10 research outputs found

    The Virtual Model of Deep Water Container Terminal T2 in Port Gdańsk

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    The level of education of seafarers currently depends among other things on the use of simulators in the training process. The reliability of the computer simulation depends on several factors such as own ship models or virtual training areas. Currently available software on the market allows you to edit and create virtual areas for specific manoeuvring trials. Having a faithful copy of a real basin is an important element of harbour pilots courses or in carrying out a wide range of navigational analyses. In this paper the authors describe the process of creating Container Terminal T2 at DCT Gdańsk in the simulator environment

    Methodology of Creation the Simulation Basin based on the Projected Canal through the Vistula Spit

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    The biggest problem in the process of implementation of the new sea areas project or aids to navigation systems is to check the assumptions without compromising security on real waters. Today, digital models are available for easy and inexpensive replacement of the research methods used so far. For this purpose the navigational and maneuvering simulators are perfect

    ABPP Motion Simulator Based on 3D ENC

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    A research focused on development of numerical model of a sea area destined for a motion simulator of an Autonomous Biomimetic Underwater Vehicle (ABPP) is presented in the paper. There are purpose, construction and functionality of the ABPP motion simulator generally characterized in the introduction. The first part contains description of a method of creating the sea area model based on the data included in the Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC). A method of displaying the sea area model in the ABPP motion simulator, with a use of the Open GL graphic library, is described in the second part. Finally, there are conclusions drawn from the executed research given at the end

    The use of UAVs in navigation

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    Na przestrzeni ostatnich lat nastąpił bardzo dynamiczny rozwój bezzałogowych jednostek, które są wykorzystywane niemal w każdej dziedzinie życia. W artykule przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania UAV w szeroko pojętej nawigacji, jak możemy korzystać z dronów w środowisku morskim, obserwować porty, prowadzić misje na morzu, jak robić mapy dna morskiego i jakie korzyści z dronów ma środowisko wojskowe.Over the past years, there has been a very dynamic development of unmanned aerial vehicles that are used in almost every area of life. The article presents the possibilities of using UAVs in the broadly understood navigation, how to use drones in the sea environment, observe ports, conduct missions at sea, how to make seabed maps and how drones are used in the army

    Increasing the Reliability of Simulation Tests in Navigation and Maneuvering Simulators Using the k-Epsilon Model Based on the RANS Method

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    The influence of wind on the maneuverability of sea-going vessels is a known factor limiting their maneuverability, especially in the case of very large vessels. Adverse weather conditions often limit the maneuverability of vessels or even make it impossible to enter the port. This results in longer delivery times for transported goods as well as measurable material losses for both carriers and their owners. This situation is often caused by a lack of information on differences in the prevailing weather conditions at the entrance to the port and at the seaport itself. There are simulation tools, such as the methods of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), which, after their appropriate adaptation and use in a virtual environment, have become important decision-making tools supporting the port administration when deciding about the movement of vessels. In this article, the authors present the results of research aimed at adapting one of the CFD methods for the needs of maritime navigation. The effects of the work were verified in a virtual environment and were successfully implemented in the port waters of Gdansk, Poland

    Jamming as a Threat to Navigation

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    The whole world is dependent on satellite systems as they are used in almost all fields of economic and social life, in transport, banking, industry, agriculture, etc. Thanks to the development of technology, most smartphones used everyday have been equipped with a built-in GNSS receiver, many cars with navigation systems and all vessels with GNSS receiver or a satellite compass for navigation. Systems working on similar frequencies can be used for jamming or spoofing satellite systems. Such purposeful system jamming can be damaging to users and society as a whole. This article includes a description of jamming and a presentation of one of possible receiver designs allowing for jamming signal detection. This receiver has been designed and built by the authors of the article

    Present Status And Tendencies In Docking Systems’ Development

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    The process of the ships docking, especially very large ships, is an very risky operation in confined and busy port waters. The similar difficult is the task to pass along any channel, river, strait or similar water road. The basic difficulty causes maneuvering with the great mass of the ship in situation of small space to maneuvers, the large inertia of the object and poor maneuvering properties at small speeds occurring in such circumstances. An additional factor, which make this task more difficult is the influence of the wind and the sea current on the hull of the inert ship as well as consequences of the limited visibility. The bad weather can cause the necessity to delay the maneuver. However this joins with heavy costs. An alternative is usage of systems supporting this process

    System of automatic generation of ship maneuver documentation

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    According to the definition in the resolution International Maritime Organization no A.860 (IMO 1997) navigation is the process of planning, recording, and controlling the movement of a craft from one place to another. When navi-gating in special conditions, for example, when approaching a port or in restricted areas, it is immensely important to know the vessel's maneuverability. Therefore, identifiable information must be available on each vessel. Each watch officer is required to have the necessary knowledge of both the equipment and maneuverability of his own vessel. The description and scope of the documentation containing this data are provided in IMO Resolution A.601 (IMO, 1987). The maneuver documents that must be available on the navigation bridge are Pilot Card and Wheelhouse Poster also Maneuvering Booklet. The timeliness of the data contained in the maneuver documentation significantly influences the safety of navigation. At present, the maneuver documentation is not created in an automated manner. Automation of registration and data processing process will increase the knowledge of the behavior of the own vessel. In addition, it allows to obtain maneuvering data that exceeds the parameters necessary to prepare ship documentation. Especially research carried out in various hydrometeorological conditions, enabling the assessment of the movement of the ship on the waves. These data can be used to carry out research projects related to the subject of vessel behavior analysis. That is why the authors have made an attempt to automate the registration and processing of data necessary to create documents and their continuous generation in electronic form. In this article the authors present a proprietary comput-er application that enables the achievement of the assumed goals along with checking the applications functionality on a selected type of a vessel. The correct operation of the system has been verified based on real study and simulation tests