2 research outputs found

    Towards glass-box CNNs

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    With the substantial performance of neural networks in sensitive fields increases the need for interpretable deep learning models. Major challenge is to uncover the multiscale and distributed representation hidden inside the basket mappings of the deep neural networks. Researchers have been trying to comprehend it through visual analysis of features, mathematical structures, or other data-driven approaches. Here, we work on implementation invariances of CNN-based representations and present an analytical binary prototype that provides useful insights for large scale real-life applications. We begin by unfolding conventional CNN and then repack it with a more transparent representation. Inspired by the attainment of neural networks, we choose to present our findings as a three-layer model. First is a representation layer that encompasses both the class information (group invariant) and symmetric transformations (group equivariant) of input images. Through these transformations, we decrease intra-class distance and increase the inter-class distance. It is then passed through a dimension reduction layer followed by a classifier. The proposed representation is compared with the equivariance of AlexNet (CNN) internal representation for better dissemination of simulation results. We foresee following immediate advantages of this toy version: i) contributes pre-processing of data to increase the feature or class separability in large scale problems, ii) helps designing neural architecture to improve the classification performance in multi-class problems, and iii) helps building interpretable CNN through scalable functional blocks

    An Efficient Framework for Execution of Smart Contracts in Hyperledger Sawtooth

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    Blockchain technology is a distributed, decentralized, and immutable ledger system. It is the platform of choice for managing smart contract transactions (SCTs). Smart contracts are self-executing codes of agreement between interested parties commonly implemented using blockchains. A block contains a set of transactions representing changes to the system and a hash of the previous block. The SCTs are executed multiple times during the block production and validation phases across the network. The execution is sequential in most blockchain technologies. In this work, we incorporate a direct acyclic graph (DAG) based parallel scheduler framework for concurrent execution of SCTs. The dependencies among a block's transactions are represented through a concurrent DAG data structure that assists in throughput optimization. We have created a DAG scheduler module that can be incorporated into blockchain platforms for concurrent execution with ease. We have also formally established the safety and liveness properties of the DAG scheduler. For evaluation, our framework is implemented in Hyperledger Sawtooth V1.2.6. The performance across multiple smart contract applications is measured for various scheduler types. Experimental analysis shows that the proposed framework achieves notable performance improvements over the parallel SCT execution frameworks