124 research outputs found

    Impact of Demand Side Management in Active Distribution Networks

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    Hosting Capacity of Solar Photovoltaics in Distribution Grids under Different Pricing Schemes

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    Maximizing the self-consumption of Solar-PV using Battery Energy Storage System in Samso-Marina

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    Incentive Price-Based Demand Response in Active Distribution Grids

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    Integration of PV power generation systems at distribution grids, especially at low-voltage (LV) grids, brings in operational challenges for distribution system operators (DSOs). These challenges include grid over-voltages and overloading of cables during peak PV power production. Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are being installed alongside PV systems by customers for smart home energy management. This paper investigates the utilization of those BESS by DSOs for maintaining the grid voltages within limits. In this context, an incentive price based demand response (IDR) method is proposed for indirect control of charging/discharging power of the BESS according to the grid voltage conditions. It is shown that the proposed IDR method, which relies on a distributed computing application, is able to maintain the grid voltages within limits. The advantage of the proposed distributed implementation is that the DSOs can compute and communicate the incentive prices thereby encouraging customers to actively participate in the demand response program. An iterative distributed algorithm is used to compute the incentive prices of individual BESS to minimize the costs of net power consumption of the customer. The proposed IDR method is tested by conducting simulation studies on the model of a Danish LV grid for few study cases. The simulation results show that by using the proposed method for the control of BESS, node voltages are maintained within limits as well as the costs of net power consumption of BESS owners are minimized

    Flexibility from Electric Boiler and Thermal Storage for Multi Energy System Interaction

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    Active use of heat accumulators in the thermal system has the potential for achieving flexibility in district heating with the power to heat (P2H) units, such as electric boilers (EB) and heat pumps. Thermal storage tanks can decouple demand and generation, enhancing accommodation of sustainable energy sources such as solar and wind. The overview of flexibility, using EB and storage, supported by investigating the nature of thermal demand in a Danish residential area, is presented in this paper. Based on the analysis, curve-fitting tools, such as neural net and similar day method, are trained to estimate the residential thermal demand. Utilizing the estimated demand and hourly market spot price of electricity, the operation of the EB is scheduled for storing and fulfilling demand and minimizing energy cost simultaneously. This demonstrates flexibility and controlling the EB integrated into a multi-energy system framework. Results show that the curve fitting tool is effectively suitable to acknowledge thermal demands of residential area based on the environmental factor as well as user behaviour. The thermal storage has the capability of operating as a flexible load to support P2H system as well as minimize the effect of estimation error in fulfilling actual thermal demand simultaneously

    Estimation of Energy Activity and Flexibility Range in Smart Active Residential Building

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    The smart active residential buildings play a vital role to realize intelligent energy systems by harnessing energy flexibility from loads and storage units. This is imperative to integrate higher proportions of variable renewable energy generation and implement economically attractive demand-side participation schemes. The purpose of this paper is to develop an energy management scheme for smart sustainable buildings and analyze its efficacy when subjected to variable generation, energy storage management, and flexible demand control. This work estimate the flexibility range that can be reached utilizing deferrable/controllable energy system units such as heat pump (HP) in combination with on-site renewable energy sources (RESs), namely photovoltaic (PV) panels and wind turbine (WT), and in-house thermal and electric energy storages, namely hot water storage tank (HWST) and electric battery as back up units. A detailed HP model in combination with the storage tank is developed that accounts for thermal comforts and requirements, and defrost mode. Data analytics is applied to generate demand and generation profiles, and a hybrid energy management and a HP control algorithm is developed in this work. This is to integrate all active components of a building within a single complex-set of energy management solution to be able to apply demand response (DR) signals, as well as to execute all necessary computation and evaluation. Different capacity scenarios of the HWST and battery are used to prioritize the maximum use of renewable energy and consumer comfort preferences. A flexibility range of 22.3% is achieved for the scenario with the largest HWST considered without a battery, while 10.1% in the worst-case scenario with the smallest HWST considered and the largest battery. The results show that the active management and scheduling scheme developed to combine and prioritize thermal, electrical and storage units in buildings is essential to be studied to demonstrate the adequacy of sustainable energy buildings

    Long Term Expected Revenue of Wind Farms Considering the Bidding Admission Uncertainty

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    As a long term bidding behavior, bid shading is exhibited by wind farms participating in real Uniform Price (UP) markets. This signifies that the wind farm owners bid far below their true long run marginal cost. In this paper, a method is proposed to consider the uncertainty of bidding admission in the long term expected revenue of wind farms. We show that this consideration could perfectly explain the observed bid shading behavior of wind farm owners. We use a novel market price model with a stochastic model of a wind farm to derive indices describing the uncertainty of bidding admission. The optimal behavior of the wind farm is then obtained by establishing a multi objective optimization problem and subsequently solved using genetic algorithm. The method is applied to the analysis of long term bidding behavior of a wind farm participating in a Pay-as-Bid (PAB) auction such as Iran Electricity Market (IEM). The results demonstrate that wind farm owners change their bid shading behavior in a PAB Auction. However, the expected revenue of the wind farm will also decrease in a PAB auction. As a result, it is not recommended to make an obligation for the wind farms to participate in a PAB auction as a normal market player
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