5,596 research outputs found

    Causal Theory for the Gauged Thirring Model

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    We consider the (2+1)-dimensional massive Thirring model as a gauge theory, with one fermion flavor, in the framework of the causal perturbation theory and address the problem of dynamical mass generation for the gauge boson. In this context we get an unambiguous expression for the coefficient of the induced Chern-Simons term.Comment: LaTex, 21 pages, no figure

    Radiative Corrections for the Gauged Thirring Model in Causal Perturbation Theory

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    We evaluate the one-loop fermion self-energy for the gauged Thirring model in (2+1) dimensions, with one massive fermion flavor, in the framework of the causal perturbation theory. In contrast to QED3_3, the corresponding two-point function turns out to be infrared finite on the mass shell. Then, by means of a Ward identity, we derive the on-shell vertex correction and discuss the role played by causality for nonrenormalizable theories.Comment: LaTex, 09 pages, no figures. Title changed and introduction enlarged. To be published in Eur. Phys. J.

    Axial Anomaly through Analytic Regularization

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    In this work we consider the 2-point Green's functions in (1+1) dimensional quantum electrodynamics and show that the correct implementation of analytic regularization gives a gauge invariant result for the vaccum polarization amplitude and the correct coefficient for the axial anomaly.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Causal Propagators for Algebraic Gauges

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    Applying the principle of analytic extension for generalized functions we derive causal propagators for algebraic non-covariant gauges. The so generated manifestly causal gluon propagator in the light-cone gauge is used to evaluate two one-loop Feynman integrals which appear in the computation of the three-gluon vertex correction. The result is in agreement with that obtained through the usual prescriptions.Comment: LaTex, 09 pages, no figure

    Gauged Thirring Model in the Heisenberg Picture

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    We consider the (2+1)-dimensional gauged Thirring model in the Heisenberg picture. In this context we evaluate the vacuum polarization tensor as well as the corrected gauge boson propagator and address the issues of generation of mass and dynamics for the gauge boson (in the limits of QED3_3 and Thirring model as a gauge theory, respectively) due to the radiative corrections.Comment: 14 pages, LaTex, no figure

    Quantum gauge boson propagators in the light front

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    Gauge fields in the light front are traditionally addressed via the employment of an algebraic condition n⋅A=0n\cdot A=0 in the Lagrangian density, where AμA_{\mu} is the gauge field (Abelian or non-Abelian) and nμn^\mu is the external, light-like, constant vector which defines the gauge proper. However, this condition though necessary is not sufficient to fix the gauge completely; there still remains a residual gauge freedom that must be addressed appropriately. To do this, we need to define the condition (n⋅A)(∂⋅A)=0(n\cdot A)(\partial \cdot A)=0 with n⋅A=0=∂⋅An\cdot A=0=\partial \cdot A. The implementation of this condition in the theory gives rise to a gauge boson propagator (in momentum space) leading to conspicuous non-local singularities of the type (k⋅n)−α(k\cdot n)^{-\alpha} where α=1,2\alpha=1,2. These singularities must be conveniently treated, and by convenient we mean not only matemathically well-defined but physically sound and meaningfull as well. In calculating such a propagator for one and two noncovariant gauge bosons those singularities demand from the outset the use of a prescription such as the Mandelstam-Leibbrandt (ML) one. We show that the implementation of the ML prescription does not remove certain pathologies associated with zero modes. However we present a causal, singularity-softening prescription and show how to keep causality from being broken without the zero mode nuisance and letting only the propagation of physical degrees of freedom.Comment: 10 page

    Schwinger's Principle and Gauge Fixing in the Free Electromagnetic Field

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    A manifestly covariant treatment of the free quantum eletromagnetic field, in a linear covariant gauge, is implemented employing the Schwinger's Variational Principle and the B-field formalism. It is also discussed the abelian Proca's model as an example of a system without constraints.Comment: 8 pages. Format PTPtex. No figur

    Cosmological Bianchi Class A models in S\'aez-Ballester theory

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    We use the S\'aez-Ballester (SB) theory on anisotropic Bianchi Class A cosmological model, with barotropic fluid and cosmological constant, using the Hamilton or Hamilton-Jacobi approach. Contrary to claims in the specialized literature, it is shown that the S\'aez-Ballester theory cannot provide a realistic solution to the dark matter problem of Cosmology for the dust epoch, without a fine tunning because the contribution of the scalar field in this theory is equivalent to a stiff fluid (as can be seen from the energy--momentum tensor for the scalar field), that evolves in a different way as the dust component. To have similar contributions of the scalar component and the dust component implies that their past values were fine tunned. So, we reinterpreting this null result as an indication that dark matter plays a central role in the formation of structures and galaxy evolution, having measureable effects in the cosmic microwave bound radiation, and than this formalism yield to this epoch as primigenius results. We do the mention that this formalism was used recently in the so called K-essence theory applied to dark energy problem, in place to the dark matter problem. Also, we include a quantization procedure of the theory which can be simplified by reinterpreting the theory in the Einstein frame, where the scalar field can be interpreted as part of the matter content of the theory, and exact solutions to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation are found, employing the Bianchi Class A cosmological models.Comment: 24 pages; ISBN: 978-953-307-626-3, InTec
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