77 research outputs found

    Symplectomorphism groups and embeddings of balls into rational ruled 4-manifolds

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    Let XX be any rational ruled symplectic four-manifold. Given a symplectic embedding \iota:B_{c}\into X of the standard ball of capacity cc into XX, consider the corresponding symplectic blow-up \tX_{\iota}. In this paper, we study the homotopy type of the symplectomorphism group \Symp(\tX_{\iota}), simplifying and extending the results of math.SG/0207096. This allows us to compute the rational homotopy groups of the space \IEmb(B_{c},X) of unparametrized symplectic embeddings of BcB_{c} into XX. We also show that the embedding space of one ball in CP2CP^2, and the embedding space of two disjoint balls in CP2CP^2, if non empty, are always homotopy equivalent to the corresponding spaces of ordered configurations. Our method relies on the theory of pseudo-holomorphic curves in 4-manifolds, on the theory of Gromov invariants, and on the inflation technique of Lalonde-McDuff.Comment: New title, new abstract, content now agrees with the published version, small correction to the proof of Theorem 1.10. A sequel to the paper SG/020709

    The topology of the space of symplectic balls in rational 4-manifolds

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    We study in this paper the rational homotopy type of the space of symplectic embeddings of the standard ball B4(c)⊂R4B^4(c) \subset \R^4 into 4-dimensional rational symplectic manifolds. We compute the rational homotopy groups of that space when the 4-manifold has the form Mλ=(S2×S2,μω0⊕ω0)M_{\lambda}= (S^2 \times S^2, \mu \omega_0 \oplus \omega_0) where ω0\omega_0 is the area form on the sphere with total area 1 and μ\mu belongs to the interval [1,2][1,2]. We show that, when μ\mu is 1, this space retracts to the space of symplectic frames, for any value of cc. However, for any given 1<μ<21 < \mu < 2, the rational homotopy type of that space changes as cc crosses the critical parameter ccrit=μ−1c_{crit} = \mu - 1, which is the difference of areas between the two S2S^2 factors. We prove moreover that the full homotopy type of that space changes only at that value, i.e the restriction map between these spaces is a homotopy equivalence as long as these values of cc remain either below or above that critical value.Comment: Typos corrected, 2 minor corrections in the text. Numbering consistant with the published versio

    The homotopy type of the space of symplectic balls in rational ruled 4-manifolds

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    Let M:=(M^{4},\om) be a 4-dimensional rational ruled symplectic manifold and denote by w_{M} its Gromov width. Let Emb_{\omega}(B^{4}(c),M) be the space of symplectic embeddings of the standard ball B^4(c) \subset \R^4 of radius r and of capacity c:= \pi r^2 into (M,\om). By the work of Lalonde and Pinsonnault, we know that there exists a critical capacity \ccrit \in (0,w_{M}] such that, for all c\in(0,\ccrit), the embedding space Emb_{\omega}(B^{4}(c),M) is homotopy equivalent to the space of symplectic frames \SFr(M). We also know that the homotopy type of Emb_{\omega}(B^{4}(c),M) changes when c reaches \ccrit and that it remains constant for all c \in [\ccrit,w_{M}). In this paper, we compute the rational homotopy type, the minimal model, and the cohomology with rational coefficients of \Emb_{\omega}(B^{4}(c),M) in the remaining case c \in [\ccrit,w_{M}). In particular, we show that it does not have the homotopy type of a finite CW-complex.Comment: 38 pages; revised versio

    Centralizers of Hamiltonian finite cyclic group actions on rational ruled surfaces

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    Let M=(M,ω)M=(M,\omega) be either the product S2×S2S^2\times S^2 or the non-trivial S2S^2 bundle over S2S^2 endowed with any symplectic form ω\omega. Suppose a finite cyclic group ZnZ_n is acting effectively on (M,ω)(M,\omega) through Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms, that is, there is an injective homomorphism Zn↪Ham(M,ω)Z_n\hookrightarrow Ham(M,\omega). In this paper, we investigate the homotopy type of the group SympZn(M,ω)Symp^{Z_n}(M,\omega) of equivariant symplectomorphisms. We prove that for some infinite families of ZnZ_n actions satisfying certain inequalities involving the order nn and the symplectic cohomology class [ω][\omega], the actions extends to either one or two toric actions, and accordingly, that the centralizers are homotopically equivalent to either a finite dimensional Lie group, or to the homotopy pushout of two tori along a circle. Our results rely on JJ-holomorphic techniques, on Delzant's classification of toric actions, on Karshon's classification of Hamiltonian circle actions on 44-manifolds, and on the Chen-Wilczy\'nski classification of smooth ZnZ_n-actions on Hirzebruch surfaces.Comment: 36 pages. Initial release. Comments welcom
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