126 research outputs found

    Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance Disguised as Chronic Neutrophilic Leukemia

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    We encountered a 60-year-old woman with a medical history of diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, peripheral vascular disease, and hypertension who had earlier presented at an outside facility with knee pain, which led to a finding of elevated neutrophil count of 35×109/L. Because she was otherwise asymptomatic but continued showing elevated neutrophil levels, she sought a second opinion at our facility. Serum protein immunoelectrophoresis with immunofixation revealed an immunoglobulin A (IgA)-κ monoclonal gammopathy concentration of 1305 mg/dL (normal 80–350 mg/dL) but relatively normal concentrations of IgG of 840 mg/dL (620–1400 mg/dL) and IgM of 36 mg/dL (45–250 mg/dL). Using clonal analysis, we found a polyclonal expression pattern in all cell types analyzed. Comprehensive work-up for multiple myeloma and infectious etiology of neutrophilia was negative. We concluded that our patient’s neutrophilia may have been due to the underlying monoclonal gammopathy. This is the first case in the literature of a patient with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance presenting with chronic neutrophilia, mimicking chronic neutrophilic leukemia (CNL). Patients with CNL have a poor prognosis; therefore, it is important to distinguish diagnostically between CNL and reactive neutrophilia

    Evaluating the Impact of a Switch to Nilotinib on Imatinib-Related Chronic Low-Grade Adverse Events in Patients With CML-CP: The ENRICH Study

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    AbstractBackgroundMany patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase experience chronic treatment-related adverse events (AEs) during imatinib therapy. These AEs can impair quality of life and lead to reduced treatment adherence, which is associated with poor clinical outcomes.Patients and MethodsIn the phase II ENRICH (Exploring Nilotinib to Reduce Imatinib Related Chronic Adverse Events) study (N = 52), the effect of switching patients with imatinib-related chronic low-grade nonhematologic AEs from imatinib to nilotinib was evaluated.ResultsThree months after switching to nilotinib, 84.6% of the patients had overall improvement in imatinib-related AEs (primary endpoint). Of 210 imatinib-related AEs identified at baseline, 62.9% had resolved within 3 months of switching to nilotinib. Of evaluable patients, most had improvements in overall quality of life after switching to nilotinib. At screening, 65.4% of evaluable patients had a major molecular response (BCR-ABL1 ≤ 0.1% on the International Scale). After switching to nilotinib, the rate of the major molecular response was 76.1% at 3 months and 87.8% at 12 months. Treatment-emergent AEs reported with nilotinib were typically grade 1 or 2; however, some patients developed more serious AEs, and 8 patients discontinued nilotinib because of new or worsening AEs.ConclusionOverall, results from the ENRICH study demonstrated that switching to nilotinib can mitigate imatinib-related chronic low-grade nonhematologic AEs in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase, in conjunction with acceptable safety and achievement of molecular responses. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00980018

    Essential role of HDAC6 in the regulation of PD-L1 in melanoma

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    IndexaciĂłn: Web of Science; Scopus.Histone deacetylases (HDACs), originally described as histone modifiers, have more recently been deMonstrated to target a variety of other proteins unrelated to the chromatin environment. In this context, our present work demonstrates that the pharmacological or genetic abrogation of HDAC6 in primary melanoma samples and cell lines, down-regulates the expression of PD-L1, an important co-stimulatory molecule expressed in cancer cells, which activates the inhibitory regulatory pathway PD-1 in T-cells. Our data suggests that this novel mechanism of PD-L1 regulation is mainly mediated by the influence of HDAC6 over the recruitment and activation of STAT3. Additionally, we observed that selective HDAC6 inhibitors impairs tumor growth and reduce the in vim expression of several inhibitory checkpoint molecules and other regulatory pathways involved in immunosurveillance. Most importantly, these results provide a key pre-clinical rationale and justification to further study isotype selective HDAC6 inhibitors as potential immuno-modulatory agents in cancer. (C) 2015 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1016/j.molonc.2015.12.012/abstract;jsessionid=DB86CF943DA7FD358A75C2CEEAD4D7C4.f03t0

    Analogue peptides for the immunotherapy of human acute myeloid leukemia

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    Accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00262-015-1762-9The use of peptide vaccines, enhanced by adjuvants, has shown some efficacy in clinical trials. However, responses are often short-lived and rarely induce notable memory responses. The reason is that self-antigens have already been presented to the immune system as the tumor develops, leading to tolerance or some degree of host tumor cell destruction. To try to break tolerance against self-antigens, one of the methods employed has been to modify peptides at the anchor residues to enhance their ability to bind major histocompatibility complex molecules, extending their exposure to the T-cell receptor. These modified or analogue peptides have been investigated as stimulators of the immune system in patients with different cancers with variable but sometimes notable success. In this review we describe the background and recent developments in the use of analogue peptides for the immunotherapy of acute myeloid leukemia describing knowledge useful for the application of analogue peptide treatments for other malignancies

    Association of HLA Class I and Class II genes with bcr-abl transcripts in leukemia patients with t(9;22) (q34;q11)

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    BACKGROUND: Based on the site of breakpoint in t(9;22) (q34;q11), bcr-abl fusion in leukemia patients is associated with different types of transcript proteins. In this study we have seen the association of HLA genes with different types of bcr-abl transcripts. The association could predict the bcr-abl peptide presentation by particular HLA molecules. METHODS: The study included a total of 189 patients of mixed ethnicity with chronic myelogenous leukemia and acute lymphocytic leukemia who were being considered for bone marrow transplantation. Typing of bcr-abl transcripts was done by reverse transcriptase PCR method. HLA typing was performed by molecular methods. The bcr-abl and HLA association was studied by calculating the relative risks and chi-square test. RESULTS: Significant negative associations (p < 0.05) were observed with HLA-A*02 (b2a2, e1a2), -A*68 (b2a2, b3a2, e1a2), -B*14 (b2a2, b3a2, e1a2), -B*15 (b2a2, b3a2), -B*40 (b2a2), -DQB1*0303 (b2a2, b3a2), -DQB1*0603 (b2a2), -DRB1*0401 (e1a2), -DRB1*0701 (b3a2), and -DRB1*1101 (b2a2). CONCLUSIONS: The negative associations of a particular bcr-abl transcript with specific HLA alleles suggests that these alleles play a critical role in presenting peptides derived from the chimeric proteins and eliciting a successful T-cell cytotoxic response. Knowledge of differential associations between HLA phenotypes and bcr-abl fusion transcript types would help in developing better strategies for immunization with the bcr-abl peptides against t(9;22) (q34;q11)-positive leukemia

    A Systems Model for Immune Cell Interactions Unravels the Mechanism of Inflammation in Human Skin

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    Inflammation is characterized by altered cytokine levels produced by cell populations in a highly interdependent manner. To elucidate the mechanism of an inflammatory reaction, we have developed a mathematical model for immune cell interactions via the specific, dose-dependent cytokine production rates of cell populations. The model describes the criteria required for normal and pathological immune system responses and suggests that alterations in the cytokine production rates can lead to various stable levels which manifest themselves in different disease phenotypes. The model predicts that pairs of interacting immune cell populations can maintain homeostatic and elevated extracellular cytokine concentration levels, enabling them to operate as an immune system switch. The concept described here is developed in the context of psoriasis, an immune-mediated disease, but it can also offer mechanistic insights into other inflammatory pathologies as it explains how interactions between immune cell populations can lead to disease phenotypes

    VLPs and particle strategies for cancer vaccines

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