9 research outputs found

    Analysing singularities of a benchmark problem

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the singularities of a well known benchmark problem ``Andrews' squeezing mechanism''. We show that for physically relevant parameter values this system admits singularities. The method is based on Gr\"obner bases computations and ideal decomposition. It is algorithmic and can thus be applied to study constraint singularities which arise in more general situations.Comment: 30 pages, 18 figures (yet small files), submitted to Multibody System Dynamic

    Configuration space analysis of rigid mechanisms

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    Datapalvelimen luominen mesh-verkkoon

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    Opinnäytetyö tehtiin KajaProlle käytettäväksi muihin projekteihin. Tarkoituksena oli tutkia, mitä haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia mesh-verkon rakentamisesta voisi yritykselle olla. Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin ensin hajautettujen verkkojen periaatetta teoriassa ja eri topologioiden eroja. Tämän jälkeen selvitettiin, mitä vaatii mesh-verkon rakentaminen ja pääpalvelimen pystyttäminen siihen. Samalla tutkittiin olemassa olevia ja mahdollisia mesh-teknologian käyttökohteita. Työn mesh-verkko rakennettiin käyttämällä KajaPron hankkimia Arduino-pohjaisia piirilevyjä ja kyseiseen verkkoon liitettiin Raspberry Pi -palvelin. Lopputuloksena oli jokseenkin toimiva demonstraatioverkko, joka kuitenkin kaipaa vielä hiomista ennen oikeaa käyttöä. Demonstraatioverkon rakentamisen aikana huomattiin, että vaikka mesh-verkot ovat melko joustavia yhteyksiltään, on palvelinta lisätessä otettava huomioon monia asioita, jotta yhteydet pääpalvelimeen muodostuvat dynaamisesti, sulavasti ja luotettavasti. Demonstraatioverkon päälle voidaan nykyisessäkin tilassa jo alkaa rakentaa toiminnallisuuksia. Demonstraatioverkon perusteella jatkokehitettävää olisi varsinkin yhteyksien asynkronisuudessa ja kirjastojen koodin tuomisessa lähemmäksi rautaa parempaa yhteydenhallintaa varten.This Bachelor’s thesis was done for KajaPro for utilization in other projects. The purpose was to research the possible disadvantages and opportunities building a mesh network would give to the company. At the beginning, the thesis goes through the research of the main ideas of and the differences between distributed and decentralized networks. After this, an attempt was made to figure out what building the mesh network and attaching the server to it actually requires. At the side, the existing and possible usage cases of mesh networks were considered. The network of this work was built using Arduino based circuit boards KajaPro had acquired. A Raspberry Pi server was then attached to this network. The work resulted in rather functional demonstration network, which still needs some adjusting before it can be used. During the building phase of the network, it occurred that even though mesh networks are quite flexible in terms of connectivity, there are many things to concider so that the connections to the main server can be made dynamically, smoothly and reliably. The demo network is now at the state that it can be used to build some sort of functionality on top of it already. Based on the experience with the demonstration network, the asynchronous behaviour of the connections must still to be further developed and the code of the now used high level libraries should be brought closer to the hardware for better control of the connections

    Uneven development of economic interaction across the Finnish-Russian border

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    Two Finnish geographers examine the impact of the post-Cold War opening of the Finnish-Russian border on the level of economic interaction between Finland and Russia. They explore the role played by institutional and structural factors in the development of trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) between the two countries, as well as behavioral factors such as the attitudes of enterprise managers and workers. Insights into the nature of obstacles to Finnish-Russian trade and FDI are revealed by surveys of Russian workers and case studies of Finnish/Nordic companies doing business in Russia