4 research outputs found
Assessment of selected B cells populations in the workers of X-ray departments
Objectives: Workers of X-ray departments are occupationally exposed to long-term low levels of ionizing radiation (LLIR), which may affect their humoral immunity. The aim of the study was to assess the influence of LLIR on the number and proportion of B cells (CD19+), B1 cells (CD5+CD19+) and memory B cells (CD27+CD19+) in peripheral blood of such workers. Materials and Methods: In the study group of 47 X-ray departments workers and the control group consisting of 38 persons, the number and percentage of CD19+, CD5+CD19+, CD27+CD19+ cells as well as CD5+CD19+/CD19+ and CD27+CD19+/CD19+ cell ratios were assessed using flow cytometry. Additionally, the study group was divided into 2 groups by the length of employment below and over 15 years and analysis adjusted for age and smoking habit was performed. Results: The total number of CD19+ cells showed significant increase in the group of workers in comparison with the persons from the control group, whereas the percentage of CD5+CD19+ cells as well as CD27+CD19+/CD19+ and CD5+CD19+/CD19+ cell ratios were lower. Percentage, number of CD5+CD19+ cells and CD5+CD19+/CD19+ cell ratio were significantly lower in the workers with length of employment longer than 15 years in comparison with those employed below 15 years. Moreover, we found positive associations between the number of CD19+ cells and employment as well as smoking habit, whereas the number of CD5+CD19+ cells was positively associated with cigarette smoking alone. Percentage of CD5+CD19+ cells as well as CD5+CD19+/CD19+ and CD27+CD19+/CD19+ cell ratios were negatively correlated with employment. Conclusions: The study suggests association between the suppressive influence of low level ionizing radiation on circulating in peripheral blood, especially of B1 cells as well as of memory B cells, in workers of X-ray units, which is adverse in relation to microbiological threat
Evaluation of selected population of lymphocytes and concentrations of immunoglobulins in workers of interventional cardiology wards using low doses of ionizing radiation in cardiovascular procedures
INTRODUCE The aim of the study was to determinate the effect of low X-ray doses on the percentage and number of peripheral blood lymphocytes T (CD3+), T helper (CD4+), T cytotoxic (CD8+), lymphocytes B (CD19+), activated T lymphocytes (CD3+CD25+) and activated T helper lymphocytes (CD4+CD25+) as well as serum immunoglobulins (IgM, IgG and IgA) concentration in workers of an interventional cardiology ward. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study was performed among a group of 40 workers (28 women and 12 men) and a control group of 35 persons (25 women and 10 men). Flow cytometry was used for the analysis of lymphocytes and the turbidimetric method for assessing serum immunoglobulin concentrations. RESULTS The study showed a decreased percentage and number of CD3+CD25+ and CD4+CD25+ cells as well as IgG concentration in interventional cardiology ward staff in comparison to the control group. A negative correlation between the length of employment and percentage of CD3+CD25+ was found. CONCLUSION The study indicates suppressive impact low doses of ionizing radiation on activated T cells, activated T helper cells as well as IgG production that is adverse in relation to the existing risk of infections caused by different microorganisms.WSTĘP Celem pracy była ocena oddziaływania niskich dawek promieniowania jonizującego na odsetek i liczbę limfocytów T (CD3+), limfocytów T pomocniczych (CD4+), limfocytów T cytotoksyczych (CD8+), limfocytów B (CD19+), aktywowanych limfocytów T (CD3+CD25+) i aktywowanych limfocytów T pomocniczych (CD4+CD25+) oraz stężeń immunoglobulin IgM, IgG i IgA u pracow-ników oddziału kardiologii interwencyjnej. MATERIAŁ I METODY Badanie przeprowadzono w grupie 40 zatrudnionych (28 kobiet i 12 mężczyzn) oraz w grupie kontrolnej 35 osób (25 kobiet i 10 mężczyzn). Badania limfocytów krwi obwodowej przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem cytometrii przepływowej, a stężenia immunoglobulin w surowicy oznaczono metodą turbidymetryczną. WYNIKI W badanej grupie pracowników – w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną – wykazano znamienne obniżenie liczby i odsetka limfocytów CD3+CD25+ i CD4+CD25+ oraz stężeń immunoglobuliny IgG. Wykazano także istnienie negatywnej korelacji między okresem zatrudnienia badanych pracowników a odsetkiem limfocytów CD3+CD25+. WNIOSEK Badanie wskazuje na supresyjne oddziaływanie niskich dawek promieniowania jonizującego na aktywowane limfocyty T, aktywowane limfocyty T pomocnicze i produkcję IgG, co nie jest korzystne w odniesieniu do istniejącego ryzyka zakażeń drobnoustrojami
Assessment of selected B cells populations in the workers of X-ray departments
Objectives: Workers of X-ray departments are occupationally exposed to long-term low levels of ionizing radiation (LLIR), which may affect their humoral immunity. The aim of the study was to assess the influence of LLIR on the number and proportion of B cells (CD19+), B1 cells (CD5+CD19+) and memory B cells (CD27+CD19+) in peripheral blood of such workers. Materials and Methods: In the study group of 47 X-ray departments workers and the control group consisting of 38 persons, the number and percentage of CD19+, CD5+CD19+, CD27+CD19+ cells as well as CD5+CD19+/CD19+ and CD27+CD19+/CD19+ cell ratios were assessed using flow cytometry. Additionally, the study group was divided into 2 groups by the length of employment below and over 15 years and analysis adjusted for age and smoking habit was performed. Results: The total number of CD19+ cells showed significant increase in the group of workers in comparison with the persons from the control group, whereas the percentage of CD5+CD19+ cells as well as CD27+CD19+/CD19+ and CD5+CD19+/CD19+ cell ratios were lower. Percentage, number of CD5+CD19+ cells and CD5+CD19+/CD19+ cell ratio were significantly lower in the workers with length of employment longer than 15 years in comparison with those employed below 15 years. Moreover, we found positive associations between the number of CD19+ cells and employment as well as smoking habit, whereas the number of CD5+CD19+ cells was positively associated with cigarette smoking alone. Percentage of CD5+CD19+ cells as well as CD5+CD19+/CD19+ and CD27+CD19+/CD19+ cell ratios were negatively correlated with employment. Conclusions: The study suggests association between the suppressive influence of low level ionizing radiation on circulating in peripheral blood, especially of B1 cells as well as of memory B cells, in workers of X-ray units, which is adverse in relation to microbiological threat