23 research outputs found

    Occurrence of the Green Shield-Moss Buxbaumia viridis (Moug.) Brid. in the Bieszczady Mountains of Poland

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    The small-sized gametophytes and sporophytes of the green shield-moss Buxbaumia viridis (Moug.) Brid. make it difficult to study. However, in Europe, there has been increasing interest in this species in the past few years, mostly as a result of the implementation of the Natura 2000 network. In Poland, B. viridis has only been reported in isolated studies that have been limited in terms of area and the number of participating workers. One of the Polish regions where B. viridis was recently recorded is the Bieszczady Mountains, but there have been no large-scale surveys of that region to date. The objective of the current work was to describe the B. viridis population in the Bieszczady Mountains in terms of its spatial distribution and abundance, investigate its selected microhabitat preferences, and evaluate the conservation status of this moss species within the Natura 2000 site Bieszczady PLC180001. The studied region encompassed 93,490.44 ha, including 69,056.23 ha of managed forests and 24,434.21 ha of forests belonging to the Bieszczady National Park. A preliminary survey was conducted in the Cisna Forest District (forest area of 19,555.82 ha) on 15–17 November 2017, while the main survey was performed in selected forest subcompartments of four forest districts—Baligród, Komańcza, Lutowiska, and Stuposiany—as well as the Bieszczady National Park from 5 to 16 November 2018. The field work consisted of searching for B. viridis sporophytes and setae and recording selected population and locality characteristics. The study led to the discovery of 353 new B. viridis localities in 202 study areas, with 9197 diploid individuals (sporophytes or setae only) growing in 545 microhabitats. The number of B. viridis localities discovered in the Bieszczady Mountains during 17 days of survey in 2017 and 2018 was two times higher than the combined number of localities previously found in Poland over more than 150 years (159 localities). Additionally, the number of sporophytes and setae identified was two times greater than their overall number in previous records. In addition, this study provides information about selected microhabitat preferences and the conservation status of this moss in the Bieszczady Natura 2000 site

    Czynniki środowiskowe wpływające na rozwój miażdżycy

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    The aim of the paper is to present an overview of recent findings on the environmental and behavioral factors influencing the development of atherosclerosis. The authors primarily concentrated on deliberations of possibile main causes of the damage of the endothelium. At the same time the following pathogenic mechanisms as cellular dysfunction, inflammation and coagulation disorders have been enumerated. The links between the state of the vascular endothelium and life style have been emphasized. It is also important to note that the primary causes of the endothelial damage should be traced as originally suggested many years ago viewing such factors as anger, hostility, aggression, impulsiveness and depression but with a new approach. The authors supplement the comments, on the environmental factors influencing the development of atherosclerosis, with basic data on family predisposition to the development of this disease. They highlight that current genetic research have not determined genes responsible for atheroscelosis. According to the authors the considerations and conclusions presented in this overview are important for the educational purposes related to the most frequent disease process resulting in many diseases in medical disciplines.Celem pracy jest dokonanie przeglądu najnowszych ustaleń dotyczących czynników środowiskowych i behawioralnych biorących udział w powstawaniu i patogenezie miażdżycy. Tym samym, jakkolwiek wymieniono w niej takie mechanizmy patogenetyczne jak zaburzenia funkcji makrofagów, procesy zapalne i zaburzenia krzepnięcia, to jednak autorzy skoncentrowali się przede wszystkim na rozważeniu możliwych pierwotnych przyczyn uszkodzenia śródbłonka naczyń. Podkreślono powiązania pomiędzy jego stanem a stylem życia. Istotnym jest zwrócenie uwagi na fakt, że poszukując pierwotnych przyczyn uszkodzenia śródbłonka należy ponownie – lecz z użyciem nowego warsztatu – rozważyć rolę zaproponowanych, już wiele lat temu, czynników osobowościowych i behawioralnych, a wśród nich wrogość, agresywność, impulsywność czy depresję. Komentarze o środowiskowych czynnikach wpływających na rozwój miażdżycy uzupełniono ponadto danymi na temat predyspozycji rodzinnej do powstawania tego procesu chorobowego. Podkreślono, że dotychczasowe badania genetyczne nie określiły krytycznych chorobotwórczych wariantów genów, co skłoniło autorów do tymczasowego sformułowania o „braku wyznaczników dziedziczności”. Przedstawione rozważania mają zdaniem autorów znaczenie dla uzupełnienia procesu dydaktycznego dotyczącego tego najbardziej rozpowszechnionego procesu chorobowego skutkującego licznymi jednostkami chorobowymi w wielu dyscyplinach medycznych

    Seasonal Variability of Concentration and Air Quality of Ambient Particulate Matter in Sosnowiec City

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    Introduction: Exposing the population to more than standard concentration of particulate matter (PM) is a crucial factor shaping the public health on urbanized areas both in Europe and Poland. In most cases, exceeded air quality standards relate to the winter period, in which there has been the greatest amount. Many studies have indicated, that exposure to PM can cause adverse health effects. Human exposure especially to fine particles (with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 µm), causes risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, due to daily mortality and hospital admissions. Various types of epidemiological studies have indicated, that ambient air pollution is responsible for increasing risk of lung cancer. For this reason, in 2013 The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified outdoor air pollution and particulate matter as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1). Aim of the study: The purpose of the study was assessment of air pollution (PM10, PM2,5) in the winter and summer season 2013, in relation to limit values specified to protect human health. In addition, was performed a classification of air quality conditions according to the categories of modified air quality index, used in the Silesian Providence, to inform the public about the rate of exposure and the possibility of appearing of potential health effects associated with different levels of air pollution. Results: Statistically significant (p<0.05) higher concentration of PM10 and PM2,5 occurred in the winter season. The average concentration of PM10 was 62 µg/m3 and was twice higher than in the summer season. The mean concentration of PM2,5 was 52 µg/m3 and more than twice exceeded the concentration values obtained during the summer months. For the most part of the winter season (50-70% days) dominated „high index”, provides poor air quality on area city.Wstęp: Narażenie populacji na ponadnormatywne stężenia pyłu zawieszonego jest istotnym czynnikiem kształtującym zdrowie publiczne na terenach zurbanizowanych zarówno w Polsce, jak i Europie. W większości przypadków, przekroczenia norm jakości powietrza odnoszą się do okresu zimowego, w którym notuje się ich największą częstość. Jak wskazują wyniki licznych badań, z ekspozycją środowiskową na podwyższone stężenia pyłu zawieszonego wiąże się nasilenie negatywnych skutków zdrowotnych. Narażenie człowieka, zwłaszcza na cząstki drobne (o średnicy aerodynamicznej mniejszej niż 2,5 µm), zwiększa ryzyko rozwoju chorób układu krążenia i układu oddechowego, w powiązaniu ze wzrostem hospitalizacji oraz obniżeniem średniej długości życia. Badania epidemiologiczne wykazały ponadto, że zanieczyszczenie powietrza tym czynnikiem zwiększa ryzyko zachorowania na raka płuc. Z tego powodu w 2013 roku Międzynarodowa Agencja Badań nad Rakiem (IARC) zaklasyfikowała pył zawieszony jako czynnik rakotwórczy dla ludzi (Grupa 1). Cel pracy: Celem badań było określenie stopnia zanieczyszczenia powietrza pyłem zawieszonym (PM10, PM2,5) w sezonie zimowym i letnim 2013 roku, w odniesieniu do standardów jakości powietrza ustalonych ze względu na ochronę zdrowia ludzi. Ponadto przeprowadzono klasyfikację stanu aerosanitarnego powietrza w oparciu o zmodyfikowany indeks jakości powietrza, stosowany w województwie śląskim, do informowania społeczeństwa o wskaźniku narażenia oraz możliwości wystąpienia potencjalnych skutków zdrowotnych związanych z różnym poziomem zanieczyszczeń. Wyniki: Istotnie wyższe statystycznie (p<0,05) stężenia pyłu zawieszonego PM10 oraz PM2,5 wystąpiły w sezonie zimowym. Średnie stężenie pyłu PM10 wyniosło 62 µg/m3 i było dwukrotnie wyższe niż w sezonie letnim. Średnie stężenie pyłu PM2,5 wyniosło 52 µg/m3 i ponad dwukrotnie przekraczało wartości stężeń uzyskane w okresie letnim. W przeważającej części sezonu zimowego dominował ponadto „wysoki wskaźnik”, świadczący o złej jakości powietrza na terenie miasta

    Particulate pollution of PM10 and PM2.5 due to strong anthropopressure in Sosnowiec city

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    Introduction: Air contamination with particulate matter causes a serious problem in large cities and urban-industrial agglomerations both in Poland and Europe. Anthropogenic sources of air pollution in urban areas are emissions from municipal, industrial and transportation sector. Many epidemiological studies have revealed that exposure to air pollution, especially the fine particles with aerodynamic diameter less than 2,5 micrometer, can pose a threat to human health exposed to exceedingly high concentrations of particulate matter. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluate PM10 and PM2,5 mass concentrations in autumn and winter season in the city of Sosnowiec, in relation to ambient air quality standards in Poland and the European Union. Results: The average concentrations of PM10 and PM2,5 in autumn-winter seasons in Sosnowiec city 2010–2011 were 2,1 to 2,7 times higher than limit values, specified in the legislation acts

    The DSH method of X-ray diffraction analysis for identification of asbestos in bulk insulation samples

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    Background: Twenty years ago Institute of Occupational Medicine in Sosnowiec put into practice an X-ray powder method (DSH) for qualitative analysis of asbestos in bulk samples. This method allows for precise determination of asbestos presence. Purpose: Exploring DSH method for identification of asbestos by examination of a sample of inorganic mate-rial for industrial use. Materials and methods: Asbestos is the most important material for technological applications due to its flexible and tensile fibers and its chemical resistance. The determination of types of asbestos are based on the crystalline structure. A diffraction pattern is uniquely characteristic for each type. Detection of asbestos in bulk insulation samples required special preparation of samples and step-scanning analysis. XRD scans of analyzed material were compared with standard reference powder diffraction patterns of asbestos. Conclusions: Bulk insulate sample was layered. Chrysotile, amosite and crocidolite was determined in separated layers. Asbestos was not detected in one of the layers

    Guidelines for the use of the International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses of the International Labour Office (ILO): Substantial changes in the currrent edition

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    The International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses is the scheme worked out by the International Labour Office in Geneva (ILO), to register radiographic chest abnormalities in a well-ordered, reproducible and comparable way. It is used for diagnosing abnormalities caused by dust exposure. Guidelines for the use of the ILO International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses contain detailed information and recommendations on how to use the classification, as well as how the chest X-ray examination should be performed and recorded. To facilitate the diagnosis of observed abnormalities the classification is completed by the set of standard radiograms illustrating typical irregularities referring to lungs and pleura, included in the classification. The article presents the key information on classification and the most important amendments adopted in the 2000 and 2011 ILO guidelines revisions. These changes refer to radiographs quality assessment, the way of presenting abnormalities registered in standard radiographs (QUAD set, digital images) and registration of failures not related to dust exposure. Particularly important complements result from the development of radiological imaging techniques. They are concerned about the classification of radiographic images of the chest recorded digitally. Med Pr 2016;67(6):833–83