21,234 research outputs found

    Optimal transient growth in thin-interface internal solitary waves

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    The dynamics of perturbations to large-amplitude Internal Solitary Waves (ISW) in two-layered flows with thin interfaces is analyzed by means of linear optimal transient growth methods. Optimal perturbations are computed through direct-adjoint iterations of the Navier-Stokes equations linearized around inviscid, steady ISWs obtained from the Dubreil-Jacotin-Long (DJL) equation. Optimal perturbations are found as a function of the ISW phase velocity cc (alternatively amplitude) for one representative stratification. These disturbances are found to be localized wave-like packets that originate just upstream of the ISW self-induced zone (for large enough cc) of potentially unstable Richardson number, Ri<0.25Ri < 0.25. They propagate through the base wave as coherent packets whose total energy gain increases rapidly with cc. The optimal disturbances are also shown to be relevant to DJL solitary waves that have been modified by viscosity representative of laboratory experiments. The optimal disturbances are compared to the local WKB approximation for spatially growing Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) waves through the Ri<0.25Ri < 0.25 zone. The WKB approach is able to capture properties (e.g., carrier frequency, wavenumber and energy gain) of the optimal disturbances except for an initial phase of non-normal growth due to the Orr mechanism. The non-normal growth can be a substantial portion of the total gain, especially for ISWs that are weakly unstable to K-H waves. The linear evolution of Gaussian packets of linear free waves with the same carrier frequency as the optimal disturbances is shown to result in less energy gain than found for either the optimal perturbations or the WKB approximation due to non-normal effects that cause absorption of disturbance energy into the leading face of the wave.Comment: 33 pages, 22 figure

    Regular realizability problems and context-free languages

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    We investigate regular realizability (RR) problems, which are the problems of verifying whether intersection of a regular language -- the input of the problem -- and fixed language called filter is non-empty. In this paper we focus on the case of context-free filters. Algorithmic complexity of the RR problem is a very coarse measure of context-free languages complexity. This characteristic is compatible with rational dominance. We present examples of P-complete RR problems as well as examples of RR problems in the class NL. Also we discuss RR problems with context-free filters that might have intermediate complexity. Possible candidates are the languages with polynomially bounded rational indices.Comment: conference DCFS 201

    Frame delay and loss analysis for video transmission over time-correlated 802.11A/G channels

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    Quantum work relations and response theory

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    A universal quantum work relation is proved for isolated time-dependent Hamiltonian systems in a magnetic field as the consequence of microreversibility. This relation involves a functional of an arbitrary observable. The quantum Jarzynski equality is recovered in the case this observable vanishes. The Green-Kubo formula and the Casimir-Onsager reciprocity relations are deduced thereof in the linear response regime

    Closed-form expressions for correlated density matrices: application to dispersive interactions and example of (He)2

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    Empirically correlated density matrices of N-electron systems are investigated. Exact closed-form expressions are derived for the one- and two-electron reduced density matrices from a general pairwise correlated wave function. Approximate expressions are proposed which reflect dispersive interactions between closed-shell centro-symmetric subsystems. Said expressions clearly illustrate the consequences of second-order correlation effects on the reduced density matrices. Application is made to a simple example: the (He)2 system. Reduced density matrices are explicitly calculated, correct to second order in correlation, and compared with approximations of independent electrons and independent electron pairs. The models proposed allow for variational calculations of interaction energies and equilibrium distance as well as a clear interpretation of dispersive effects on electron distributions. Both exchange and second order correlation effects are shown to play a critical role on the quality of the results.Comment: 22 page

    Relaxation of the distribution function tails for systems described by Fokker-Planck equations

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    We study the formation and the evolution of velocity distribution tails for systems with long-range interactions. In the thermal bath approximation, the evolution of the distribution function of a test particle is governed by a Fokker-Planck equation where the diffusion coefficient depends on the velocity. We extend the theory of Potapenko et al. [Phys. Rev. E, {\bf 56}, 7159 (1997)] developed for power law potentials to the case of an arbitrary potential of interaction. We study how the structure and the progression of the front depend on the behavior of the diffusion coefficient for large velocities. Particular emphasis is given to the case where the velocity dependence of the diffusion coefficient is Gaussian. This situation arises in Fokker-Planck equations associated with one dimensional systems with long-range interactions such as the Hamiltonian Mean Field (HMF) model and in the kinetic theory of two-dimensional point vortices in hydrodynamics. We show that the progression of the front is extremely slow (logarithmic) in that case so that the convergence towards the equilibrium state is peculiar

    Interference in presence of Dissipation

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    We study a particle on a ring in presence of various dissipative environments. We develop and solve a variational scheme assuming low frequency dominance. We analyze our solution within a renormalization group (RG) scheme to all orders which reproduces a 2 loop RG for the Caldeira-Legget environment. In the latter case the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) oscillation amplitude is exponential in -R^2 where R is the ring's radius. For either a charge or an electric dipole coupled to a dirty metal we find that the metal induces dissipation, however the AB amplitude is ~ R^{-2} for large R, as for free particles. Cold atoms with a large electric dipole may show a crossover between these two behaviors.Comment: 5 pages, added motivations and reference

    Ground state of two electrons on concentric spheres

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    We extend our analysis of two electrons on a sphere [Phys. Rev. A {\bf 79}, 062517 (2009); Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 103}, 123008 (2009)] to electrons on concentric spheres with different radii. The strengths and weaknesses of several electronic structure models are analyzed, ranging from the mean-field approximation (restricted and unrestricted Hartree-Fock solutions) to configuration interaction expansion, leading to near-exact wave functions and energies. The M{\o}ller-Plesset energy corrections (up to third-order) and the asymptotic expansion for the large-spheres regime are also considered. We also study the position intracules derived from approximate and exact wave functions. We find evidence for the existence of a long-range Coulomb hole in the large-spheres regime, and infer that unrestricted Hartree-Fock theory over-localizes the electrons.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Controllability and observabiliy of an artificial advection-diffusion problem

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    In this paper we study the controllability of an artificial advection-diffusion system through the boundary. Suitable Carleman estimates give us the observability on the adjoint system in the one dimensional case. We also study some basic properties of our problem such as backward uniqueness and we get an intuitive result on the control cost for vanishing viscosity.Comment: 20 pages, accepted for publication in MCSS. DOI: 10.1007/s00498-012-0076-

    Study of 5 and 10 mm thick CZT strip detectors

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    We report progress in the study of 5 and 10 mm thick CZT strip detectors featuring orthogonal coplanar anode contacts. This novel anode geometry combines the advantages of pixel detectors with those of double-sided strip detectors. Like pixel detectors, these are electron-only devices that perform well as hard x-ray and y-ray spectrometers and imagers even in the thicker configurations required for reasonable detection efficiency at 1 MeV. Like double-sided strip detectors in an N x N configuration, these detectors require only 2N readout channels to form N2 “pixels”. Unlike doublesided strip detectors, all signal contacts for spectroscopy and 3- d imaging are formed on one detector surface. Polymer flip chip bonding to a ceramic substrate is employed resulting in a rugged and compact detector assembly. Prototype detector modules 5 mm thick have been fabricated and tested. Prototype modules, 10 mm thick, are currently in procurement. Measurements confirm these devices are efficient detectors throughout their volume. Sub-millimeter position resolution and energy resolution (FWHM) better than 3% at 662 keV and 15% at 60 keV throughout the detector volume are demonstrated. Options for processing the signals from the non-collecting anode strip contacts are discussed. Results from tests of one prototype circuit are presented. We also report on detector simulation studies aimed at defining an optimum geometry for the anode contacts and at determining optimum operating conditions and the requirements of the signal processing electronics
