8 research outputs found


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    N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceThis paper aims to promote the dissemination of agroforestry systems in southeastern Brazil, through techniques of innovative extension in order to stimulate small family farmer in the transition from traditional agriculture towards agroecology, based on agroforestry systems that insure the increase of product diversity and income, associated to ecological sustainability. The project is based on participatory methodologies, such as diagnosis, reflection, discussion and training of social pacts. The project is being developed in rural settlements around the National Forest of Ipanema in Iperó/SP, Brazil. . Of the total of 150 families, about 40 participated in the project. Six young people were selected from the community to act as multiplier monitors. Exchange visits allowed them to share real experiences with rural farmers and to observe community organization and production in agroforestry. From a participatory diagnosis, farmers cited the species they would like to plant. Since only exotic species were cited in the diagnosis, the project prepared an illustrative material with native species. Planning workshops were held where farmers laid down the species and combinations that they would like to deploy. Thereafter, the demonstration units were deployed in the monitors' areas with exotic agricultural species and native species of medium and long cycle. It is believed that the project objectives have been achieved because, currently, several new voluntary initiatives to diversify production and deploy agroforestry are seen

    Morfologia de frutos, sementes, plântulas e plantas jovens de Guibourtia hymenifolia (Moric.) J. Leonard (Fabaceae)

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    Guibourtia hymenifolia (Moric.) J. Leonard (Fabaceae) é uma espécie arbórea de potencial madeireiro com ocorrência natural nas florestas estacionais deciduais e semideciduais sob afloramentos calcários na Serra da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Foram descritos e ilustrados os aspectos morfológicos dos frutos, sementes e desenvolvimento das plântulas e plantas jovens de G. hymenifolia. O fruto é do tipo legume, deiscente, unispermo. A semente possui forma elíptica, forte coloração alaranjada e presença de arilo esbranquiçado de origem funicular. Obtiveram-se 66% de germinação em câmara de germinação, sendo a morfologia inicial das plântulas fanerocotiledonar epígea, com cotilédones carnosos. As plântulas e plantas jovens apresentam mudança de filotaxia, sendo os eofilos opostos e unifoliolados e os metafilos, alternos, peciolados e bifoliolados. Eofilos e metafilos apresentam nervação pinada do tipo camptódromo broquidódromo. Esses resultados contribuem em estudos taxonômicos da espécie e permitem a identificação das plântulas em estudos de regeneração natural