7 research outputs found

    Roteiro pedagĂłgico: um instrumento para a aprendizagem de conceitos de fĂ­sica Pedagogical Schedule: a tool for learning physics concepts

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    O objetivo desta investigação foi analisar as possibilidades e os limites de uma experiência de ensino-aprendizagem de conteúdos de física, realizada com alunos do curso de Licenciatura em Física e fundamentada na "epistemologia genética" de Jean Piaget. Como metodologia de ensino foi construído o roteiro pedagógico, que tem como objetivo identificar e promover a construção e reconstrução de processos cognitivos sob a perspectiva piagetiana, visando possibilitar a compreensão das grandezas físicas envolvidas nos fenômenos e das relações lógico-matemáticas entre elas. Contatou-se que essa atividade pedagógica auxilia os alunos na construção do conhecimento e na formação da equação matemática que expressa o fenômeno físico estudado.<br>This investigation aims to analyze the possibilities and limits of a teaching-and-learning experience about physics subjects, carried out with students from a Physics Degree and its basis is in the "Genetics Epistemology", of Jean Piaget. As a methodology of teaching, it uses a pedagogical schedule, that aims to identify and promote the construction and reconstruction of cognitive processes using Piaget´s perspective, aiming to make possible the comprehension of the magnitudes in Physics involved in the phenomenon and logical-mathematical relations between them. I noticed that this pedagogical activity helps students in the acquisition of their knowledge and the formation of mathematical equations that expresses the physical phenomenon studied

    Chair_ludus: Re-drawing the Gerrit Rietveld Chairs

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    The Berlin and Red Blue Chair designed by Gerrit Rietveld have been subject of academic study. They are a symbol of Neoplasticism and De Stijl, with a powerful compositional synthesis of geometric and chromatic modulations. For these reasons the chairs became the starting point of an interpretive path at University level linked to space (metaphor of the dihedral of Monge) and to the relation concerning body (in its postural and behavioural logics) and perception (between synaesthesia and symbol). A gaming path has been conceived by means of understanding activities (design/survey) and directly dealing with the shape: this means analysing objects by their physical rebuilding in laboratory models. Starting from the rebuilt model it is possible to develop the metamorphosis of the chair. In this way “cult chairs” become playful components able to activate manipulative actions, acting as chance of exploration of space, shape, surface and the relationship with the body and its vocations. At the end of the course the playful act of conceptual metamorphosis has shown as it is possible to produce new creative actions that could enable the students to reap the benefits of their creative language and social behaviours