2 research outputs found

    Initial Study into the Possible Use of Digital Sound Processing for the Development of Automatic Longwall Shearer Operation

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    Competition on the local and global market forces enterprises to implement modern solutions and adapt to technological changes. Applying modern solutions allows an increase in the quality of the product and reduces production costs. The acoustic sensor, as a relatively cheap solution, allows signals to be obtained which, after appropriate processing, can be used to develop an automatic control of the longwall shearer, together with the recognition of the type of shale. This paper presents an introductory research, the goal of which has been to check whether acoustic signals carry useful information on what kind of material–shale or coal–is being cut by the cutting head of a longwall shearer. For this purpose, the fast Fourier transform and short-time Fourier transform functions implemented in MatLab were used. The results of the analysis are presented in the form of three-dimensional graphs and spectrograms. To sum up, the research carried out so far justifies the need for continuation in the form of systematic experiments, the results of which could be incorporated into the control system of an unmanned combine

    Clinical characteristics of Kawasaki disease in Polish children: A retrospective study

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    Background: Kawasaki disease (KD), an acute, generalized vasculitis, is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease and is the most common cause of acquired heart disease in childhood. The incidence of KD is increasing worldwide. Aims: Our study aims to analyze KD’s clinical course in children and to evaluate risk factors for persistent changes in coronary vessels after 6–8 weeks of treatment.Methods: The retrospective analysis included patients with KD hospitalized in a single  tertiary care hospital. The diagnosis, as well as treatment, were based on the current worldwide treatment standards. The clinical course, selected laboratory parameters, the treatment effect, and following cardiac complications were analyzed in different age groups.Results: In the years 2006–2019, 140 patients aged from two months to 16 years: 52 girls and 88 boys, were diagnosed with KD. Coronary artery aneurysms (CAA) at weeks 6–8 of disease were found in 16% of patients. Boys and infants were more likely to develop aneurysms at weeks 6–8 of the disease (P = 0.045; P = 0.03; respectively). The CAA frequency was related to the atypical course (P = 0.02), late diagnosis (P = 0.04), presence of changes in the coronary arteries at the time of diag nosis (P <0.001), immunoglobulin resistance (P = 0.002), a lower hemoglobin concentraction (P <0.001), and a higher platelet count (P = 0.02). There were 28% of patients resistant to first-line time treatment. In this group, we found CAA in 31% of children. Conclusions: We found that late diagnosis, low hemoglobin level, high platelet count, CAA presence at diagnosis, atypical course of KD, and resistance to intravenous immunoglobulins are predictors of CAA after 6–8 weeks in KD patients