2 research outputs found
Infracristal Pocket Simulating a Membranous Ventricular Septal Aneurysm
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Toxicity of Polychlorinated Polycyclic Compounds and Related Chemicals
- Author
- Abbott L.M.
- Acker L.
- Adams E.M.
- Addison R.F.
- Alder V.C.
- Allen J.R
- Allen J.R.
- Allen J.R.
- Allen J.R.
- Allen J.R.
- Allen J.R.
- Allen J.R.
- Alvares A.P.
- Amour J.A.
- Anon
- Anon
- Anon
- Anon
- Anon
- Bachmann R.C.
- Bagley G.
- Bagley G.E.
- Baker H.
- Balazs T
- Bauer H.
- Baughman R.
- Bell W.B
- Bennett G.A.
- Benthe H.F.
- Biros F.J.
- Bjerk J.E
- Bleiberg J.
- Block W.D.
- Blus L.J.
- Booth A.
- Boutwell R.K.
- Braun W
- Broadhurst M.G
- Brock W.E.
- Browning R.S.
- Bruun J.N
- Burry J.N
- Butler P.A
- Caldwell R.S.
- Calnan C.D.
- Cammer W.
- Cantrell J.S.
- Cantrell J.S.
- Carroll F.E.
- Cecil H.C.
- Chung H.L.
- Clark F.M
- Clark F.M
- Corneliussen P.E
- Cotter L.H
- Courtney K.D.
- Courtney K.D.
- Coxon J.A.
- Crosby D.G.
- Crosby D.G.
- Crowe K.D
- Curley A.
- Curley A.
- Curley A.
- Curley A.
- Dahlgren R.B.
- Dahlgren R.B.
- Dahlgren R.B.
- Deichmann W.B.
- Duke T.W.
- Edmunds J.W.
- Edwards J.E.
- Elvidge D.A
- Emerson J.L.
- Epstein S.
- Firestone D
- Firestone F.
- Firminger H.I
- Fisch R.O.
- Fishbein L
- Flick D.F.
- Flick D.F.
- Flinn F.B.
- Fowler B.
- Frenk E
- Friend M.
- Fries G.F
- Gluck L.A
- Goddard J.L
- Goerlitz D.
- Goldmann P.J
- Goldstein J.A.
- Goldstein J.A.
- Good C.K.
- Gould B.S.
- Graber M.B.
- Grant D.L.
- Gump W.S
- Gutenmann H.W.
- Hale G.A.
- Hamblin D.O
- Hansen D.J.
- Harber L.C.
- Harris M.W.
- Herter W.B
- Herxheimer K
- Higginbotham G.R.
- Holden A.V
- Huber W.G.
- Hustert K.
- Hutterer F.
- Hutzinger O.
- Hutzinger O.
- Inagami K.
- Jenkins R.L.
- Jensen S
- Jensen S.
- Jensen S.
- Jillson O.F
- Jillson O.F.
- Johnson R.L.
- Johnson R.R.
- Jones E.L.
- Jones J.W.
- Jones W
- Kabacoff B.L.
- Kearney P.C.
- Keplinger M.L.
- Kimbrough R.D
- Kimbrough R.D
- Kimmel C.A.
- Kimmig J.
- Kimura N.T.
- Klatzo I.
- Koeman J.H.
- Kojima T
- Kolbye A.C
- Koller L.D.
- Korlof B.
- Kuratsune M.
- Kuratsune M.
- Kuroiwa Y.
- Kurtz S.M.
- Lampert P.
- Larson D.L
- Larson D.L
- Larson D.L.
- Laug E.P.
- Light J.T.
- Lincer J.L.
- Linder R.E.
- Litterst C.L.
- Lockhart J.D
- Lucier G.W.
- Lustig F.W
- Lyman F.L.
- Magee P.N.
- Manowitz M.
- May G
- Mayers M.R.
- McCune E.L.
- McDonald H.P.
- Metcalfe L.D
- Miller J. F. A. P
- Miller J.W
- Milnes M.H
- Moore J.A.
- Mullick F.G
- Murai Y.
- Murai Y.
- Nakaue H.S.
- Nelson N.
- Nishimoto T.
- Norback D.H.
- Norback D.H.
- Norback D.H.
- Norback D.H.
- Oakley G.P.
- Okumura M.
- Olafson P
- Ortega P.
- Osmundsen P.E
- Peakall D.B
- Penning C.H
- Pichirallo J
- Pilapil V.R
- Piper W.N.
- Platonow N.S.
- Platte B
- Plewig G
- Poland A.
- Poland A.
- Porcaro P.J.
- Powell H.
- Press E
- Prestt I.
- Price H.A.
- Pudelkiewicz W.J.
- Pugh D.M.
- Rajzman A
- Ress J.
- Reuber M.D
- Reynolds L.M
- Reynolds L.M
- Ringer R.K.
- Risebrough R.W.
- Rote W.J.
- Safe S.
- Safe S.
- Salomon W.D.
- Sanger V.L.
- Santolucito J.A
- Schmidt H.
- Schoettle C.E.
- Schorr W.F
- Schulz K.H
- Scopa P
- Shaffer G.W.
- Shapley D
- Shelley W.B.
- Shuman R.M.
- Sikes D.
- Simpson C.F.
- Sparschu G.L.
- Stalling D.L.
- Stewart H.L.
- Teleky L
- Thorpe E
- Tomita M.
- Udall V.
- Ulsamer A.G
- Ulsamer A.G.
- Uzawa H.
- Veith G.D
- Veith G.D
- Villanueva E.C.
- Vos J.G.
- Vos J.G.
- Vos J.G.
- Vos J.G.
- Vos J.G.
- Wagener K
- Wauer H
- Wear J. B.
- Weber G
- Wilkinson D.S
- Williams D.T.
- Williams D.T.
- Willis J.
- Wit J.G.
- Woods J.S
- Woolson E.A.
- Yobs A.R
- Yoshimura T
- Zitko V
- Zitko V
- Zitko V.
- Zitko V.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study