11 research outputs found

    Potentially pathogenic yeasts from soil of children’s recreational areas in the city of Łódź (Poland)

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    Objectives: Yeasts may become potential human and animal pathogens, particularly for individuals with a depressed immune system. Their presence in the environment, especially in soil, may favour their spread into human ontocenoses. Materials and Methods: Eighty-four soil samples obtained from 21 children's recreational sites in Łódź in autumn 2010 and spring 2011 were evaluated. The yeasts were isolated by classical microbiological methods and identified on the basis of morphological and biochemical features. Results: The fungi were found in 73.8% and in 69.0% of the examined samples collected in autumn and spring, respectively. Among 97 isolates of yeasts, the species potentially pathogenic to humans and animals were Candida colliculosa, C. guilliermondii, C. humicola, C. inconspicua, C. lambica, C. lusitaniae, C. pelliculosa, C. tropicalis, Cryptococcus albidus, C. laurentii, C. neoformans, C. terreus, Kloeckera japonica, Geotrichum candidum, G. penicillatum, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, R. glutinis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Sporobolomyces salmonicolor and Trichosporon cutaneum. The most frequently isolated fungi included the genus Cryptococcus (38 isolates) and two species: Rhodotorula glutinis (15), Trichosporon cutaneum (14). C. neoformans, an etiological factor of cryptococcal meningitis, was present in the sandpits of 3 kindergartens. The Candida species were identified from park playgrounds and school sports fields mainly in autumn 2010 (14 isolates), in spring 2011 - only 1 isolate. The concentration of fungal species in particular samples varied considerably, but in the majority of samples, fungi were present at concentration of up to 1×102 CFU/1 g of soil. Conclusions: Yeasts were present in the soil of parks, schools and kindergarten recreational areas; the fact may pose a health risk to humans, especially to children, and this type of biological pollution should be regarded as a potential public health concern

    The in vitro activity of selected mouthrinses on standard strains of fungi

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    An oral cavity hygiene plays a key role in prophylactic and therapeutic measures to prevent pathological changes caused by different viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. It is important to maintain proper oral hygiene and assist the removal of potent pathogens; use of the mouthrinses can be one of method providing to these goal. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of selected mouthrinses on the standard strains of Candida presented in the oral cavity. Eight reference strains of fungi were investigated: C. albicans (CBS 2312), C. albicans (L 45), C. albicans (ATCC 24433), C. dubliniensis (CBS 7987), C. glabrata (CBS 862), C. krusei (CBS 573), C. parapsilosis (CBS 10947) and C. tropicalis (CBS 2424). Thirteen mouthrinses were used in the study, including pure chlorhexidine (CHX), and 12 commercially available varieties: Azulan, Colgate Plax Complete Care Sensitive, Corsodyl 0,2%, Curasept ADS 205, Dentosept, Dentosept A, Eludril Classic, Listerine Total care, Octenidol, Oral-B Pro-Expert Clinic Line, Sylveco and Tinctura salviae. The present study used a qualitative diffusion in agar gel-well plate method to evaluated the antifungal properties of mouthrinses. Among the 12 commercially available mouthrinses examined in the study, the following were not found to show antifungal activity: Azulan, Dentosept, Eludril Classic, Listerine Total care, Tinctura salviae. The largest inhibition zones were produced by Dentosept, Chlorhexidine and Colgate. The smallest inhibition zones were produced by Octenidol and Curasept. With regard to mouthwash type, statistically significant differences in growth inhibition zone diameter were found between the following pairs of fungi: C. albicans and C. krusei for Colgate without dilution and with 1:2 dilution; C. albicans and C. glabrata for Corsodryl without dilution and with 1:2 dilution; C. albicans and C. dubliniensis for Dentosept A without dilution; C. glabrata and C. parapsilosis with 1:2 dilution; C. dubliniensis and C. tropicalis for Sylveco without dilution, 1:2 dilution and 1:4 dilution; C. dubliniensis and C. parapsilosis for Sylveco without dilution, 1:2 dilution and 1:4 dilution. The lowest MIC values calculated from the Iinear regression equation, indicating the strongest potential activity, were obtained for Dentosept A, followed by chlorhexidine; the lowest activity, was calculated for Curasept and for Octenidol. Some of the tested mouthrinses have antimycotic properties at commercially available concentrations. In spite of the fact that chlorhexidine is thought to be the gold standard for mouthrinse use, Dentosept has stronger antimycotic activity and acts on a wider spectrum of fungi species. Chlorhexidine and Colgate do not appear to act against C. tropicalis, neither does Curaspet against C.dubliniensis; therefore, the determination of the fungus species is necessary

    Otolaryngological manifestations of leishmaniosis

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    Travel to developing countries is associated with possibility to acquire different, also parasitic, diseases which have become a diagnostic and therapeutic problem. The ENT specialist is one of the medical officers who may make initial contact with a patient with a suspected parasitic disease. One of them is leishmaniosis: a parasitic disease classified as Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD), which occurs in the tropics, subtropics and southern Europe. While asymptomatic invasion is observed in some cases, three forms of symptomatic leishmaniosis can be distinguished: cutaneous leishmaniosis (CL), visceral leishmaniosis (VL), and mucosal leishmaniosis (ML). Signs and symptoms of these forms, as well as the differential diagnosis, diagnostic procedures and treatment are presented in the paper

    Objawy otolaryngologiczne w leiszmaniozie

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    Podróże do krajów rozwijających się związane są z niebezpieczeństwem zarażenia różnymi chorobami, w tym pasożytniczymi. Schorzenia te stają się istotnym problemem diagnostycznym i terapeutycznym. Biorąc pod uwagę towarzyszące im objawy, laryngolog może być specjalistą, który jako pierwszy przystąpi do ich diagnostyki. Jedną z tych chorób może być leiszmanioza, klasyfikowana jako jedna z Tropikalnych Chorób Zaniedbanych (NTD – Neglected Tropical Disease) i występująca w strefie klimatu tropikalnego, subtropikalnego oraz Europie Południowej. W części przypadków jej przebieg jest bezobjawowy, natomiast w objawowej leiszmaniozie wyróżnia się trzy postacie: skórną (CL), trzewną (VL) i śluzówkową (ML). W pracy opisano objawy podmiotowe i przedmiotowe, różnicowanie, diagnostykę oraz leczenie poszczególnych postaci leiszmaniozy

    Otolaryngological manifestations of leishmaniosis

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    Travel to developing countries is associated with possibility to acquire different, also parasitic, diseases which have become a diagnostic and therapeutic problem. The ENT specialist is one of the medical officers who may make initial contact with a patient with a suspected parasitic disease. One of them is leishmaniosis: a parasitic disease classified as Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD), which occurs in the tropics, subtropics and southern Europe. While asymptomatic invasion is observed in some cases, three forms of symptomatic leishmaniosis can be distinguished: cutaneous leishmaniosis (CL), visceral leishmaniosis (VL), and mucosal leishmaniosis (ML). Signs and symptoms of these forms, as well as the differential diagnosis, diagnostic procedures and treatment are presented in the paper

    Leczenie grzybic górnych dróg oddechowych i ucha

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    Fungi, in comparison with other pathogenic factors, have high pathogenecity. The number of fungal species which are able to infect people is over 500. The upper respiratory tract and ear have permanent contact with external environment which makes their ontocenoses open to continuous exchange of microorganisms of which they consist. In etiology of inflammatory processes 21 species which belonging to 3 genera (Zygomycota, Asomycota, Basidiomycota) of fungi play important role. Administration of antifungal drugs can be: prophylactic, empiric preemptive and therapeutic. Physicians may prescribe antibiotics (mainly poliens: amphotericin B, natamycin and nystatin) and chemiotherapeutics (mainly azoles and fluorpirymidins, pigments, chlorhexidine and chlorquinaldol). In ENT practice topical and systemic drugs can be administrated. Topical lozenges include amphotericin B, clotrimazole, chlorhexidine or chlorquinaldol and oral gels: nystatin and miconazole. Some of drugs are in the form of suspension/solution, which can be used for inhalation, into the sinus, for swabbing or for lavage: amphotericin B, natamycin, nystatin, clotrimazol, flucytosine, miconazole, fluconazole, vorykonazole, caspofungin. It should be underlined that only a few of dugs can be absorbed from the digestive tract: flucytosine, fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, vorykonazole

    Potentially pathogenic yeasts from soil of children’s recreational areas in the city of Łódź (Poland)

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    Objectives: Yeasts may become potential human and animal pathogens, particularly for individuals with a depressed immune system. Their presence in the environment, especially in soil, may favour their spread into human ontocenoses. Materials and Methods: Eighty-four soil samples obtained from 21 children's recreational sites in Łódź in autumn 2010 and spring 2011 were evaluated. The yeasts were isolated by classical microbiological methods and identified on the basis of morphological and biochemical features. Results: The fungi were found in 73.8% and in 69.0% of the examined samples collected in autumn and spring, respectively. Among 97 isolates of yeasts, the species potentially pathogenic to humans and animals were Candida colliculosa, C. guilliermondii, C. humicola, C. inconspicua, C. lambica, C. lusitaniae, C. pelliculosa, C. tropicalis, Cryptococcus albidus, C. laurentii, C. neoformans, C. terreus, Kloeckera japonica, Geotrichum candidum, G. penicillatum, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, R. glutinis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Sporobolomyces salmonicolor and Trichosporon cutaneum. The most frequently isolated fungi included the genus Cryptococcus (38 isolates) and two species: Rhodotorula glutinis (15), Trichosporon cutaneum (14). C. neoformans, an etiological factor of cryptococcal meningitis, was present in the sandpits of 3 kindergartens. The Candida species were identified from park playgrounds and school sports fields mainly in autumn 2010 (14 isolates), in spring 2011 - only 1 isolate. The concentration of fungal species in particular samples varied considerably, but in the majority of samples, fungi were present at concentration of up to 1×102 CFU/1 g of soil. Conclusions: Yeasts were present in the soil of parks, schools and kindergarten recreational areas; the fact may pose a health risk to humans, especially to children, and this type of biological pollution should be regarded as a potential public health concern

    Knowledge on Lyme disease among foresters

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    Objectives: The first aim was an attempt to evaluate the level of knowledge on Lyme disease among people whose profession involves working in the forest; the second — recognition of the health problems that should be included in health education programmes concerning Lyme disease in this group of professionals. Materials and Methods: The study was performed on 159 subjects. Results: Only 15% know the etiological factor of disease, 98% — the main cause of infection, and route of pathogen transmission. Conclusion: Propagation of knowledge on Lyme disease, particularly among risk group people, is not satisfactory. Little knowledge on tick risk among secondary school students indicate the necessity for cooperation between teachers, epidemiologists, and health service providers in order to propagate the knowledge on parasites, symptoms, spread and methods of prevention

    Sandpits as a reservoir of potentially pathogenic fungi for children

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    Introduction and objective Fungi belonging to various physiological and morphological groups present in the environment are potential human pathogens. Some of them are considered as emerging pathogens. Therefore, their presence in children’s playgrounds should be regarded as health risk factor. Material and Methods Sixty-eight samples of sand collected from 17 sandpits of different localities in Łódź, Poland, in autumn 2010 and 2011, and in spring 2011 and 2012 were evaluated. The fungi were isolated with classical mycological methods and identified on the basis of morphological and biochemical features. Results The prevalence of fungi in spring was 94.1% of sandpits in both layers of sand (depth 0–3 cm and 10–15 cm) and in one kindergarten sandpit, but only in a deeper layer. In autumn, fungi occurred in both layers in all sandpits (100%). The fungal concentration (CFU/g of sand) varied considerably (range 0 – uncountable) in both layers. A total of 352 isolates belonging to 80 species were found. There were 69 yeasts and yeast-like fungi isolates from 12 species (9 species in each season), and 283 filamentous fungi from 68 species: 35 species in spring and 55 in autumn, with 4 keratinolytic species. There were important causes of allergies, among them Cladosporium herbarum and Alternaria alternata , as well as of opportunistic mycoses: Cryptococcus neoformans, Aspergillus fumigatus and new and ‘emerging’ fungal pathogens e.g., Trichosporon, Rhodotorula, Fusarium and Scedosporium species. Conclusions Potentially pathogenic fungi are present in the sand taken from sandpits in Łódź. This fact poses a significant threat to child health and therefore proper maintenance and periodic checking of sandpits are of great importance

    Presence of <i>Toxocara</i> spp. eggs in children’s recreation areas with varying degrees of access for animals

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    Introduction and objective The contamination, seasonal and vertical distributions of Toxocara eggs in children’s recreation areas were estimated with respect to their accessibility to domestic and stray animals. Material and Methods During autumn 2011 and spring 2012, a total 88 composite samples of soil/sand (300g each) were taken twice, from 2 depths, from 11 sandpits and 11 play areas situated in the city of Łódź, Poland. From the collected material, 528 samples (20g) were tested using the flotation method. Half the sample sites were secured from access to dogs and cats, while the other half were not. Results The difference in the numbers of positive samples from sandpits and playing areas was significant (χ2=13.72, p=0.0002). The highest rate of contamination was observed in poorly-secured play areas (15.8% of positive samples and 1.2 eggs/100 g of soil/sand). The average density of Toxocara eggs in secured play areas was 6 times less than that found in unsecured areas, while secured sandpits were 3 times less contaminated than those unsecured. The contamination rate was similar in autumn 2011 and spring 2012 (6.4% and 6.8%, respectively). An inverse relationship between the sand/soil depth and number of recovered Toxocara eggs was observed. Additionally, other intestinal helminth eggs (Ancylostomidae, Ascaris spp., and Trichuris spp.) and oocysts of Isospora spp. were also detected from soil samples collected from playing fields. Conclusions The number of Toxocara eggs recovered decreased following fence construction around the examined children’s play areas, but it did not sufficiently prevent the contamination by eggs. These data indicate the necessity for educational programmes which should be implemented for the protection of the local child population from zoonotic infection