7 research outputs found

    Thermo-chemical conversion of cigarette butt filters waste through pyrolysis process using thermal analysis techniques

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    Thermo-chemical conversion of cigarette butt filters (CBF) waste was investigated using various thermal analysis techniques (simultaneous TG-DTG-DTA and DSC methods) at different heating rates in an inert atmosphere. Thermo- and thermo-physical properties of waste material were discussed, from the point of view of chemical structure and the influence of experimental parameters on the conversion process. It was established that acetyl groups of plasticizer (triacetin) interact with cellulose acetate through dipolar interactions and hydrogen bonding’s. Influence of these polar interactions can affect the position of glass transition temperature, Tg, of CBF. Based on estimated value of Tg from DSC analysis, it was found that cellulose acetate present in CBF has degree of substitution equals to 2.8, where the presence of cellulose triacetate was confirmed. It was assumed that an increase of degree of substitution leads to decline in the crystallinity. A decline of crystal-linity causes the reduction of hydroxyl groups, leading to less organized chains, and whereby decreasing of inter-molecular interactions through hydrogen bond-ing. Based on the examination of thermophysical characteristics of the tested ma-terial, it was found that both, the heat capacity and the thermal inertia of material linearly increase with temperature, during pyrolysis progression. It was concluded that the type of bio-char produced in this process would have a large capacity to store the heat, which may depend on the formed particles size diameter and poros-ity. Furthermore, it was inferred that magnitude drops of thermal conductivity, κ, after Tg depends on the material fibrillatio

    Efficient removal of rhodamine B from aqueous solutions using carbonized waste car tires: characterization and adsorption studies

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    This study explores the potential of carbonized waste car tires (WCT800) produced at 800°C as an adsorbent for the removal of Rhodamine B (RhB) dye from aqueous solutions. Utilizing a waste-toresource approach, waste car tires were transformed into a carbonaceous adsorbent, characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The SEM analysis revealed a highly porous material with a heterogeneous grain distribution, while FTIR spectra indicated the presence of functional groups conducive to dye adsorption. The efficacy of the RhB dye adsorption material was monitored using UV-VIS spectroscopy. The effectiveness of removing RhB was highlighted, with 99% removal achieved with optimal amount (mass) of the adsorbent. The study confirms the efficacy of WCT800 in dye adsorption, underscoring its potential as a sustainable solution for environmental remediation of dye-contaminated waters.31st International Conference Ecological Truth and Environmental Research : Sokobanja, Serbia, 18-21 June 2024

    Sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants for energy purposes: thermodynamic approach

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    The aim of the article is to show the effects of the main air plasma gasifier operating parameters, such as temperature and equivalence ratio on the gasification performance of sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants. The parametric study was performed using a one-dimensional mathematical model to determine the equilibrium composition of the system. The model is based on the principle of the minimum of the Gibbs function and uses only the ultimate and proximate analysis data as input to the model. The output of the model gives the equilibrium composition of the gasses produced. The parametric analysis was performed in order to determine the optimal operating parameters of the plasma reactor in order to obtain syngas with the highest heat value while achieving the maximum efficiency of the process. The collected results can be useful in further analysis of the gasification processes in plasma reactor, such as exergy analysis and kinetics

    Sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants for energy purposes: thermodynamic approach

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    The aim of the article is to show the effects of the main air plasma gasifier operating parameters, such as temperature and equivalence ratio on the gasification performance of sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants. The parametric study was performed using a onedimensional mathematical model to determine the equilibrium composition of the system. The model is based on the principle of the minimum of the Gibbs function and uses only the ultimate and proximate analysis data as input to the model. The output of the model gives the equilibrium composition of the gasses produced. The parametric analysis was performed in order to determine the optimal operating parameters of the plasma reactor in order to obtain syngas with the highest heat value while achieving the maximum efficiency of the process. The collected results can be useful in further analysis of the gasification processes in plasma reactor, such as exergy analysis and kineticsPower Plants 2023 : Elektrane 2023; November 8-10, 2023, Zlatibor, Serbi

    Biomass for clean energy solution: biomass gasification

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    Biomass waste recovery is an environmentally friendly method of waste management and sustainable energy production that effectively reduces greenhouse gas emissions and mitigates climate change. As a result, biomass is emerging as a significant source of renewable energy, replacing fossil fuels to power a green and sustainable society and accelerate the development of a circular bio-economy. Thermochemical conversion processes are the most efficient form of biomass utilization for energy production. Gasification of biomass as one of these processes is given special attention in this paper. The concise fundamentals of this process are presented, the types of gasifiers are described and a brief overview of plasma gasification is given with the highlighted advantages and challenges in its application.Power Plants 2023 : Elektrane 2023; November 8-10, 2023, Zlatibor, Serbi

    Overview of catalytic gasification of biomass suitable for industry in the Republic of Serbia

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    Biomasa se smatra važnim obnovljivim resursom, koji igra ključnu ulogu u razvoju održivih energetskih sistema. Biomasa se može pretvoriti u energiju ili vredne hemikalije sagorevanjem, utečnjavanjem, pirolizom i gasifikacijom. Među ovim procesima, termička gasifikacija ‛razlaže’ biomasu u lake hemijske vrste na visokim temperaturama, koje se mogu primeniti na biomasu sa najvećom raznovrsnošću. Kao krajnji (ciljni) proizvod gasifikacije biomase, singas ili gas bogat vodonikom (H2), su veoma važni međuproizvodi u petrohemijskoj industriji. Međutim, problematični katran koji se proizvodi tokom gasifikacije mogao bi da donese niz problema. Katalitička gasifikacija biomase je obećavajuća strategija za značajno ublažavanje ovih problema. Katalizatori na bazi prelaznih metala za katalitičku gasifikaciju biomase proučavani su poslednjih decenija. U ovom pregledu se razmatraju različiti katalizatori prelaznih metala za gasifikaciju biomase, uključujući monometalne i bimetalne katalizatore na bazi nikla (Ni) i druge katalizatore na bazi Fe i Pt. Performanse ovih katalizatora su bile procenjene na osnovu primenjenih parametara reakcije, kvaliteta proizvedenog singasa i učinkovitosti u smanjenju katrana. Sumirane su primena DFT (‛funkcionalne teorije gustine’) proračuna i AI (‛veštačke inteligencije’) za proučavanje mehanizama gasifikacije biomase, a takođe je bio i razmatran uzrok deaktivacije katalizatora i regeneracije istrošenih katalizatora. Isto tako, u ovom pregledu, razmotren je potencijal razvoja katalitičke gasifikacije biomase u Republici Srbiji.Biomass is considered as an important renewable resource, which plays a key role in the development of sustainable energy systems. Biomass can be converted into energy or valuable chemicals by combustion, liquefaction, pyrolysis and gasification. Among these processes, thermal gasification “decomposes” biomass into the light chemical species at high temperatures, which can be applied to biomass with the greatest diversity. As the final (target) product of biomass gasification, syngas or gas rich in hydrogen (H2), are very important intermediate products in the petrochemical industry. However, the problematic tar produced during gasification could bring a number of problems. Catalytic biomass gasification is a promising strategy to significantly alleviate these problems. Transition metal-based catalysts for catalytic biomass gasification have been studied in recent decades. This review discusses various transition metal catalysts for biomass gasification, including nickel (Ni)-based monometallic and bimetallic catalysts and other Fe- and Pt-based catalysts. The performance of these catalysts is evaluated based on the applied reaction parameters, the quality of the syngas produced, and the tar reduction performance. Applications of DFT (‛Density Functional Theory’) calculations and AI (‛Artificial Intelligence’) to study biomass gasification mechanisms are summarized, and the cause of catalyst deactivation and regeneration of spent catalysts are also discussed. Likewise, in this review, the development potential of catalytic gasification of biomass in the Republic of Serbia was considered.Power Plants 2023 : Elektrane 2023; November 8-10, 2023, Zlatibor, Serbi

    Overview of catalytic gasification of biomass suitable for industry in the Republic of Serbia

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    Biomasa se smatra važnim obnovljivim resursom, koji igra ključnu ulogu u razvoju održivih energetskih sistema. Biomasa se može pretvoriti u energiju ili vredne hemikalije sagorevanjem, utečnjavanjem, pirolizom i gasifikacijom. Među ovim procesima, termička gasifikacija ‛razlaže’ biomasu u lake hemijske vrste na visokim temperaturama, koje se mogu primeniti na biomasu sa najvećom raznovrsnošću. Kao krajnji (ciljni) proizvod gasifikacije biomase, singas ili gas bogat vodonikom (H2), su veoma važni međuproizvodi u petrohemijskoj industriji. Međutim, problematični katran koji se proizvodi tokom gasifikacije mogao bi da donese niz problema. Katalitička gasifikacija biomase je obećavajuća strategija za značajno ublažavanje ovih problema. Katalizatori na bazi prelaznih metala za katalitičku gasifikaciju biomase proučavani su poslednjih decenija. U ovom pregledu se razmatraju različiti katalizatori prelaznih metala za gasifikaciju biomase, uključujući monometalne i bimetalne katalizatore na bazi nikla (Ni) i druge katalizatore na bazi Fe i Pt. Performanse ovih katalizatora su bile procenjene na osnovu primenjenih parametara reakcije, kvaliteta proizvedenog singasa i učinkovitosti u smanjenju katrana. Sumirane su primena DFT (‛funkcionalne teorije gustine’) proračuna i AI (‛veštačke inteligencije’) za proučavanje mehanizama gasifikacije biomase, a takođe je bio i razmatran uzrok deaktivacije katalizatora i regeneracije istrošenih katalizatora. Isto tako, u ovom pregledu, razmotren je potencijal razvoja katalitičke gasifikacije biomase u Republici Srbiji.Biomass is considered as an important renewable resource, which plays a key role in the development of sustainable energy systems. Biomass can be converted into energy or valuable chemicals by combustion, liquefaction, pyrolysis and gasification. Among these processes, thermal gasification “decomposes” biomass into the light chemical species at high temperatures, which can be applied to biomass with the greatest diversity. As the final (target) product of biomass gasification, syngas or gas rich in hydrogen (H2), are very important intermediate products in the petrochemical industry. However, the problematic tar produced during gasification could bring a number of problems. Catalytic biomass gasification is a promising strategy to significantly alleviate these problems. Transition metal-based catalysts for catalytic biomass gasification have been studied in recent decades. This review discusses various transition metal catalysts for biomass gasification, including nickel (Ni)-based monometallic and bimetallic catalysts and other Fe- and Pt-based catalysts. The performance of these catalysts is evaluated based on the applied reaction parameters, the quality of the syngas produced, and the tar reduction performance. Applications of DFT (‛Density Functional Theory’) calculations and AI (‛Artificial Intelligence’) to study biomass gasification mechanisms are summarized, and the cause of catalyst deactivation and regeneration of spent catalysts are also discussed. Likewise, in this review, the development potential of catalytic gasification of biomass in the Republic of Serbia was considered