252 research outputs found

    New Pedetidae (Rodentia: Mammalia) from the Mio-Pliocene of Africa

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    International audiencePedetidae, or springhares, are represented by a single extant genus (Pedetes) and five extinct ones (Parapedetes, Megapedetes, Propedetes, Rusingapedetes and Oldrichpedetes of which the latter two are new). The fossil record of pedetids tends to be scanty, but remains have been found in Southern Africa, East Africa, the Maghreb, the Arabian Peninsula, Turkey and Greece. Most of the localities have yielded only a few isolated teeth. We here describe some of the abundant fossil material from Namibia and Kenya, which throws a great deal of light on the family

    Yacimiento de El Arquillo III, en Teruel, España. (Nota preliminar)

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    Se da a conocer una nueva localidad cercana del yacimiento clásico de El Arquillo. Es más reciente que este último. La fauna recogida es casi exclusivamente de tamaño pequeño (micromamíferos y pequeños vertebrados). El esciuróptero Pliopetaurista pliocaenica indicaría un cambio notable en el clima y en la vegetación respecto del Turoliense. Se la considera como coetánea del yacimiento de Sète ya que P. pliocaenica,Stephanomys donnezani y Mimomys occitanus son en ambos yacimientos prácticamente iguales en dimensiones y en caracteres evolutivos

    Si la musaranya mor, vigila!

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    Fa uns 3 milions d'anys, les musaranyes del gènere Deinsdorfia van arribar a la Península Ibèrica. Mentres a Europa ja vivien tot just es va inicià el Pliocè -fa 5,3 milions d'anys-, no atravessaren la frontera fins l'arribada d'una primera glaciació que va tenir lloc durant el Pliocè Superior, i que va afectar a tot l'hemisferi nord del planeta. Un fet que s'explica amb la dependència d'aquests micromamífers insectívors envers certes condicions climàtiques. El gènere Deinsdorfia és un dels que va viure durant aquella època, i del que ara només tenim restes fòssils. L'última troballa al jaciment d'Almenara-Casablanca 4 (Castelló) ha permès afegir una nova espècie fòssil en la llista d'aquest gènere. Ja són set. I aquesta última aporta noves dades per entendre les conseqüències ambientals dels canvis climàtics d'un passat no massa llunyà.Hace unos 3 millones de años, las musarañas del género Deinsdorfia llegaron a la Península Ibérica. Mientras en Europa ya vivían nada más se inició el Plioceno -hace 5,3 millones de años-, no atravesaron la frontera hasta la llegada de una primera glaciación que tuvo lugar durante el Plioceno Superior, y que afectó a todo el hemisferio norte del planeta. El hecho tiene que ver con la dependencia fisiológica de estos micromamíferos insectívoros a ciertas condiciones climáticas. El género Deinsdorfia es uno de los que vivió durante aquella época, y del que ahora sólo tenemos restos fósiles. El último hallazgo en el yacimiento de Almenara-Casablanca 4 (Castelló) ha permitido añadir una nueva especie fósil en la lista de este género. Ya son siete. Y esta última aporta nuevos datos para entender las consecuencias ambientales de los cambios climáticos de un pasado no muy lejano

    Homenaje a Leonard Ginsburg : Prefacio

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    International audienceAnte todo queremos expresar nuestro más sinceroagradecimiento a todos los que han contribuido alvolumen homenaje dedicado a Leonard Ginsburgque aquí presentamos. Nuestra gratitud a José MaríaCebriá editor de Estudios Geológicos, por su apoyoincondicional durante todo el proceso de elabora-ción del volumen. También queremos expresarnuestro agradecimiento a Luís Gómez Argüero porsu dedicación e inestimable ayuda desde la Secreta-ría de la Revista. Esperamos que este homenaje anuestro querido amigo y compañero Leonard Gins-burg sea recibido con agrado.Leonard Ginsburg (1927-2009)1ha marcado todauna época en la Paleontología de mamíferos euro-pea, su dedicación a la sistemática de los mamíferosfósiles es inconmensurable, más de 50 años de traba-jo, desde sus comienzos a principios de los años 50del siglo XX, hasta sus últimas aportaciones, publi-cadas durante los primeros años del presente siglo.Son centenares de trabajos, que hoy son fundamen-tales para todos aquellos que todavía aman y sededican a la clasificación de los mamíferos fósiles

    Optical capabilities of the Multichannel Subtractive Double Pass (MSDP) for imaging spectroscopy and polarimetry at the Meudon Solar Tower

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    The Meudon Solar Tower (MST) is a 0.60 m telescope dedicated to spectroscopic observations of solar regions. It includes a 14-meter focal length spectrograph which offers high spectral resolution. The spectrograph works either in classical thin slit mode (R > 300000) or 2D imaging spectroscopy (60000 < R < 180000). This specific mode is able to provide high temporal resolution measurements (1 min) of velocities and magnetic fields upon a 2D field of view, using the Multichannel Subtractive Double Pass (MSDP) system. The purpose of this paper is to describe the capabilities of the MSDP at MST with available slicers for broad and thin lines. The goal is to produce multichannel spectra-images, from which cubes of instantaneous data (x, y, λ\lambda) are derived, in order to study of the plasma dynamics and magnetic fields (with polarimetry)

    Late Miocene Erinaceinae from the Teruel Basin (Spain)

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    Classifying fossil teeth of Erinaceinae (spiny hedgehogs) is a challenging task, because of their scanty record and systematic treatment that heavily relies on skull characteristics. In this paper we describe the complete set of isolated dental elements of Erinaceinae from the upper Miocene sediments of the Teruel Basin (eastern Central Spain). Four different species were recognized: Postpalerinaceus cf. vireti, Atelerix aff. depereti, Atelerix steensmai nov. sp., and a form classified as Erinaceinae genus and species indet. All four are relatively derived in showing multi-purpose dentitions, not showing only adaptations to insectivory, but also to carnivory, herbivory and possibly durophagy/malacophagy. The temporal occurrence of spiny hedgehogs during the middle to late Miocene in the Teruel Basin and neighboring Calatayud-Montalbán Basin peaks within periods of relative aridity, a correlation consistent with modern geographic distribution. Messinian cooling is the best candidate for explaining a remarkable demise of Erinaceinae at 7 Ma

    Les Muridae (Mammalia, Rodentia) du Pléistocène moyen de l’Igue des Rameaux (Tarn-et-Garonne, France)

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    La découverte du réseau souterrain de l’Igue des Rameaux sur la commune de Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val (Tarn-et-Garonne) par les membres du Groupe Spéléologique de Caussade, a permis de révéler une importante et intéressante faune de grands et petits mammifères (Rouzaud et al. 1990). Exceptionnellement, quatre espèces du genre Apodemus ont été reconnues et ce papier cherche à définir les particularités morphologiques et biométriques de chacune d’elles. Cette opportunité nous permet de discuter des membres de petite taille de ce genre, provenant de divers sites du Pléistocène moyen, et proposer de manière préliminaire un classement phylétique dans l’arbre généalogique de la famille prolifique des Muridés, malgré la faiblesse des effectifs rendant l’opération statistiquement aléatoire.The discovery of the karstic system of “l’Igue des Rameaux” at Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val (Tarn-et-Garonne, France) by the Speleologic Group of Caussade, allowed to bring out an interesting and important faunasboth of large and small mammals (Rouzaudet al. 1990). Unusually four species of Apodemus have been recognized and this paper has for purposeto define their biometrical and morphological particularities. This opportunity incites us to gather some small size members of this genus, from different sites of Middle Pleistocene and propose a tentatively phyletic classification in the genealogical tree of the prolific murids family, despite the weakness of the datamaking the operation statistically random

    The middle Pleistocene Muridae (Mammalia, Rodentia) from l’Igue des Rameaux (Tarn-et-Garonne, France)

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    The discovery of the karstic system of “l’Igue des Rameaux” at Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val (Tarn-et-Garonne, France) by the Speleologic Group of Caussade, allowed to bring out an interesting and important faunasboth of large and small mammals (Rouzaudet al. 1990). Unusually four species of Apodemus have been recognized and this paper has for purposeto define their biometrical and morphological particularities. This opportunity incites us to gather some small size members of this genus, from different sites of Middle Pleistocene and propose a tentatively phyletic classification in the genealogical tree of the prolific murids family, despite the weakness of the datamaking the operation statistically random

    Macroevolutionary and macroecological response of Iberian rodents to late Neogene climatic oscillations and events

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    Biozones are routinely used for chronological purposes, but their nature is seldomly questioned. Here, we attempt to find the evolutionary-ecological basis for Iberian rodent biozones for the interval 8.5-2 Ma based on currently available paleontological, stratigraphic and paleoclimatic information. Our comparison of biozone boundary age uncertainty intervals to records of marine SST, δ18O and δ13C, terrestrial hydrological proxies and astronomical parameters suggests an orbitally forced climatic origin for the majority of biozones. Zone boundary ages during the late Miocene are mostly associated with humidity changes during 1.2-Myr obliquity nodes and 405-kyr eccentricity minima. Tectonics and strong regional cooling may additionally explain faunal change during the Messinian (7-5 Ma). A partly reversed pattern characterizes most Pliocene zone boundaries, which are mostly associated with wetter conditions during obliquity nodes and 405-kyr eccentricity maxima. A third configuration culminates in the early Pleistocene and consists of the combination of strong obliquity amplitude maxima and 2.4-Myr eccentricity minima. It is suggested that larger-scale, European Neogene mammal (MN) units have an astronomical basis as well, with an important role of 2.4-Myr eccentricity cycle and the 1.2-Myr obliquity cycle, with the latter becoming especially important after the mid-Miocene cooling (∼14 Ma). Whereas rodent events on the Iberian Peninsula during the late Miocene are shaped by replacements within resident communities dominated by dry-adapted clades of true mice (Murinae) and hamsters (Cricetinae), transitions during the cooler Pliocene involve invasions of newly emerging Eurasian clades of 'microtoid hamsters' and voles (Arvicolinae) preferring wetter and cooler environments. A new model of stepwise clade displacement is proposed in which the combination of long-period Milankovitch cycles and gradual long-term climatic change allows for the periodic functioning of migration corridors, along which increasingly pervasive dispersal events by members of new clades cause the gradual extinction of old clades