2 research outputs found

    從新歷史主義視角看黃帝大戰蚩尤 : 以神話、諸子學說及史家為例

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    黃帝與蚩尤的戰爭是中國古代規模較大的神話傳說。其始於戰國初年就有記載,至唐宋時代,其流傳演變不絕,是中國神話傳說影響最廣的。它基本反映了原始社會部落間的戰爭。從神話角度看,黃帝與蚩尤是天神;從傳說角度看,他們是兩大部落的首領。隨著時間的推移,黃帝與蚩尤的戰爭神話也因時勢而有所變改,更有和歷史雜糅的情況。 前人研究黃帝大戰蚩尤的主題有二:一,蚩尤的形象研究,如:吳家衡在〈「失敗戰神」——論蚩尤的戰神「專職化」和「神位條件」〉探討蚩尤形象二元對立的矛盾,衪是戰敗的一方,又是象徵邪惡的亂世叛臣,但卻被世人奉為民族的保護神。二,從互文性的角度分析不同作品中對黃帝大戰蚩尤的描寫,如:鄭巧賢、張仁軒於〈以《墉城集仙錄》為本看《太平廣記.西王母》中黃帝戰蚩尤的重現〉,就是以《墉城集仙錄》和《太平廣記.西王母》兩篇文本的對讀,分析當中黃帝與蚩尤形象,及兩部作品對大戰描寫的異同。 黃帝大戰蚩尤的神話雖然與歷史雜糅一起,又於戰國時代被諸子各家以其作學說的支持理據流傳,但就鮮有學者以此為主題作深入的探討。本文會從新歷史主義的角度出發,並以《山海經》、諸子各家學說及史家為例,察看黃帝大戰蚩尤的神話歷史化

    Production and Recovery of Ectoine: A Review of Current State and Future Prospects

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    Ectoine (1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-methyl-4-pyrimidinecarboxylic acid) is a revolutionizing substance with vast applications in the cosmetic and food industries. Ectoine is often sourced from halobacteria. The increasing market demand for ectoine has urged the development of cost-effective and sustainable large-scale production of ectoine from microbial sources. This review describes the existing and potential microbial sources of ectoine and its derivatives, as well as microbial production and fermentation approaches for ectoine recovery. In addition, conventional methods and emerging technologies for enhanced production and recovery of ectoine from microbial fermentation with a focus on the aqueous biphasic system (ABS) are discussed. The ABS is a practically feasible approach for the integration of fermentation, cell disruption, bioconversion, and clarification of various biomolecules in a single-step operation. Nonetheless, the implementation of the ABS on an industrial-scale basis for the enhanced production and recovery of ectoine is yet to be exploited. Therefore, the feasibility of the ABS to integrate the production and direct recovery of ectoine from microbial sources is also highlighted in this review