73 research outputs found

    Approaches to Assess Water Distribution Failure

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    In the thesis failure analysis and assessment of water supplysystem in considered city was presented. The analysis was preparedon the basis of the exploitation data obtained from watercompany. The characteristic of water distribution system waspresented. Indicators of failure rates were calculated. Datawere presented in division to diameter, material, type, seasonand month of failure


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    Focusing on renewable energy sources (RES), this article examines their comprehensive impact on society and the economy. This publication goes beyond traditional approaches by introducing bibliometric analysis using CiteSpace. By identifying key research trends in the scientific literature, it contributes to a better understanding of areas of research interest in the field of renewable energy. Bibliometric analysis serves to systematize knowledge and identify the main research trends – a valuable contribution to the development of this important field of science. As a research tool, it highlights the dynamics and evolution of the field of renewable energy research; this can support the further development of this important branch of science and serve as a platform for identifying potential areas for further research and practical activities. Through a detailed analysis of trends in the scientific literature, the article contributes to a deeper understanding of areas of interest in the field of renewable energy. The results are a valuable starting point for future scientific research and practical initiatives, supporting the development of this key field

    A Case Study in View of Developing Predictive Models for Water Supply System Management

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    Initiated by a case study to assess the effectiveness of the modernisation actions undertaken in a water supply system, some R&D activities were conducted to construct a global predictive model, based on the available operational failure and recovery data. The available operational data, regarding the water supply system, are the pipes’ diameter, failure modes, materials, functional conditions, seasonality, and the number of failures and time-to-recover intervals. The operational data are provided by the water company responsible of the supply system. A predictive global model is proposed based on the output of the operational data statistical assessment. It should assess the expected effectiveness of decisions taken in support of the modernisation and the extension plan

    Analysis of the Safety of Functioning Gas Pipelines in Terms of the Occurrence of Failures

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    The development of appropriate methods by which to assess the functioning of gas pipelines helps limits the consequences of disasters, in that way protecting users better. Assessment methods of this kind are presented in this paper, which advocates the integrated risk area identification method. The risk taken account of is understood to be a function of the probability or frequency of occurrence of undesirable events, and comes with parameters defining the consequences of these events, should they arise, in terms of their magnitude. The level of system vulnerability to events of these types is a factor considered, and the risk calculation is of a kind that encompasses both quantitative and qualitative aspects. The approach taken is regarded as a quick and simple risk-assessment tool applicable to the daily operation of gas networks for a gas company. Specifically, the framework of the research carried out extends to: (1) Estimation of the average cost of failure of gas pipelines in the case of an urban agglomeration in SE Poland; (2) assessment of the level of integrated risk facing the gas-supply subsystem, by reference to the risk area identification method; (3) failure forecasting by way of regressions with delay; and (4) conclusions regarding failure risk assessment in a gas-supply network, as well as a consideration of prospects. The framework referred here, thus constitutes the basis for both analysis and assessment of the safety of a gas-supply system

    Analiza awaryjności sieci gazowych oraz prognozowanie awarii z zastosowaniem symulacyjnej metody Monte Carlo

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    The scope of the article includes the analysis of the gas network failure based on a material obtained from field tests covering the years 2004-2014, conducted on the gas network of 120 thousand city, allowing to specify the failure rate of the gas network with division into material, pressure and pipelines diameter and indicate the main causes of failure on gas networks. On the base of the results of this analysis the Monte Carlo method to predict failures in gas pipe network has been presented.Artykuł swoim zakresem obejmuje analizę awaryjności sieci gazowej na podstawie uzyskanego materiału z badań eksploatacyjnych obejmujących lata 2004-2014 prowadzonych na terenie Zakładu Gazowniczego w 120 tys. mieście, co pozwoliło na podanie intensywności uszkodzeń sieci gazowych z podziałem na materiał, ciśnienie i średnice rurociągów oraz podanie głównych przyczyn powstawania awarii na sieciach gazowych. Na podstawie wyników analizy zaprezentowano zastosowanie metody Monte Carlo do prognozowania awarii sieci gazowych

    Most Searched Topics in the Scientific Literature on Failures in Photovoltaic Installations

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    Photovoltaic installations (PVs) are currently one of the fastest-growing sources of renewable energy. Expanded forms of financial support and higher electricity prices have resulted in a large increase in its installed capacity. PV installations are increasingly being ordered by industry and privates, often for installations capacity of several hundred kilowatts. In addition to the advantages, photovoltaic installations also have drawbacks. One of these is that the increase in the voltage in the power grid leads to the exclusion of individual installations from the grid. An important issue in the operation of photovoltaic installations is also their reliability during their lifetime. The reliability of photovoltaic installations depends on the random nature of the cloud cover as well as the material’s mechanical degradations. This paper presents a literature analysis using Citespace software in terms of reliability. A detailed bibliometric analysis has been performed to outline the main drawbacks of the PV installations cited by researchers. This literature review forms the basis for further analysis. The paper also presents a new approach to implementing the Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) method for assessing the risk of failure of PV panels. The obtained results showed the main interests of scientists in the field of failure analysis of photovoltaic installations and countries having the largest share in research on this issue. The applied Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis enables supporting the process of managing photovoltaic installations by analyzing installation operations in terms of reliability as reliability impacts the profitability of investments and operating costs. The proposed method can be used by the operators of photovoltaic installations or farms

    Wykorzystanie procesów dyfuzyjnych i logiki rozmytej do oceny podatności na zagrożenie

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    Ocena podatności na zagrożenie kluczowych obiektów infrastruktury jest głównym problemem rozpatrywanym w kontekście procesu niezawodności oraz zarządzania ryzykiem. Szczególną uwagę przywiązuje się do obiektów wysokiej rangi, takich jak elektrownie jądrowe. Pomimo ochrony tych obiektów, nadal istnieje pewien poziom potencjalnego ich zagrożenia. Celem artykułu jest opisanie możliwego sposobu zaatakowania obiektu z zamiarem dostania się do konkretnej jego części. Otrzymano kilka charakterystyk próby ataku ze strony przeciwnika. Do tego celu, jak również do zamodelowania zachowania przeciwnika, wykorzystano procesy dyfuzyjne.Assessing the vulnerability of critical infrastructure objects is of major concern when dealing with the process of dependability and risk management. Special attention is paid to the objects of higher interest, such as nuclear power plants. In spite of the protection of these objects, there is still a certain level of a potential threat. The aim of the paper is to describe a possible way of attacking on the object in order to get into a particular part of it. Several characteristics of an adversary´s attempt were obtained. For this reason as well as for modelling adversary´s behaviour diffusion processes have been used

    Analysis of Material Costs Used for Failure Removal of Water Supply Networks

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    Koszty usuwania awarii przewodów można rozdzielić na koszty materiałów, sprzętu oraz robocizny. Opracowanie dotyczy analizy kosztów materiałów związanych z usuwaniem awarii rurociągów wodociągowych. Podstawą pracy są dane eksploatacyjne zebrane podczas usuwania 302 awarii przewodów w mieście o liczbie mieszkańców przekraczającej 100 tys. Zauważono zależność kosztów materiałów od średnicy oraz materiału przewodu, które rosną wraz ze wzrostem średnicy. Zróżnicowanie kosztów jest również wynikiem lokalizacji przewodu – tam gdzie wymagany jest wysoki stopień zagęszczenia gruntu przeprowadza się jego wymianę, co skutkuje wzrostem kosztów materiałów, przewody prowadzone w pasie drogowym charakteryzuje więc wyższy koszt materiałów. W badanym systemie zaopatrzenia w wodę średni koszt materiałów użytych do naprawy awarii wyniósł 517 zł (poziom cen 2015 rok), był niższy od kosztów robocizny, które wyniosły 800 zł. W 47% awarii konieczne było zastosowanie kruszyw, co przeciętnie podniosło koszt materiałów w tym przypadku o 320 zł.Costs of pipe failure removal cables can be separated into the cost of materials, equipment and labor. The paper concerns the analysis of material costs associated with failure removal of water supply pipelines. The basis of the work constitutes operational data collected during the removal of 302 failures on pipes in city with a population exceeding 100 thousand. The dependence of material costs and the pipe diameter, which grow with increasing diameter, is noted. Cost diversification is also the result of the location of the pipe – where a high degree of soil compaction is required, the exchange is performed, resulting in material costs increase, so the pipes in the lane are characterized by higher material costs. In the analyzed water supply system average cost of materials used to repair the failure amounted to 517 zł (price level for 2015 years) and was lower than labor costs, which amounted to 800 zł. In 47% of the failure it was necessary to use aggregates, which on average increased the cost of materials in this case by 320 zł

    Symulacje awarii rurociągów przeprowadzone na wybranej sieci wodociągowej – analiza przypadku

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    Głównym celem pracy jest przeprowadzenie symulacji awarii przewodów przewodów wodociągowych, za pomocą stworzonego modelu hydraulicznego sieci z wykorzystaniem programu Epanet 2. W modelu zawarta jest współpraca pompowni drugiego stopnia ze zbiornikami wyrównawczymi znajdującymi się na sieci. Bazując na tych parametrach przeprowadzono symulację pracy sieci wodociągowej, a dzięki wyłączeniem odcinków przewodów wodociągowych symulację awarii. Analizowanie awarii pozwoliło na scharakteryzowanie dostawy wody do odbiorców w tym zmian, jakie występują na sieci podczas symulowania awarii.The main goal of this work is to simulate the failure of water pipe network, using the hydraulic model of the network created through Epanet 2 program. The model includes the cooperation of the second stage pumping station with the expansion tanks located in the network. Based on these parameters, the simulation operation of water supply network was performed, as well as failure simulation on the basis of closing some sections of water pipe network. Failure analysis allowed to perform characteristics of the water supply system including pressure changes that occur in the network during failure simulation