68 research outputs found

    Exploring physical literacy in chronic disease participants: development and effects of a pilot intervention

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    peer reviewedAim of the study: Our study aimed to develop and assess the effect of a physical literacy intervention led by a physical educator, in medical center-setting, addressed to chronic disease participants. Methods: This mixed-method study was composed of a qualitative and a quantitative part. The qualitative arm explored the feasibility of the intervention, by conducting 20 semi-structured interviews with chronic disease participants (10), health-care professionals (8) and external stakeholders (2). Sub-themes were highlighted and grouped into meaning units before qualitative analysis. The quantitative arm explored the effect of the physical literacy intervention (PL). Participants were referred to the program by doctors or physiotherapists of the medical center. The intervention consisted in an assessment and counselling session with a physical educator. Each session followed a motivational interviewing technique and consisted of (1) an anamnesis (2) a 40-item questionnaire PL assessment divided into the psychological, social and cognitive domain of PL; (3) 4 physical tests to assess the physical domain of PL; (4) a patient-centered discussion including feedback of the results and the setting of SMART individual goals. Results: Analysis of the interviews highlighted the enthusiasm and conviction of the participants regarding the PL intervention, but also the importance of communication between PL stakeholders, medical center professionals and community members to promote PL in a broader perspective. A total of 108 patients with at least one chronic disease (71% female, 56±15 years) underwent one PL session with the physical educator, with 46 patients (74% female, 61±13 years) completing two sessions (46 days later on average). Significant improvements were demonstrated for the overall PL score (p<0,001) as well as the cognitive (p=0,001) and physical domains (p=0,032). No significant changes were found for the psychological and social domain. Additionally, no significant difference in changes were found based on age, sex or nature of the chronic disease. Conclusion: The study indicates that physical literacy interventions, facilitated by a physical educator in a medical center setting, are both feasible and effective for chronic disease participants. These promising results suggest the potential for such interventions to positively impact health outcomes by expanding and promoting the role of physical educators in health-settings.3. Good health and well-bein

    MOOC - Cours en ligne Histoire(s) de Belgique

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    Fédérale, sociale, monarchique, consociative, dotée d’une frontière linguistique et de trois langues officielles; voilà quelques traits de la Belgique que nous connaissons aujourd’hui. Mais comment en est-on arrivé là ? En réalité, la plupart des problèmes que connait la Belgique actuellement trouvent leurs racines dans l’histoire et ne peuvent être compris que sur le temps long. Qu’il s’agisse de la question communautaire, de la concertation sociale, de la place des femmes dans la société, de la relation Eglise / Etat ou de la gestion de l’immigration, chaque enjeu mérite d’être éclairé par le passé, à la lumière des grandes évolutions sociétales et des décisions prises au fil des décennies. Le cours se découpera en 6 modules, chacun subdivisé en plusieurs séquences. Grâce à des capsules vidéo dynamiques, vous y ferez la connaissance de nombreux spécialistes de l’histoire de Belgique, issus d’horizons divers. Ils partageront leurs connaissances avec vous et vous permettront d’approfondir les sujets traités grâce à des contenus didactiques divers : cartes, chronologies ou documents d’époque. A la fin de chaque module, des activités certificatives (quiz, discussions sur le forum) sont proposées afin de tester vos connaissances et d’obtenir une attestation de participation.Cours en ligne créé avec l'équipe MOOC ULièg

    Synthesis of 1,2-bis(2-oxazolinyl-2)ethane and its application as chain extender for poly(ethylene terephthalate)

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    The reaction of ethanolamine (EA) with nitriles is a general route to prepare oxazolines. However, in case of vicinal nitrile groups, cyclic imidines are formed. It is shown, that succinonitrile gives with EA mainly 1-(hydroxyethyl)-2,5-bis-(hydroxyethylimine) azacyclopentane (= triol). The corresponding 1,2 bis-(2-oxazolinyl-2) ethane (BOXE) is formed by heating the triol. BOXE can be used as chain extender of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET). If PET is heated with BOXE at 270 °C the viscosity increases first. However, on prolonged heating the viscosity decreases again, which can not be ascribed to the normal degradation processes. Therefore, a mechanism is proposed in which the chain scission takes place in the newly formed bridge.
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