24 research outputs found
Non-coding RNAs in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: New approaches for better diagnosis and therapy
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the most aggressive malignancies with a 5-year survival rate less than 8%, which has remained unchanged over the last 50 years. Early detection is particularly difficult due to the lack of disease-specific symptoms and a reliable biomarker. Multimodality treatment including chemotherapy, radiotherapy (used sparingly) and surgery has become the standard of care for patients with PDAC. Carbohydrate antigen 19–9 (CA 19–9) is the most common diagnostic biomarker; however, it is not specific enough especially for asymptomatic patients. Non-coding RNAs are often deregulated in human malignancies and shown to be involved in cancer-related mechanisms such as cell growth, differentiation, and cell death. Several micro, long non-coding and circular RNAs have been reported to date which are involved in PDAC. Aim of this review is to discuss the roles and functions of non-coding RNAs in diagnosis and treatments of PDAC
Oblatio puerorum
Otroci so bili iz različnih razlogov že od samega začetka cenobitskega meništva del samostanskih skupnosti. Otrok in samostan sta sicer na videz nezdružjiva pojma, ki pa se srečata v danes obskurni, nekdaj pa močno uveljavljeni religiozni praksi otroških oblacij, ki svoj vzpon pričenja ob zatonu antične kulture. V prispevku bomo orisali religijski fenomen otroških oblatov, otrok, ki so jih starši že v rani mladosti »(za)puščali«, »podarjali« oz. »posvečevali« samostanom iz različnih vzgibov. Benediktova regula, absoluten kodeks zahodnega meništva, na večih mestih omenja otroke v samostanu, zlasti otroke – oblate in jih kot način posvečenga življenja tudi institucionalizira. Kakšen je bil njihov položaj in vloga v meniški skupnosti? Kako se je tovrstna praksa razvija in iz vzhoda prenesla na zahod? Kaj je botrovalo takšni praksi in kakšni so bili vzgibi staršev za tovrstno ravnanje? Gre res le za antično expositio ali pa so razlogi bolj religiozne narave
V diplomski nalogi smo ugotavljali stopnjo zadovoljstva in motivacije za delo med študenti in pogodbenimi sodelavci v izbranem slovenskem podjetju.
V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili fleksibilne oblike zaposlitve v slovenskem prostoru, različne teorije motivacije, motivacijske dejavnike ter dejavnike, ki vplivajo na zadovoljstvo pri delu.
Raziskovalni del smo opravili v podjetju (agenciji X), ki se ukvarja s storitvami na področju pospeševanja prodaje. Za opravljanje svoje dejavnosti podjetje vsakodnevno sodeluje z večjim številom zunanjih sodelavcev, ki smo jih razdelili v dve skupini. Prvo skupno sestavljajo študenti, drugo ostali pogodbeni sodelavci.
Ker se stroški dela za posamezno skupino precej razlikujejo, podjetje zanima, katera od skupin je bolj motivirana in zadovoljna z delom, ki ga preučevano podjetje nudi.
Med obema skupinama smo s pomočjo ankete izvedli raziskavo. Pri tem nas je zanimalo, katera izmed skupin čuti večjo pripadnost do sodelovanja z agencijo X, ali obstajajo razlike v zadovoljstvu in motivaciji za delo v agenciji X med študenti in pogodbenimi sodelavci ter kateri dejavniki vplivajo na razliko stopnje zadovoljstva in motivacije za delo med študenti in podjetniki.
Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da sta obe skupini zunanjih sodelavcev zadovoljni in motivirani za delo v agenciji X. Vseeno pa je zaznati nekoliko večjo stopnjo zadovoljstva in motivacije za delo med pogodbenimi sodelavci v primerjavi s študenti. Prav tako so pogodbeni sodelavci tisti, ki čutijo večjo pripadnost do sodelovanja z agencijo X kot študentje.
Skrb vodstva podjetja, da je delo, ki ga nudijo, bolj primerno za študente, se je tako izkazala kot neutemeljena. Še več, pogodbeni sodelavci so izrazili pri večini odgovorov večjo stopnjo motiviranosti in zadovoljstva ter tudi večjo pripadnost do sodelovanja z agencijo X v primerjavi s študenti.In the diploma paper we determined the level of satisfaction and work motivation among students and contract employees in a selected Slovenian company.
In the theoretical part we presented the flexible forms of employment in the Slovenian area, different theories of motivation, motivational factors, and factors affecting job satisfaction.
Research works were performed in the company (agency X), which deals with services in the field of sales promotions. In order to perform their daily activities the company is involved with a number of external collaborators, who were divided into two groups. The first joint consists of students, the other remaining contract employees.
Since labor costs for each group vary considerably, the company is interested, which group is more motivated and satisfied with the work the company offers.
A survey research by way of a questionnaire was performed between the two groups. In doing so, we wanted to know which of the two groups feels greater loyalty to cooperate with the agency X, whether there are differences in satisfaction and motivation to work in the agency X between students and contract employees as well as the factors which affect the difference of satisfaction level and work motivation among students and entrepreneurs.
The results showed that both groups of outworkers are happy and motivated to work in the agency X. However, it is observed that there is a slightly higher level of satisfaction and motivation for the work on the side of the contract staff compared with the students. Contract employees also feel more loyal to cooperate with the agency X than students.
The concern of the company management, that the work they offer is more suitable for students thus proved groundless. Moreover, the contract employees expressed a greater degree of motivation and satisfaction as well as greater loyalty to cooperate with the agency than the students
Christus corona Beatæ Mariæ: veneration of blessed virgin Mary mother of God in homilies of saint Amadeus of Lausanne
V magistrskem delu avtor predstavi osmero marijanskih homilij svetega Amadeja iz Lozane, pri čemer izpostavi ključne tri marijanske skrivnosti – ponižnost, čistost in materinstvo – ki jih najdemo pri izbranem avtorju in ki tematizirajo vso sočasno meniško literaturo zgodnje sholastike.
Po začetni predstavitvi življenja in časa svetega Amadeja, vloge homiletike, ključnih ohranjenih rokopisov, izdaj in recepcije besedila, je v nadaljnih poglavjih predstavljena vsaka skrivnost posebej.
Po osnovini kulturno–filozofski konceptualizaciji ponižnosti in čistosti v prvih dveh osrednjih poglavjih, je razumevanje obravnavanih kreposti oziroma skrivnosti nadgrajeno s svetopisemskim pojmovanjem in v zgodovinsko–bogoslovnem preseku naobrnjeno na Blaženo Devico Marijo. Tretje poglavje spričo zapletenosti prinaša le biblično konceptualizacijo z razširjenim zgodovinsko–bogoslovnim delom.
V vseh treh osrednjih poglavjih nato sledi še predstavitev in prevod ključnih odlomkov Amadejevih homilij ter izpeljava vseh treh skrivnosti v liturgičnem izrazu tematskih marijanskih praznikov. Magistrsko nalogo avtor sklene s sintezo vseh treh skrivnosti: ponižnost je rodovitni temelj čistosti in čistost je precedenz materinstva. Krona materinstva Božje porodnice Marije pa je sam Kristus.Dans sa thèse de maîtrise l\u27auteur présente huit homélies Mariales de saint Amadée de Lausanne, mettant en évidence les trois mystères mariaux clés – l\u27humilité, la pureté et la maternité – trouvés chez l\u27auteur choisi, qui thématisent toute la littérature monastique contemporaine de la scolastique primitive.
Après une première présentation de la vie et du temps de saint Amadée, du rôle de l\u27homilétique, de la réception des textes et des principaux manuscrits conservés, l\u27auteur présente chaque mystère séparément dans les chapitres suivants.
Selon la conceptualisation culturelle et philosophique de base de l\u27humilité et de la pureté dans les deux premiers chapitres centraux, la compréhension des vertus ou des mystères discutés est mise à jour avec un conception biblique et puis présentée en coupe historico–théologique inversée à la Bienheureuse Vierge Marie. Compte tenu de la complexité, le troisième chapitre apporte qu\u27une conceptualisation biblique avec une part historico–théologique.
Les trois chapitres centraux sont suivis d\u27une présentation et d\u27une traduction d\u27extraits clés des homélies d\u27Amadée et d\u27une dérivation des trois mystères dans l\u27expression liturgique des fêtes Mariales. L\u27auteur conclut sa thèse de maîtrise en synthétisant les trois secrets: l\u27humilité est le fondement fertile de la pureté est le précédent de la maternité. La couronne de la Marie, Mère de Dieu, est le Christ lui–même
Application for backup and restore data of control computers
In this thesis we focus on solving the problems of backup data and restore of the control computers. With the developed application we want to prevent the loss of key process data in an automated production process and enable fast establishment of the process, after a failure. In case of control computer failure, rapid completion of re-operation is crucial as it prevents or minimizes foregone process and consequently the possibility of damage.
The introductory part of the thesis presents the importance of data backup today, and the basic types of backups. The following describes the standard OPC interfaces and illustrates types of OPC interfaces, including OPC DA, which is used to access the data structures and data of control computers. At the end of the introductory part are generally described control computers and Siemens control computer used during development. The essential part lists used tools and technologies used during development and further describes development of software solution through analysis, design and development. The main part includes presentation of developed software solution, and describes structure and implementation of it. The final part of this thesis includes description of difficulties, which appeared during development and possible upgrades and improvements of developed software solution
Work of medical clowns in the hospice facility
The work of medical clowns with the dying is poorly researched on the global scale. In the thesis, I look at how medical clowns who work in a hospice conceptualize their work. In the theoretical part, I present the concepts of palliative care and hospice, clown and healthcare clowning. To shed light on some aspects of medical clowns' work in a hospice, such as their methods, how they are conected with the institution, challenges they face, aspects of working in couples, etc., I conducted semi-structured interviews with all five clown doctors working in a hospice. On the basis of their answers, I developed a grounded theory and attempted to connect my findings with some concepts of social pedagogy. My goal is to contribute to the existing knowledge of this poorly researched phenomenon and to theoretically reflect and ground the work that the medical clowns are doing in a hospice