23 research outputs found

    Sudan (2009): MAP Study Evaluating Coverage and Quality of Coverage of Number One Condoms and of WaterGuard in Urban Areas.

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    The main objective for this study is to provide estimates of coverage, quality of coverage, and penetration for both Number One and WaterGuard, in the private sector across the main urban areas of southern Sudan. In addition, the study will also estimate measures of penetration of other male condoms and other contraceptives, of commercial sector water treatment products, of oral rehydration salts (ORS), and of anti-malarials and mosquito nets. The study was conducted in 14 towns thr oughout PSI's intervention areas in Southern Sudan, since the program focuses its social marketing activities primarily in urban areas. The MAP methodology employs the Lot Quality Assurance Sampling technique to draw a random sample of 19 enumeration areas (EAs). In Sudan, LQAS was feasible in only the larger towns of Yei, Juba, and Wau. In the remaining towns, a census was conducted and each potential sales outlet audited. Additional information was collected on the frequency of stock outs, source of supply, and pricing. For both WaterGuard and Number One, a market penetration measure will also be measured by both town and outlet type. Data was collected in April, 2009. </p

    Eurasian Wigeon 3

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    AnimaliaCraniataAvesAnseriformesAnatidaeAnasSound file provided in .mp3 delivery formatAudio tracks of animal sound


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    PSI's interventions in Papua New Guinea (PNG) focus on the prevention of HIV/AIDS. PSI began its operations in 2007. The overall goal of the platform is to contribute to the reduced prevalence of HIV among target populations by increasing condom usage and decreasing the number of concurrent sexual partners. Program activities in Papua New Guinea focus on the nation-wide social marketing of male and female condoms and water-based lubricant, as well as on behaviour change communication with men aged 15 to 49 years old working in or living close to five selected rural enclaves in the country and are at increased risk of HIV due to their mobility and higher income (compared to their peers) either directly or indirectly financially benefiting from the enclave company business. The male condom brand, Seif Raida, was launched in October 2008, followed by the Stap Seif female condom in February 2009. The program is funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) with special additional funding provided by the Australian Aid Agency, AusAID; NZAID, New Zealand Agency for International Development; and Papua New Guinea's National Department of Health (NDoH).The sampling and analysis methods are identical to those of the baseline survey. They are largely based on the Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) technique, which is a hypothesis test that determines whether a given coverage level is being reached or not


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    MAP studies allow programmers to make an assessment of product availability and accessibility using pre-defined criteria for coverage, quality of coverage and access. The main objectives of the PSI/Madagascar 2009 MAP survey were to assess the geographical coverage and quality of coverage of condoms in all high risk areas exiting and identified during the mapping in the eight TOP Reseau sites, and estimate access to condoms among FSWs and their clients

    Republique Democratique du Congo (2010): Mesure de la disponibilite des produits de marketing social (preservatifs et autres contraceptifs, kits d'accouchement, purifiants, moustiquaires impregnees) dans les provinces de la RDC et de l'acces aux preservatifs dans les sites de prevention du VIH prioritaires. 1re passage

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    L'etude MAP permet aux programmateurs de faire une evaluation de l'accessibilite et de la disponibilite des produits, en utilisant des criteres pre-definis pour la couverture, la qualite de la couverture, et l'acces. Son objectif est d'accroitre l'efficacite globale de marketing social des produits et des systemes de prestation de services. En utilisant la technique de l'Echantillonage pour l'Assurance de la Qualite par Lot (LQAS), nous avons tire un echantillon aleatoire de 19 sites geograp hiques (aires de sante, zones a risque) dans chacune des zones concernees par cette etude. L'approche LQAS a fourni une estimation de base de la couverture mais egalement de la qualite de couverture, c'est-a-dire la proportion de sites geographiques disposant de produit avec un minimum de standards de qualite

    Dominican Republic (2008): MAP Study Evaluating Coverage and Quality of Coverage of Pante Condoms for CSWs. Second Round.

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    PSI/Dominican Republic runs a social marketing program of male condoms Pante, primarily targeting commercial sex workers (CSWs) and other risk groups for HIV/AIDS. A MAP study (Measuring Access and Performance) was started in 2006 in order to determine the levels of geographic coverage, quality of coverage, penetration, and access to condoms among CSWs in high-risk areas for HIV/AIDS. The present survey is the second round of the CSW MAP study, following the first round in 2006

    Dominican Republic (2006): MAP Study Evaluating Coverage and Quality of Coverage of Pante Condoms. Second Round.

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    The main objectives of the PSI/DR 2006 MAP survey were to (1) monitor the coverage and quality of coverage of PSI's social marketed Pante condoms in the country and (2) monitor access and market penetration of Pante condoms in high-risk areas for HIV/Aids (hotzones) which have all been implemented by PSI's three partner NGOs. The Project MAP methodology employs the Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) technique to draw a random sample of 19 enumeration areas (EAs) in the country, although in this case data was collected in 30 hotzones. Horwath divided the DR into six regions for this study; Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo North, Santo Domingo East, and the rest of the country was divided into East, North, and South regions

    Liberia (2011): MAP Study Evaluating the Availability of Household Water Treatment Products in WASH Project Areas. Round One.

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    n 2009 a child survival program was initiated in Liberia with the social marketing of the household water treatment solution WaterGuard, continued at present under the USAID funded WASH project in specific target areas. This report is drawn from a larger MAP study that aimed at assessing the availability of condoms, WaterGuard and other household water treatment products throughout the country. The current report is a condensed version of the full MAP report, focussing on WaterGuard availability and quality standards in the WASH project areas and in other areas of the country