264 research outputs found

    A CutFEM method for two-phase flow problems

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    In this article, we present a cut finite element method for two-phase Navier-Stokes flows. The main feature of the method is the formulation of a unified continuous interior penalty stabilisation approach for, on the one hand, stabilising advection and the pressure-velocity coupling and, on the other hand, stabilising the cut region. The accuracy of the algorithm is enhanced by the development of extended fictitious domains to guarantee a well defined velocity from previous time steps in the current geometry. Finally, the robustness of the moving-interface algorithm is further improved by the introduction of a curvature smoothing technique that reduces spurious velocities. The algorithm is shown to perform remarkably well for low capillary number flows, and is a first step towards flexible and robust CutFEM algorithms for the simulation of microfluidic devices

    Virtual Delamination Testing through Non-Linear Multi-Scale Computational Methods: Some Recent Progress

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    This paper deals with the parallel simulation of delamination problems at the meso-scale by means of multi-scale methods, the aim being the Virtual Delamination Testing of Composite parts. In the non-linear context, Domain Decomposition Methods are mainly used as a solver for the tangent problem to be solved at each iteration of a Newton-Raphson algorithm. In case of strongly nonlinear and heterogeneous problems, this procedure may lead to severe difficulties. The paper focuses on methods to circumvent these problems, which can now be expressed using a relatively general framework, even though the different ingredients of the strategy have emerged separately. We rely here on the micro-macro framework proposed in (Ladev\`eze, Loiseau, and Dureisseix, 2001). The method proposed in this paper introduces three additional features: (i) the adaptation of the macro-basis to situations where classical homogenization does not provide a good preconditioner, (ii) the use of non-linear relocalization to decrease the number of global problems to be solved in the case of unevenly distributed non-linearities, (iii) the adaptation of the approximation of the local Schur complement which governs the convergence of the proposed iterative technique. Computations of delamination and delamination-buckling interaction with contact on potentially large delaminated areas are used to illustrate those aspects

    A stable cut finite element method for multiple unilateral contact

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    International audienceThis paper presents a novel CutFEM-LaTIn algorithm to solve multiple unilateral contact problems over geometries that do not conform with the finite element mesh. We show that our method is (i) stable, independently of the interface locations (ii) optimally convergent with mesh refinement and (iii) efficient from an algorithmic point of view

    Statistical extraction of process zones and representative subspaces in fracture of random composite

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    We propose to identify process zones in heterogeneous materials by tailored statistical tools. The process zone is redefined as the part of the structure where the random process cannot be correctly approximated in a low-dimensional deterministic space. Such a low-dimensional space is obtained by a spectral analysis performed on pre-computed solution samples. A greedy algorithm is proposed to identify both process zone and low-dimensional representative subspace for the solution in the complementary region. In addition to the novelty of the tools proposed in this paper for the analysis of localised phenomena, we show that the reduced space generated by the method is a valid basis for the construction of a reduced order model.Comment: Submitted for publication in International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineerin

    Concurrent multiscale analysis without meshing: Microscale representation with CutFEM and micro/macro model blending

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    In this paper, we develop a novel unfitted multiscale framework that combines two separate scales represented by only one single computational mesh. Our framework relies on a mixed zooming technique where we zoom at regions of interest to capture microscale properties and then mix the micro and macroscale properties in a transition region. Furthermore, we use homogenization techniques to derive macro model material properties. The microscale features are discretized using CutFEM. The transition region between the micro and macroscale is represented by a smooth blending function. To address the issues with ill-conditioning of the multiscale system matrix due to the arbitrary intersections in cut elements and the transition region, we add stabilization terms acting on the jumps of the normal gradient (ghost-penalty stabilization). We show that our multiscale framework is stable and is capable to reproduce mechanical responses for heterogeneous structures in a mesh-independent manner. The efficiency of our methodology is exemplified by 2D and 3D numerical simulations of linear elasticity problems

    A CutFEM method for Stefan-Signorini problems with application in pulsed laser ablation

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    In this article, we develop a cut finite element method for one-phase Stefan problems, with applications in laser manufacturing. The geometry of the workpiece is represented implicitly via a level set function. Material above the melting/vaporisation temperature is represented by a fictitious gas phase. The moving interface between the workpiece and the fictitious gas phase may cut arbitrarily through the elements of the finite element mesh, which remains fixed throughout the simulation, thereby circumventing the need for cumbersome re-meshing operations. The primal/dual formulation of the linear one-phase Stefan problem is recast into a primal non-linear formulation using a Nitsche-type approach, which avoids the difficulty of constructing inf-sup stable primal/dual pairs. Through the careful derivation of stabilisation terms, we show that the proposed Stefan-Signorini-Nitsche CutFEM method remains stable independently of the cut location. In addition, we obtain optimal convergence with respect to space and time refinement. Several 2D and 3D examples are proposed, highlighting the robustness and flexibility of the algorithm, together with its relevance to the field of micro-manufacturing

    Isogeometric boundary element methods for three dimensional static fracture and fatigue crack growth

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    We present a novel numerical method to simulate crack growth in 3D, directly from the Computer-Aided Design (CAD) geometry of the component, without any mesh generation. The method is an isogeometric boundary element method (IGABEM) based on non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS). NURBS basis functions are used for the domain and crack representation as well as to approximate the physical quantities involved in the simulations. A stable quadrature scheme for singular integration is proposed to enhance the robustness of the method in dealing with highly distorted elements. Convergence studies in the crack opening displacement is performed for a penny-shaped crack and an elliptical crack. Two approaches to extract stress intensity factors (SIFs): the contour M integral and the virtual crack closure integral are compared using dual integral equations. The results show remarkable accuracy in the computed SIFs, leading to smooth crack paths and reliable fatigue lives, without requiring the generation of any mesh from the CAD model of the component under consideration
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