3 research outputs found

    Valutazione delle caratteristiche fisiche e strutturali di un prodotto da forno durante la conservazione (Spianata di Ozieri)

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    The aim of this research was the characterization by physical and structural properties, a typical bakery product (Spianata di Ozieri). The samples of two differents kind of spianata were submitted to dynamometric analysis (texture profile analysis - TPA, cut and tension test), color measurement and microbiological tests over 14 days of storage time at 22°C. Three samplings were conducted in different periods of the year to test the seasonality of the production. A collaborative test was carried out at the DISAABA (Sassari University) and in the laboratories of Food Science & Technology (Bologna University). The most important results obtained in this research confirm effectivement that this kind of product is really typical and so the data variability obtained is quite normal. The microciological tests showed a good quality of the product during the normal storage time. Lo scopo di questa ricerca è stato quello di effettuare una prima caratterizzazione fisica e strutturale di un prodotto da forno tipico sardo, la spianata di Ozieri. In particolare, sono state studiate le variazioni di alcune caratteristiche strutturali dinamometriche, fisiche e chimico-fisiche e l'evoluzione della carica microbica durante la conservazione, a temperatura controllata di 22°C circa, di due diversi campioni commerciali di spianata sarda, realizzati artigianalmente e confezionati con metodologie diverse: uno in atmosfera ordinaria e destinato al mercato locale e l'altro confezionato in atmosfera protettiva (40% anidride carbonica, 60% azoto) e destinato alla grande distribuziooe. Sono stati effettuati tre campionamenti nei mesi di luglio, novembre e gennaio, per valutare eventuali differenze dovute alia stagionalità di produzione. Le prove sono state condotte in collaborazione tra i laboratori del Disaaba dell'Università di Sassari e del Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari di Cesena, Università di Bologna. Sono stati analizzati i campioni delle due differenti produzioni e dei tre diversi campionamenti stagionali, valutando le modificazioni delle caratteristiche fisiche in conservazione, mentre l'evoluzione della carica microbica è stata valutata sulla campionatura di gennaio. Si riporteranno di seguito, i risultati ottenuti durante il periodo di osservazione, della durata di 14 giorni per campioni confezionati in atmosfera ordinaria e di 27 giomi per quelli condizionati in atmosfera protettiva

    A Cloud-Based Tool for Integrating Occupational Risk Assessment Within Management Systems for {SMEs}

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    About 67% of workers employed in the industrial and service sectors in the European Union are currently contracted by Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), which represent the economic heart of the European economy. However, this strength is counterbalanced by a considerably higher overall accident rate compared to Large Enterprises (LEs), and this trend seems to be confirmed worldwide. Moreover, most available tools for risk assessment and occupational health and safety (OHS) management are originally designed to fit the needs of LEs, resulting in a gap for SMEs. Therefore, the effective management of OHS in SMEs has become a crucial issue for researchers, practitioners and policymakers, aiming to improve the social and economic sustainability of small companies. The main purpose of this study is to provide guidelines to implement effective risk assessment processes and integrate them with OHS management systems in SMEs. A literature analysis of risk assessment and OHS management in SMEs highlights the main findings and gaps. Then, the three-phases methodology adopted is presented, outlining the main steps and outputs of the project. Finally, the web-based software tool for OHS risk analysis and management, designed to answer the specific needs of SMEs, is presented

    Managing Occupational Health and Safety in SMEs: an Evolutionary Web-based Tool

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    Even though several guidelines have been proposed by public organizations about how to design an Occupational Health and Safety management system (OHSMS) customized to Small- and Medium-size Enterprises (SMEs), an approach integrating and OHSMS with the risk assessment under a unified and shared logic still misses. This paper presents an evolutionary OHS tool for SMEs that combines the advantages of a simplified procedure to develop a risk analysis and outline a set of risk prevention and protection measures at workplace, such as the one proposed by the Italian legislation, with the advantages of a simplified OHS management model. It is assumed that a software tool could be the preferential way to allow a wide diffusion and an effective application of this model. The online structure also enables distributing OHS-related information directly from institutional databases. This information, provided within the same software tool used for risk assessment and OHS management, can significantly support in particular SMEs with a poor experience