9 research outputs found

    The Effects of Polarizing Current on Nerve Terminal Impulses Recorded from Polymodal and Cold Receptors in the Guinea-pig Cornea

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    It was reported recently that action potentials actively invade the sensory nerve terminals of corneal polymodal receptors, whereas corneal cold receptor nerve terminals are passively invaded (Brock, J.A., S. Pianova, and C. Belmonte. 2001. J. Physiol. 533:493–501). The present study investigated whether this functional difference between these two types of receptor was due to an absence of voltage-activated Na+ conductances in cold receptor nerve terminals. To address this question, the study examined the effects of polarizing current on the configuration of nerve terminal impulses recorded extracellularly from single polymodal and cold receptors in guinea-pig cornea isolated in vitro. Polarizing currents were applied through the recording electrode. In both receptor types, hyperpolarizing current (+ve) increased the negative amplitude of nerve terminal impulses. In contrast, depolarizing current (−ve) was without effect on polymodal receptor nerve terminal impulses but increased the positive amplitude of cold receptor nerve terminal impulses. The hyperpolarization-induced increase in the negative amplitude of nerve terminal impulses represents a net increase in inward current. In both types of receptor, this increase in inward current was reduced by local application of low Na+ solution and blocked by lidocaine (10 mM). In addition, tetrodotoxin (1 μM) slowed but did not reduce the hyperpolarization-induced increase in the negative amplitude of polymodal and cold nerve terminal impulses. The depolarization-induced increase in the positive amplitude of cold receptor nerve terminal impulses represents a net increase in outward current. This change was reduced both by lidocaine (10 mM) and the combined application of tetraethylammomium (20 mM) and 4-aminopyridine (1 mM). The interpretation is that both polymodal and cold receptor nerve terminals possess high densities of tetrodotoxin-resistant Na+ channels. This finding suggests that in cold receptors, under normal conditions, the Na+ conductances are rendered inactive because the nerve terminal region is relatively depolarized

    Effects of Heating and Cooling on Nerve Terminal Impulses Recorded from Cold-sensitive Receptors in the Guinea-pig Cornea

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    An in vitro preparation of the guinea-pig cornea was used to study the effects of changing temperature on nerve terminal impulses recorded extracellularly from cold-sensitive receptors. At a stable holding temperature (31–32.5°C), cold receptors had an ongoing periodic discharge of nerve terminal impulses. This activity decreased or ceased with heating and increased with cooling. Reducing the rate of temperature change reduced the respective effects of heating and cooling on nerve terminal impulse frequency. In addition to changes in the frequency of activity, nerve terminal impulse shape also changed with heating and cooling. At the same ambient temperature, nerve terminal impulses were larger in amplitude and faster in time course during heating than those recorded during cooling. The magnitude of these effects of heating and cooling on nerve terminal impulse shape was reduced if the rate of temperature change was slowed. At 29, 31.5, and 35°C, a train of 50 electrical stimuli delivered to the ciliary nerves at 10–40 Hz produced a progressive increase in the amplitude of successive nerve terminal impulses evoked during the train. Therefore, it is unlikely that the reduction in nerve terminal impulse amplitude observed during cooling is due to the activity-dependent changes in the nerve terminal produced by the concomitant increase in impulse frequency. Instead, the differences in nerve terminal impulse shape observed at the same ambient temperature during heating and cooling may reflect changes in the membrane potential of the nerve terminal associated with thermal transduction

    Differences between nerve terminal impulses of polymodal nociceptors and cold sensory receptors of the guinea‐pig cornea

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    1. Extracellular recording techniques were used to study nerve terminal impulses (NTIs) recorded from single polymodal nociceptors and cold-sensitive receptors in guinea-pig cornea isolated in vitro. 2. The amplitude and time course of NTIs recorded from polymodal nociceptors was different from those of cold-sensitive receptors. 3. Bath application of tetrodotoxin (1 μm) changed the time course of spontaneous NTIs recorded from both polymodal and cold-sensitive receptors. 4. Bath application of lignocaine (lidocaine; 1–5 mm) abolished all electrical activity. 5. Local application of lignocaine (2.5 and 20 mm) through the recording electrode changed the time course of the NTIs recorded from polymodal nociceptors but not that of NTIs recorded from cold-sensitive nerve endings. 6. It is concluded that action potentials propagate actively in the sensory nerve endings of polymodal nociceptors. In contrast, cold-sensitive receptor nerve endings appear to be passively invaded from a point more proximal in the axon where the action potential can fail or be initiated

    Slow and incomplete sympathetic reinnervation of rat tail artery restores the amplitude of nerve-evoked contractions provided a perivascular plexus is present

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    We have investigated the recovery of sympathetic control following reinnervation of denervated rat tail arteries by relating the reappearance of noradrenergic terminals to the amplitude of nerve-evoked contractions of isometrically mounted artery segments in vitro. We have also assessed reactivity to vasoconstrictor agonists. Freezing the collector nerves near the base of the tail in adult rats denervated the artery from ∼40 mm along the tail. Restoration of the perivascular plexus declined along the length of the tail, remaining incomplete for >6 mo. After 4 mo, nerve-evoked contractions were prolonged but of comparable amplitude to control at ∼60 mm along the tail; they were smaller at ∼110 mm. At ∼60 mm, facilitation of contractions to short trains of stimuli by the norepinephrine transporter blocker, desmethylimipramine, and by the α-adrenoceptor antagonist, idazoxan, was reduced in reinnervated arteries. Blockade of nerve-evoked contractions by the α-adrenoceptor antagonist, prazosin, was less and by idazoxan greater than control after 8 wk but similar to control after 16 wk. Sensitivity of reinnervated arteries to the α- adrenoceptor agonist, phenylephrine, was raised in the absence but not in the presence of desmethylimipramine. Sensitivity to the α- adrenoceptor agonist, clonidine, was maintained in 16-wk reinnervated arteries when it had declined in controls. Thus regenerating sympathetic axons have a limited capacity to reinnervate the rat tail artery, but nerve-evoked contractions match control once a relatively sparse perivascular plexus is reestablished. Functional recovery involves prolongation of contractions and deficits in both clearance of released norepinephrine and autoinhibition of norepinephrine release

    BRAF Mutation, NRAS Mutation, and the Absence of an Immune-Related Expressed Gene Profile Predict Poor Outcome in Patients with Stage III Melanoma

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    Prediction of outcome for melanoma patients with surgically resected macroscopic nodal metastases is very imprecise. We performed a comprehensive clinico-pathologic assessment of fresh-frozen macroscopic nodal metastases and the preceding primary melanoma, somatic mutation profiling, and gene expression profiling to identify determinants of outcome in 79 melanoma patients. In addition to disease stage <II at initial presentation, the following clinical and pathologic factors were independent predictors of improved outcome (odds ratios for survival >4 years, 90% confidence interval): the presence of a nodular component in the primary melanoma (6.8, 0.6–76.0), and small cell size (11.1, 0.8–100.0) or low pigmentation (3.0, 0.8–100.0) in the nodal metastases. Absence of BRAF mutation (20.0, 1.0–1000.0) or NRAS mutation (16.7, 0.6–1000.0) were both favorable prognostic factors. A 46-gene expression signature with strong overrepresentation of immune response genes was predictive of better survival (10.9, 0.4–325.6); in the full cohort, median survival was >100 months in those with the signature, but 10 months in those without. This relationship was validated in two previously published independent stage III melanoma data sets. We conclude that the presence of BRAF mutation, NRAS mutation, and the absence of an immune-related expressed gene profile predict poor outcome in melanoma patients with macroscopic stage III disease

    Action potential initiation in the peripheral terminals of cold-sensitive neurones innervating the guinea-pig cornea

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    The site at which action potentials initiate within the terminal region of unmyelinated sensory axons has not been resolved. Combining recordings of nerve terminal impulses (NTIs) and collision analysis, the site of action potential initiation in guinea-pig corneal cold receptors was determined. For most receptors (77%), initiation mapped to a point in the time domain that was closer to the nerve terminal than to the site of electrical stimulation at the back of the eye. Guinea-pig corneal cold receptors are Aδ-neurones that lose their myelin sheath at the point where they enter the cornea, and therefore their axons conduct more slowly within the cornea. Allowing for this inhomogeneity in conduction speed, the resulting spatial estimates of action potential initiation sites correlated with changes in NTI shape predicted by simulation of action potentials initiating within a nerve terminal. In some receptors, more than one NTI shape was observed. Simulations of NTI shape suggest that the origin of differing NTI shapes result from action potentials initiating at different, spatially discrete, locations within the nerve terminal. Importantly, the relative incidence of NTI shapes resulting from action potential initiation close to the nerve termination increased during warming when nerve activity decreased, indicating that the favoured site of action potential initiation shifts toward the nerve terminal when it hyperpolarizes. This finding can be explained by a hyperpolarization-induced relief of Na+ channel inactivation in the nerve terminal. The results provide direct evidence that the molecular entities responsible for stimulus transduction and action potential initiation reside in parallel with one another in the unmyelinated nerve terminals of cold receptors