18,873 research outputs found

    Spin Sum Rules at Low Q2Q^2

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    Recent precision spin-structure data from Jefferson Lab have significantly advanced our knowledge of nucleon structure at low Q2Q^2. Results on the neutron spin sum rules and polarizabilities in the low to intermediate Q2Q^2 region are presented. The Burkhardt-Cuttingham Sum Rule was verified within experimental uncertainties. When comparing with theoretical calculations, results on spin polarizability show surprising disagreements with Chiral Perturbation Theory predictions. Preliminary results on first moments at very low Q2Q^2 are also presented.Comment: 4 pages, to be published in the Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Intersections of Nuclear and Particle Physics (CIPANP

    Tunneling with the Lorentz Force and the Friction

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    We present a semiclassical study of a transport process, the tunneling, in the presence of a magnetic field and a dissipative environment. We have found that the problem can be mapped onto an effective one-dimensional one, and the tunneling rate is strongly affected by the magnetic field, such as a complete suppression by a large parallel magnetic field, an example of the dynamical localization. In such case a small perpendicular component of the field, or the dissipation, can enhance the tunneling rate. In the small parallel field and finite temperatures the tunneling rate is finite. Explicit expressions will be presented in those cases. If viewing the tunneling in the presence of a magnetic field as a dissipative tunneling process, by varying the magnetic field and the potential one can obtain the dissipative spectral function between the subohmic s=0s =0 and the superohmic s=∞s = \infty. In combination with a real dissipative spectral function, the effect of the magnetic field can map the spectral function from ss to 2−s2-s, with s>2s>2 mapping to s=0 s = 0, revealing a dual symmetry between the friction and the Lorentz force. Two cases relevant to experiments, the edge state tunneling in a Hall bar and the tunneling near the dynamical localization will be discussed in detail.Comment: Late

    A Unified Gravity-Electroweak Model Based on a Generalized Yang-Mills Framework

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    Gravitational and electroweak interactions can be unified in analogy with the unification in the Weinberg-Salam theory. The Yang-Mills framework is generalized to include space-time translational group T(4), whose generators T_{\mu}(=\p/\p x^{\mu}) do not have constant matrix representations. By gauging T(4)×SU(2)×U(1)T(4) \times SU(2) \times U(1) in flat space-time, we have a new tensor field ϕμν\phi_{\mu\nu} which universally couples to all particles and anti-particles with the same constant gg, which has the dimension of length. In this unified model, the T(4) gauge symmetry dictates that all wave equations of fermions, massive bosons and the photon in flat space-time reduce to a Hamilton-Jacobi equation with the same `effective Riemann metric tensor' in the geometric-optics limit. Consequently, the results are consistent with experiments. We demonstrated that the T(4) gravitational gauge field can be quantized in inertial frames.Comment: 12 pages. To be published in "Modern Physics Letters A

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    Phase transition in site-diluted Josephson junction arrays: A numerical study

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    We numerically investigate the intriguing effects produced by random percolative disorder in two-dimensional Josephson-junction arrays. By dynamic scaling analysis, we evaluate critical temperatures and critical exponents with high accuracy. It is observed that, with the introduction of site-diluted disorder, the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition is eliminated and evolves into a continuous transition with power-law divergent correlation length. Moreover, genuine depinning transition and creep motion are studied, evidence for distinct creep motion types is provided. Our results not only are in good agreement with the recent experimental findings, but also shed some light on the relevant phase transitions.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, Phys. Rev. B (in press

    Measuring the equation of state of trapped ultracold bosonic systems in an optical lattice with in-situ density imaging

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    We analyze quantitatively how imaging techniques with single-site resolution allow to measure thermodynamical properties that cannot be inferred from time-of-light images for the trapped Bose-Hubbard model. If the normal state extends over a sufficiently large range, the chemical potential and the temperature can be extracted from a single shot, provided the sample is in thermodynamic equilibrium. When the normal state is too narrow, temperature is low but can still be extracted using the fluctuation-dissipation theorem over the entire trap range as long as the local density approximation remains valid, as was recently suggested by Qi Zhou and Tin-Lun Ho [arXiv:0908.3015]. However, for typical present-day experiments, the number of samples needed is of the order of 1000 in order to get the temperature at least 10%10 \% accurate, but it is possible to reduce the variance by 2 orders of magnitude if the density-density correlation length is short, which is the case for the Bose-Hubbard model. Our results provide further evidence that cold gases in an optical lattices can be viewed as quantum analog computers.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure
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