8 research outputs found

    Global Trade, Admiralty Law And Zero Sum Games

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    A shipment of heavy sand from Australia was contaminated by sea water during a hurricane. Upon examination of the ship’s hold hatches, it was determined by the consignee that the hold hatches were in poor repair and faulty. Immediate compensation for the insurance deductible and shipping expense was demanded of the ship’s owners. Claiming an act of God under Admiralty Law, the ship’s owner refused payment. Upon consultation with maritime attorneys, the consignee decided to apply a provision of maritime law and “arrest” the ship to force payment

    Salt Water Product Contamination During Trans Atlantic Shipments: Management Decisions And Legal Implications A Case Study

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    A ceramic manufacturing plant received a shipment of heavy sand that was contaminated with salt water during a Trans Atlantic voyage. The ship’s captain and the ship owners claimed it to be an “Act of God” as the ship went through a hurricane. Examination of the hatch covers indicated that they were faulty and compensation for the damaged cargo was demanded. The demand was refused by the ship’s owners and the cargo owner chose to “arrest” the ship to force payment

    Today's Learner, Preferences In Teaching Techniques

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    The computer age is here. Students are tuned in to the latest digital devices and methods available today. Most students are exposed to short messages with video enhancements. This gives rise to a student who gets frustrated and bored with the standard lecture technique of years past. To achieve a greater effectiveness and learning outcome in delivering a lecture and subsequent learning, the professor has to know and understand the changes that are occurring in today’s learner. This paper presents findings of a study comparing the perceptions of first year freshmen business students’ with upper class business students’ perceptions as to how learning and assessment should occur in the classroom. The study also evaluates the differences between the various types of business majors

    When Philosophers Disagree A Philosophical Analysis of Marketing Advertising

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    For years, scholars have been addressing the question “Is marketing, more specifically advertising, ethical?” Two of the most well-known arguments are proposed by Robert Arrington and Roger Crisp. Their debate is over whether advertising unfairly interferes with the autonomy of consumers. Arrington suggests that advertisers cannot remove a consumer’s basic free will. Crisp suggests that because consumers cannot know the effects of images on them advertisements have a harmful consequences on a consumer’s free will. There is still much debate over the topic of marketing ethics. A clear consensus has not been drawn nor has an answer has been revealed

    Measurement of the Matching Degree between the Structure of China’s High-tech Industry and of Technological Resources Input

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    Based on general principles of welfare economics, a structure deviation index is constructed for the industry structure and the technological resources input structure. Taking China’s high-tech manufacturing and high-tech service industry from 2004 to 2013 as samples, the research measures the matching degree of the industry structure and the technological resources input structure between hightech manufacturing and high-tech service industry, among high-tech manufacturing sub-industries, and between two high-tech service sub-sectors, respectively. Conclusions are (i) allocation of technological resources between high-tech manufacturing and high-tech service industry is basically efficient; (ii)technological resources efficiency of high-tech manufacturing sub-industries exhibits gradientdifferences; (iii) information transfer, software and information technology services demonstrates longterm and absolute advantages

    The Diversity, Specialization of High-tech Industrial Structure And Economic Growth in China

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    This paper measures diversity and specialization of China’s high-tech industrial structure using Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, Shannon-Wiener Index and Kullback-Leibler Divergence. It will analyze the linear and non-linear relationships between them and economic growth. It will also examine the impacts of the high-tech service sector, manufacturing sector, and the scale of high-tech enterprises on growth. It has been found that there is a U-shaped non-linear relationship between the internal structure of high-tech industry and growth, based on provincial panel data. Secondly, the differentiation of hightech industrial structure on the national-level and regional-level significantly promotes growth; therefore different optimal structures should be formed among all provinces. Thirdly, the high-tech service sector which is conductive to growth should be encouraged to develop. Lastly, to some extent, large and medium-sized high-tech enterprises have negative impacts on growth, and the development of medium and small-sized high-tech enterprises should be supported

    Dismissing a Physician for Cause: The Case of Mykal Grady, MD

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    Sutton Medical Center was just informed through a journalist that the physician they hired was accused of raping two patients. The doctor was given a five year employment contact. In an instant the Center is now going to face bad press and possible legal liability. Students must decide if there is good cause to terminate the physician. Can the Center sue the prior employer for failing to warn the Center? What are the implications to all of the parties involved in the confidential settlement made with the complainant

    The Transformation and Upgrading of the Chinese Manufacturing Industry: Based on “German Industry 4.0”

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    German “industry 4.0” strategy provides a reference and inspiration for the development of China’s manufacturing industry. This article analyzes the main problems existing in the development of the Chinese manufacturing industry and the enlightenment of German “industry 4.0” to the Chinese manufacturing industry. The Chinese manufacturing industry can learn from the German “industry 4.0” strategy from the adjustment of the industry structure to the cultivating of strategic emerging industries, from the integration of industrial technology and information technology to industrial technology innovation. “Industry 4.0” will take these policies and measures and enable China to make the necessary transformation and upgrading of its manufacturing industry