52 research outputs found

    The Rogue Alpha and Beta Mission: Operations, Infrared Remote Sensing, LEO Data Processing, and Lessons Learned From Three Years on Orbit With Two Laser Communication-Equipped 3U CubeSats

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    The Aerospace Corporation\u27s Rogue-alpha, beta program was a rapid prototyping demonstration aimed at building and deploying an infrared remote sensing capability into low Earth orbit within 18 months. The two satellites and their data were then used for three years as an experimental testbed for future proliferated low Earth orbit (pLEO) constellations. Their launch took place on November 2, 2019, followed by boost and deployment of two identical spacecraft (Rogue-alpha and beta) by the Cygnus ISS cargo vessel into circular 460-km, 52° inclined orbits on January31, 2020. The primary sensors were 1.4-micron band, InGaAs short wavelength infrared (SWIR) cameras with640x512 pixels and a 28° field-of-view. The IR sensors were accompanied by 10-megapixel visible context cameras with a 37° field-of-view. Star sensors were also tested as nighttime imaging sensors. Three years of spacecraft and sensor operations were achieved, allowing a variety of experiments to be conducted. The first year focused on alignment and checkout of the laser communication systems, sensor calibration, and priority IR remote sensing objectives, including the study of Earth backgrounds, observation of natural gas flares, and detection of rocket launches. The second year of operations added study of environmental remote sensing targets, including severe storms, wildfires, and volcanic eruptions, while continuing to gather Earth backgrounds and rocket launch observations. The final year emphasized advanced data processing and exploitation techniques applied to collected data, using machine learning and artificial intelligence for tasks such as target tracking, frame co-registration, and stereo data exploitation. Mission operations continued in the final year, with an emphasis on collecting additional rocket launch data, and higher frame rate backgrounds data. This report summarizes the Rogue alpha, beta mission’s outcomes and presents processed IR data, including the detection and tracking of rocket launches with dynamic Earth backgrounds, embedded moving targets in background scenes, and the use of pointing-based registration to create fire line videos of severe wildfires and 3D scenes of pyrocumulonimbus clouds. Lessons learned from the experimental ConOps, data exploitation, and database curation are also summarized for application to future pLEO constellation missions

    Remote Sensing Experiments Using the Rogue-alpha,beta CubeSats as a Constellation: High Frame Rate Environmental Observations from Agile, Taskable, Infrared and Visible Sensors in Low Earth Orbit

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    The Aerospace Corporation’s Rogue-alpha,beta program built and launched two 3-Unit CubeSats in 18-months, each equipped with modified commercial infrared camera payloads, visible context cameras, laser communications and precision pointing capabilities. Launched on November 2, 2019, the two spacecraft (Rogue-alpha and beta) were boosted and released from the International Space Station Cygnus NG-12 robotic resupply spacecraft on January 31, 2020 into a circular 460-km, 52° inclined orbit. The primary Rogue IR sensor is a 1.4-micron band, 640x512 pixel, 28° field of view, InGaAs short wavelength infrared (SWIR) camera. It is accompanied by a panchromatic, 10-megapixel, 37° field of view visible context camera. In addition, the narrow- and wide-field-of-view star sensors may also be utilized as nighttime sensors. During the first two years of spaceflight, the Rogue satellites conducted a series of experiments using both spacecraft to conduct cooperative remote sensing observations and to test the capabilities of the 1.4-micron water overtone band. These included: 1) fore-aft pointing using two spacecraft for stereo observations of cloud structure and altitude, 2) horizon-pointed imaging in all directions relative to the spacecraft orbit (fore, aft, port, and starboard) to maximize the imaged field of view, 3) pre-programmed point-and-stare imaging, 4) nadir-pointed operations for vicarious calibration with other satellites. All of these modes of operation are usually conducted in multi-frame collections at 1-20 frames-per-second for dozens to thousands of frames. During the mission we investigated different modes of collecting data, taking advantage of the evolving orbital spacing of the pair of CubeSats. Initial close satellite spacing allowed along-track fore-aft stereo observations of weather formations, as well as pre-programmed tip-and-queue observations, and sequential point-and-stare experiments aimed at collecting minutes of data on targets of interest. Cloud altitude was measured on weather events by simultaneous stereo observations, and by mono observations using the changing view angles during a constant point along track or slewing during a pass. Observations were collected on hurricanes, typhoons, thunderstorms, monsoon storms, and forecasted tornadic weather. Unique observations of severe wildfires were collected, exploring the capability for our 1.4micron band to detect fires during daytime, and to characterize pyrocumulonimbus clouds. Nighttime observations were also made of human lighting, infrared sources, and moonlight-illuminated clouds, including observations utilizing the Rogue satellites’ star sensors for remote sensing tests. These experiments collectively explored the possibilities for dynamically tasked, high-frame-rate, low-earth-orbit sensors to carry out weather and environmental monitoring missions in ways that differ from traditional scanned or push-broom satellite sensor systems. We will present a summary of our tasking ConOps, observations of weather events and fires, and highlight results and techniques for cloud height characterization by our two CubeSat constellation during its first two years on orbit. Our results with two satellites demonstrate possibilities for future missions using cooperative tasking in larger constellations of dynamically tasked sensors in low Earth orbit

    Flight Operations of Two Rapidly Assembled CubeSats with Commercial Infrared Cameras: The Rogue-Alpha,Beta Program

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    The Aerospace Corporation’s Rogue-alpha, betaprogram, co-funded by the Space and Missile Systems Center’s Development Corps, is a rapid prototyping effort that built and launched two 3-Unit CubeSats equipped with modified commercial IR camera payloads, laser communications and precision pointing capabilities in 18-months. Launched on 2 November 2019, the two spacecraft were released from the ISS Cygnus NG-12 robotic resupply spacecraft on 31 January 2020 into a circular 460-km, 52° inclined orbit. The two Rogue spacecraft are serving as testbeds for studying wide-field-of-view fast-framing imaging, on-orbit stellar calibration techniques for small IR payloads, and associated spacecraft flight operations. Precision pointing is enabled by three star sensors. High data rate sensor observations are enabled by the ultra-compact 200 Mbps lasercom system, which downlinks gigabytes of stored data during a single laser contact, using The Aerospace Corporation’s prototype ground stations located in El Segundo, California. The Rogue-alpha, beta IR sensor is a 1.4 micron band, 640x512 pixel, 28° field of view, InGaAs SWIR camera. It is accompanied by a panchromatic, 10-megapixel, 37° field of view visible context camera. Modes of sensor operation have included: 1) horizon-pointed imaging in all directions relative to the spacecraft orbit (fore, aft, port, and starboard) which is designed to maximize the imaged field of view, 2) point-and-stare imaging, 3) nadir-pointed, and 4) stereo fore-aft pointing using both spacecraft. All of these modes of operation are usually conducted in multi-frame collections at 1-20hz for dozens to thousands of frames. Highlights from the Rogue-alpha, beta sensor Earth remote sensing observation experiments will be presented. These have included impressive video imagery of hurricanes, typhoons, thunderstorms, and high clouds in the intra-tropical convergence zone. Infrared and visible point sources studied include gas flares, wildfires, active volcanos, nighttime lights, and other phenomena, including the first infrared CubeSat observations of space launch upper stages in flight. Stereo cloud imaging observations were also conducted with an aim of better understanding Earth backgrounds from low Earth orbit. Highlights from the CubeSat flight operations experiments include: 1) spacecraft-to-spacecraft boresight alignment of Rogue’s lasercom systems, and 2) metric and radiometric calibration of Rogue’s flight cameras using bright infrared stars. The results from the Rogue-alpha, beta460-km orbit show the exciting possibilities for wide-field-of-view missions from low earth orbit

    The NOX toolbox: validating the role of NADPH oxidases in physiology and disease

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are cellular signals but also disease triggers; their relative excess (oxidative stress) or shortage (reductive stress) compared to reducing equivalents are potentially deleterious. This may explain why antioxidants fail to combat diseases that correlate with oxidative stress. Instead, targeting of disease-relevant enzymatic ROS sources that leaves physiological ROS signaling unaffected may be more beneficial. NADPH oxidases are the only known enzyme family with the sole function to produce ROS. Of the catalytic NADPH oxidase subunits (NOX), NOX4 is the most widely distributed isoform. We provide here a critical review of the currently available experimental tools to assess the role of NOX and especially NOX4, i.e. knock-out mice, siRNAs, antibodies, and pharmacological inhibitors. We then focus on the characterization of the small molecule NADPH oxidase inhibitor, VAS2870, in vitro and in vivo, its specificity, selectivity, and possible mechanism of action. Finally, we discuss the validation of NOX4 as a potential therapeutic target for indications including stroke, heart failure, and fibrosis

    Field-circuit analysis of AC machine taking into account stator winding asymmetry

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    The paper presents the influence of an asymmetry of a stator winding on an axial flux in AC machine. The objective research was performed for selected values of asymmetry. The axial flux was calculated as the sum of flux linkage with stator winding. In order to achieve a magnetic field distribution a dedicated 2D finite element model of AC machine was elaborated. The waveforms of axial flux and torque-time characteristic have been shown. It can be concluded that the asymmetry has significant impact on the axial flux and the pulsation of torque

    Visualization of model of permanent magnet machine in object-oriented programming

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    W artykule przedstawiono komputerową wizualizację modelu maszyny magnetoelektrycznej z wykorzystaniem techniki programowania obiektowego. Opisano opracowany diagram klas modelu obiektowego maszyny elektrycznej. Wykorzystując opracowany model obiektowy zrealizowano proces dyskretyzacji trójwymiarowego modelu silnika magnetoelektrycznego z uwzględnieniem połączeń czołowych. Pokazano komputerową wizualizację modelu maszyny magnetoelektrycznejIn the paper the computer visualization of model of permanent magnet machine using object-oriented programming is presented. The elaborated diagram class of model of electrical machine is described. The descretization process of three dimensional model of permanent magnet machine with end-tums has been realized using elaborated diagram. The visualization of the model has been presented using computer graphics

    Application of radial neural network for detection of faults in induction motor stator winding

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    The paper presents application of the radial neural network for detection of faults in induction motor stator winding. The decision of stator winding condition has been taken using the artificial neural network with radial basis function based on axial flux. The axial flux has been measured for different configuration of stator winding. It can be concluded that the axial flux can be used in detection of faults in induction motor stator winding

    Wavelet analysis of axial flux in induction machine on noload test

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    The paper presents application of the wavelet analysis of axial flux in induction motor. The asymmetry in stator winding has been modeled to produce the axial flux. The axial flux has been measured using search coil mounted in end-turn stator winding area for six configuration of stator winding asymmetry. The analysis of obtained measurements has been made using FFT, discrete stationary wavelet transform (DSWT) and wavelet packet decomposition (WPD). On the basis of the results it can be concluded that the DSWT can be used in de-noising process and the WPD can used to prepare input vector for artificial neural network

    3D visualization of structure of artificial neural network using OpenGL

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    W artykule przedstawiono oprogramowanie do trójwymiarowej wizualizacji struktury sztucznej sieci neuronowej. Takie oprogramowanie w procesie tworzenia sztucznej sieci neuronowej może posłużyć do wizualizacji wszystkich elementów struktury. Podgląd struktury sztucznej sieci neuronowej na etapie jej tworzenia ułatwia zarówno proces projektowania jak również jej modyfikowania. Powstałe oprogramowanie ma też walory dydaktyczne, które mogą zostać wykorzystane podczas zajęć omawiających sztuczne sieci neuronowe. Otrzymane rysunki mogą znaleźć zastosowanie w publikacjach opisujących zastosowania sztucznych sieci neuronowych w elektrotechnice jak i innych dziedzinach nauki.The article presents a software for three-dimensional visualization of structure of an artificial neural network. Such software in the creation of an artificial neural network can be used to visualize all the elements of the structure. Preview the structure of an artificial neural network on the stage of its creation facilitates both the design process as well as its modification. The resulting software is for the didactic, which can be used in the classroom discussing artificial neural networks. The resulting drawings can be used in publications describing the use of artificial neural networks in electrical engineering and other sciences

    Software of the microcontroller for controlling the actuator of a shape memory material

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    W artykule przedstawiono opracowany system do sterowania siłownikiem wykonanym z materiału wykazującego pamięć kształtu. Omówiono zjawisko pamięci kształtu, proces nadawania elementowi wykonawczemu wymaganych właściwości, budowę aktuatorów oraz właściwości Nitinol’u. Opisano system złożony z elementu wykonawczego, układu pomiarowego prądu, temperatury i położenia, układu silnoprądowego oraz mikrokontrolera.The objective of this article was to create an Arduino-based electronic circuit for controlling the actuator of a shape memory material. To achieve this a circuit made of the following components was created: Arduino UNO as the controller, dual full–bridge driver L297N to allow for regulation of the current passing through actuators spring, a relay module to cut–off current when regulation is not in progress, a current sensor ACS714LLCTR, ultrasonic ranging module HC – SR04, 1–wire temperature sensors DS18B20 and a 16x2 LCD display with converter to I2C communication. To power the hardware two power supply units were used: 12 V 2 A to power the high-current section and 9 V 2 A to power the Arduino board. Additionally a monostable switch and potentiometer were used to allow a human–machine interaction. The unit works as intended, but it can activate only low resistance actuators with resistance of a few ohms at most