortion and preterm delivery with IgM positive cases. Low birth weight deliveries were 78% and very low birth weight was 100% in positive cases. Caesarean section at <37 weeks of gestation, IUGR and low APGAR score were significantly high in IgM positive group. 100% PROM cases were IgM positive.Conclusions: The prevalence of chlamydia trachomatis infection among pregnant women in our population is high and is strongly associated with premature rupture of membranes, IUGR, LBW, and low APGAR score deliveries

    Pregnancy outcome in isolated oligohydramnios diagnosed in third trimester

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    Background: The aim of this study was to compare the outcomes of pregnancies complicated by isolated oligohydramnios with the low risk pregnancies with normal amniotic fluid volume.Methods: The present study is a retrospective cohort study of singleton pregnancies diagnosed with Isolated oligohydramnios (AFI≤5) in their third trimester (N=35). Pregnancy outcome was compared with a matched control group of low risk pregnancies with amniotic fluid volume >5 (N=30).Results: The overall incidence of Isolated oligohydramnios was 0.7-0.8%. In oligohydramnios group, significant association were found in null-parity (60% vs 23.33%, p-value<0.005), Fetal growth retardation (25.71% vs 0% p-value<0.02), preterm delivery (22.85% vs 3.33%, p-value 0.025), rate of Induction of labor (40% vs 10%) and cesarean rate for non-reassuring fetal heart rate (20% vs 3.33%, p-value<0.001). Likewise, the incidence of low birth weight was (54.28% vs 13.33%, p-value<0.001) and NICU admissions was (20% vs 0%, p-value<0.01), but there was no difference in Apgar score finding. NICU stay was of short duration and all babies discharged in stable condition, there were no stillbirth or early neonatal death in both groups.Conclusions: Isolated oligohydramnios has an adverse influence on pregnancy and neonatal outcome in the form of FGR, preterm delivery, increased rate of Induction and cesarean section. Despite the high incidence of low birth weight and NICU admissions, the overall early neonatal outcome was similar to the other low risk pregnancies

    Skin metastases in ovarian malignancy: A case report with literature review

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    Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecologic malignancy, mostly diagnosed in the advanced stage with multiple sites of metastases. Routes of spread are direct through exfoliation, lymphatic channels, and less commonly hematogenous spread. Skin metastasis in ovarian malignancy is a rare occurence, its incidence range from 1.9% to 5.1% and the most common sites are the abdominal wall and chest wall. The incidence of metastasis to breast and/or axillary lymph nodes is very rare, ranging from 0.03% to 0.6%. We report the case of a 60-year-old female with stage IV B undifferentiated ovarian carcinoma with multiple cutaneous metastases involving the skin over the left breast, scalp, and mediastinal lymph nodes, which are rare sites of metastases. The incidence of cutaneous metastasis in ovarian cancer is 1.9%–5.1% and the overall survival after diagnosis ranges from 2 to 65 months