30 research outputs found

    Is Zoom Dysmorphia a new disorder?

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    Background and aim: this editorial address the content of a recent letter about the main characteristic of Zoom dysmorphia phenomenon entitled “Zoom Dysmorphia: the rise of a new issue amidst the pandemic” that presents a compelling argument for conceptualizing this type of body dysmorphic disorder. Methods: It is largely known that self-appraisal, self-worth, and self-esteem are essential resources for an individual in private life and social context; a misperception of one’s own characteristic can influence behavior and modify some personality traits. In the present editorial it is examined the larger issue of the relationship with dysmorphic concern and appearance-focused behaviors together with the use of cosmetic interventions. Results: The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic increased popularity of videoconferencing has seen a massive shift toward virtual living where individuals found themselves staring at their own video scrutinizing their appearance and potentially developing dysmorphic concerns. Conclusions: This editorial explores the conceivable similarity between obsession problems and addictions suggesting several insights for buffering the effects of stress promoting coping and (re-) appraisal strategies

    A randomized controlled trial (RCT) to explore the effect of audio-visual entrainment among psychological disorders

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    Background and aim: Although many mental disorders have relevant proud in neurobiological dysfunctions, most intervention approaches neglect neurophysiological features or use pharmacological intervention alone. Non-invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs), providing natural ways of modulating mood states, can be promoted as an alternative intervention to cope with neurobiological dysfunction. Methods: A BCI prototype was proposed to feedback a person’s affective state such that a closed-loop interaction between the participant’s brain responses and the musical stimuli is established. It feedbacks in real-time flickering lights matching with the individual’s brain rhythms undergo to auditory stimuli. A RCT was carried out on 15 individuals of both genders (mean age = 49.27 years) with anxiety and depressive spectrum disorders randomly assigned to 2 groups (experimental vs. active control). Results: Outcome measures revealed either a significant decrease in Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) scores and gains in cognitive functions only for participants who undergone to the experimental treatment. Variability in HAM-D scores seems explained by the changes in beta 1, beta 2 and delta bands. Conversely, the rise in cognitive function scores appear associated with theta variations. Conclusions: Future work needs to validate the relationship proposed here between music and brain responses. Findings of the present study provided support to a range of research examining BCI brain modulation and contributes to the understanding of this technique as instruments to alternative therapies We believe that Neuro-Upper can be used as an effective new tool for investigating affective responses, and emotion regulation

    Angiolo Mazzoni. Acercamiento de la cultura arquitectónica italiana en Colombia (1948-1963)

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    El principal objetivo de esta primera publicación ha sido provocar una reflexión sobre el papel que la cultura arquitectónica italiana tuvo en Colombia, más que todo en la primera mitad el siglo XX. El estudio de los archivos italianos y colombianos sobre las obras de Angiolo Mazzoni nos ha permitido comprender la contribución de su trabajo en una época histórica muy importante para Colombia y el valor de su pensamiento acerca del significado del patrimonio cultural del país. En realidad, la gran actualidad de Mazzoni en la Colombia de hoy se relaciona muy bien con el tema del rescate del Patrimonio Cultural del país en todas sus características y también con el tema del fortalecimiento de la formación académica especializada. Además el compromiso entre Angiolo Mazzoni y Colombia siempre tuvo un alto valor para las relaciones diplomáticas y culturales entre Italia y Colombia en una época políticamente compleja pero importante para Colombia así como para Italia y que cada vez continúa más fuerte con importantes resultados culturales, de crecimiento social y de desarrollo económico

    Ricucire i ricordi. La memoria, i suoi disturbi, le evidenze di efficacia dei trattamenti riabilitativi

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    Memoria è identità: viviamo nel presente ricordando il passato e proiettandoci nel futuro. La memoria è come l'anima: perdendola si perde il senso di sé. Ricucire i ricordi è un affascinante viaggio alla scoperta dei progressi più recenti delle neuroscienze per far emergere la 'inerente' natura plastica del cervello. Il volume è il risultato delle conoscenze sui tentativi - sempre in evoluzione - di trattare i disturbi della memoria riparando i ricordi e per questo centra il focus su condizioni che offrono più ampie possibilità di recupero, come il deterioramento cognitivo lieve. Accanto alle evidenze di efficacia dei vari approcci alla riabilitazione della memoria, il volume getta lo sguardo sulla prevenzione tramite il cambiamento dello stile di vita e l'uso della neuro-modulazione cercando di tradurre le neuroscienze in pratica quotidiana. I disturbi della memoria caratteristici di patologie traumatiche o degenerative mettono costantemente a confronto con la fragilità umana ma anche con una straordinaria resilienza

    Memory impairments and rehabilitation: evidence-based effects of approaches and training programs

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    This paper provides an update and overview of the field of memory disorders and memory rehabilitation of adults. Progresses in brain plasticity knowledge and neuroimaging observations about compensation after structural losses have influenced non-pharmacological interventions, which represent a growing area with strong theories and explanatory frameworks. Rehabilitation models may follow three directives not alternatives to each other: restore lost functions, develop compensatory strategies or adopt external memory aids. Because of treatment approaches have a differential effect on distinct aspects of memory functions, and the assessment of the treatment outcomes is relevant not only at impairment level but also at the disability level, the effectiveness of restitution oriented therapies and compensatory approaches was evaluated. We discussed these different treatment approaches also reporting a survey of training results and systematic reviews findings. A large body of evidence seems to support, with different efficacy levels according to etiology and type of brain injury, several training programs in stable individuals but not in persons with degenerative diseases. The present paper can serve as a guide for clinicians and researchers

    Fetal memory: The effects of prenatal auditory experience on human development

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    The paper presents evidence that the intrauterine auditory environment plays a key role in shaping later auditory development. The acoustic environment in utero begins to shape the auditory system much earlier than sensory systems that are not exposed to input until after birth. The effects of prenatal auditory experience can be observed both among fetus through different paradigms and in the new-borns within few hours or days after birth. This manuscript collects a comprehensive snapshot of the work in this research area presenting evidence of a consistent number of papers published in this topic of study. Furthermore, the potential function of learning prenatally is explored in terms of its relevance for perinatal development. So, we describe growing evidence that externally generated sounds and music influence the developing foetus, and argue that such prenatal auditory experience may also set the trajectory for the development