57 research outputs found

    Renal function in Palestine sunbirds: elimination of excess water does not constrain energy intake

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    Copyright © 2004 Company of BiologistsAlthough the renal responses of birds to dehydration have received significant attention, the consequences of ingesting and processing large quantities of water have been less studied. Nectar-feeding birds must often deal with exceptionally high water intake rates in order to meet their high mass-specific energy demands. Birds that ingest large volumes of water may either eliminate excess water in the kidney or regulate the volume of water absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Because water absorption in the gastrointestinal tract of Palestine sunbirds (Nectarinia osea) decreases with increasing water ingestion rate, we predicted that glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in these birds would not be unusually high in spite of large ingested water loads. When feeding on dilute sucrose solutions, sunbirds ingested between 4 and 6 times their body mass in nectar per day, yet they were able to compensate for varying nectar energy density and increased thermoregulatory energy demands with no apparent difficulty. GFR was lower than predicted (1976.22±91.95 µl h-1), and was not exceptionally sensitive to water loading. Plasma glucose concentrations were high, and varied 1.8-fold between fasted (16.08± 0.75 mmol l-1) and fed (28.18±0.68 mmol l-1) sunbirds, but because GFR was low, glucose filtered load also remained relatively low. Essentially the entire glucose filtered load (98%) was recovered by the kidney. Renal fractional water reabsorption (FWR) decreased from 0.98 to 0.64 with increasing water intake. The ability of Palestine sunbirds to reduce the absorption of ingested water in the gastrointestinal tract may resolve the potential conflict between filtering a large excess of absorbed water in the kidney and simultaneously retaining filtered metabolites.Todd J. McWhorter, Carlos Martínez del Rio, Berry Pinshow and Lizanne Roxburg

    Tracking the oxidative kinetics of carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids in the house sparrow using exhaled \u3csup\u3e13\u3c/sup\u3eCO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e

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    Clinicians commonly measure the 13CO2 in exhaled breath samples following administration of a metabolic tracer (breath testing) to diagnose certain infections and metabolic disorders. We believe that breath testing can become a powerful tool to investigate novel questions about the influence of ecological and physiological factors on the oxidative fates of exogenous nutrients. Here we examined several predictions regarding the oxidative kinetics of specific carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids in a dietary generalist, the house sparrow (Passer domesticus). After administering postprandial birds with 20 mg of one of seven 13C-labeled tracers, we measured rates of 13CO2 production every 15 min over 2 h. We found that sparrows oxidized exogenous amino acids far more rapidly than carbohydrates or fatty acids, and that different tracers belonging to the same class of physiological fuels had unique oxidative kinetics. Glycine had a mean maximum rate of oxidation (2021 nmol min−1) that was significantly higher than that of leucine (351 nmol min−1), supporting our prediction that nonessential amino acids are oxidized more rapidly than essential amino acids. Exogenous glucose and fructose were oxidized to a similar extent (5.9% of dose), but the time required to reach maximum rates of oxidation was longer for fructose. The maximum rates of oxidation were significantly higher when exogenous glucose was administered as an aqueous solution (122 nmol min−1), rather than as an oil suspension (93 nmol min−1), supporting our prediction that exogenous lipids negatively influence rates of exogenous glucose oxidation. Dietary fatty acids had the lowest maximum rates of oxidation (2-6 nmol min−1), and differed significantly in the extent to which each was oxidized, with 0.73%, 0.63% and 0.21% of palmitic, oleic and stearic acid tracers oxidized, respectively

    Sucrose digestion capacity in birds shows convergent coevolution with nectar composition across continents

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    The major lineages of nectar-feeding birds (hummingbirds, sunbirds, honey-eaters, flowerpiercers, and lorikeets) are considered examples of convergentevolution. We compared sucrose digestion capacity and sucrase enzymatic activ-ity per unit intestinal surface area among 50 avian species from the New World,Africa, and Australia, including 20 nectarivores. With some exceptions, nectari-vores had smaller intestinal surfaces, higher sucrose hydrolysis capacity, andgreater sucrase activity per unit intestinal area. Convergence analysis showedhigh values for sucrose hydrolysis and sucrase activity per unit intestinal surfacearea in specialist nectarivores, matching the high proportion of sucrose in thenectar of the plants they pollinate. Plants pollinated by generalist nectar-feedingbirds in the Old and New Worlds secrete nectar in which glucose and fructose arethe dominant sugars. Matching intestinal enzyme activity in birds and nectarcomposition in flowers appears to be an example of convergent coevolution be-tween plants and pollinators on an intercontinental scale.Todd J. McWhorter, Jonathan A. Rader, Jorge E. Schondube, Susan W. Nicolson, Berry Pinshow, Patricia A. Fleming, Yocelyn T. Gutie, rrez-Guerrero, and Carlos Martı, nez del Ri

    Energy cost of bipedal running

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    Energy cost of bipedal running

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