6 research outputs found

    LHC Transverse Feedback System: First Results of Commissionning

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    A powerful transverse feedback system ("Damper") has been installed in LHC. It will stabilise the high intensity beam against coupled bunch transverse instabilities in a frequency range from 3 kHz to 20 MHz and at the same time damp injection oscillations originating from steering errors and injection kicker ripple. The LHC Damper can also be used as means of exciting transverse oscillations for the purposes of abort gap cleaning and tune measurement. The LHC Damper includes 4 feedback systems on 2 circulating beams (in other words one feedback system per beam and plane). Every feedback system consists of 4 electrostatic kickers, 4 push-pull wide band power amplifiers, 8 preamplifiers, two digital processing units and 2 beam position monitors with low-level electronics. The power and low-level subsystem layout is described along with first results from the commissioning of 16 power amplifiers and 16 electrostatic kickers located in the LHC tunnel. The achieved performance is compared with earlier predictions and requirements for injection damping and instability control. Requirements and first measurements of the performance of the power and low-level subsystems are summarized

    Control of the beam-internal target interaction at the nuclotron by means of light radiation

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    Abstract The light radiation from various internal targets at the nuclotron can be utilized for the operative control and time optimization of the interaction intensity of the beam. The examples presented in the paper illustrate information about the space characteristics of the circulating beam during one cycle of the accelerator run at the stages of injection, acceleration and during the physical experiments, respectively

    Status and initial physics performance studies of the MPD experiment at NICA

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    The Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) is under construction at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), with commissioning of the facility expected in late 2022. The Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) has been designed to operate at NICA and its components are currently in production. The detector is expected to be ready for data taking with the first beams from NICA. This document provides an overview of the landscape of the investigation of the QCD phase diagram in the region of maximum baryonic density, where NICA and MPD will be able to provide significant and unique input. It also provides a detailed description of the MPD set-up, including its various subsystems as well as its support and computing infrastructures. Selected performance studies for particular physics measurements at MPD are presented and discussed in the context of existing data and theoretical expectations