1,720 research outputs found

    Why are immigrants' incarceration rates so low? evidence on selective immigration, deterrence, and deportation

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    Much of the concern about immigration adversely affecting crime derives from the fact that immigrants tend to have characteristics in common with native born populations that are disproportionately incarcerated. This perception of a link between immigration and crime led to legislation in the 1990s increasing punishments toward criminal aliens. Despite the widespread perception of a link between immigration and crime, immigrants have much lower institutionalization (incarceration) rates than the native born. More recently arrived immigrants have the lowest comparative incarceration rates, and this difference increased from 1980 to 2000. We present a model of immigrant self-selection that suggests why, despite poor labor market outcomes, immigrants may have better incarceration outcomes than the native- born. We examine whether the improvement in immigrants’ relative incarceration rates over the last three decades is linked to increased deportation, immigrant self- selection, or deterrence. Our evidence suggests that deportation and deterrence of immigrants’ crime commission from the threat of deportation are not driving the results. Rather, immigrants appear to be self-selected to have low criminal propensities and this has increased over time.Immigrants ; Deportation

    Immigration and Crime in Early 20th Century America

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    Research on crime in the late 20th century has consistently shown that immigrants have lower rates of involvement in criminal activity than natives. We find that a century ago immigrants may have been slightly more likely than natives to be involved in crime. In 1904 prison commitment rates for more serious crimes were quite similar by nativity for all ages except ages 18 and 19 when the commitment rate for immigrants was higher than for the native born. By 1930, immigrants were less likely than natives to be committed to prisons at all ages 20 and older. But this advantage disappears when one looks at commitments for violent offenses. Aggregation bias and the absence of accurate population data meant that analysts at the time missed these important features of the immigrant-native incarceration comparison. The relative decline of the criminality of the foreign born reflected a growing gap between natives and immigrants at older ages, one that was driven by sharp increases in the commitment rates of the native born, while commitment rates for the foreign born were remarkably stable.

    Why are Immigrants' Incarceration Rates so Low? Evidence on Selective Immigration, Deterrence, and Deportation

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    The perception that immigration adversely affects crime rates led to legislation in the 1990s that particularly increased punishment of criminal aliens. In fact, immigrants have much lower institutionalization (incarceration) rates than the native born - on the order of one-fifth the rate of natives. More recently arrived immigrants have the lowest relative incarceration rates, and this difference increased from 1980 to 2000. We examine whether the improvement in immigrants' relative incarceration rates over the last three decades is linked to increased deportation, immigrant self-selection, or deterrence. Our evidence suggests that deportation does not drive the results. Rather, the process of migration selects individuals who either have lower criminal propensities or are more responsive to deterrent effects than the average native. Immigrants who were already in the country reduced their relative institutionalization probability over the decades; and the newly arrived immigrants in the 1980s and 1990s seem to be particularly unlikely to be involved in criminal activity, consistent with increasingly positive selection along this dimension.

    The Role of Deportation in the Incarceration of Immigrants

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    Using data on all new admissions to California state prisons in 1986, 1990, and 1996, we find that the foreign born have a very different offense mix from native-born inmates, with foreigners much more likely to be serving time for drug offenses. We document and discuss many of the substantial changes in the enforcement environment over this period, including the war on drugs, changes in public law expanding the classes eligible for deportation, and increases in the level of resources appropriated for enforcement activities targeting deportable aliens. These developments have resulted in much greater attention by the Immigration and Naturalization Service to the incarceration of the foreign born. By 1996, the definition of deportable' was such that it covered essentially all noncitizens in the California prison system. Throughout the period, those foreign-born inmates designated by the California Department of Corrections to be released to INS custody serve substantially (6-12 percent) longer terms (conditional upon sentence length) than natives or other similar' foreigners. These longer terms of incarceration impose substantial costs on the state.

    Uncertainty In Combustion Reaction Rates And Its Effects On Combustion Simulations

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    This work investigates the uncertainties in reaction rates of an n-dodecane model on turbulent spray combustion simulations. Six major reactions were found to significantly impact the ignition delay of the mechanism in a 0-D batch reactor model. These reactions’ rates were independently modified and placed into individual mechanisms. These newly developed mechanisms were simulated in a 3-D turbulent spray simulation and a 0-D batch reactor at a pressure of 60 bar and temperatures from 900 to 1100 K. The combustion characteristics (e.g. ignition delays, flame lift-off length, liquid and vapor penetration) of the modified mechanisms were compared to those produced by the original mechanism. The impact of the reaction on the ignition delay timing was different between the 0-D and 3-D simulations, with an average difference of 30%. This indicates that kinetic mechanism validation through ignition delay timing alone is insufficient

    Better Milk than Cola: Soft Drink Taxes and Substitution Effects

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    Soft Drink Taxes, Obesity, Substitution effects, Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Health Economics and Policy, H, H2, H25,

    Economic Issues in Crime Policy: Dissertation Summary

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    From 1980 to 1993, the number of inmates in state and federal prisons rose 200%. Throughout this expansion, the poorly-educated continued to be overrepresented among the nation\u27s prisoners. At the same time, public concern about crime has also increased. Perhaps because immigrants share many demographic characteristics with criminals, public concern about immigration is often coupled with concern about crime. This dissertation empirically examines these issues central to sensible policy debate