18 research outputs found
Azevedo, Ana Francisca de y Rego, Nelson (coords.) (2017). Geografias e (in)visibilidades : paisagens, corpos, memórias. Porto Alegre: Compasso Lugar-Cultura
Obra ressenyada: Ana Francisca de AZEVEDO, Nelson REGO(coords.), Geografias e (in)visibilidades: Paisagens, corpos, memórias. Porto Alegre: Compasso Lugar-Cultura, 2017
A Política Pesqueira Común e as comunidades costeiras en Galicia. Visións desde a Xeografía
Esta Tese de Doutoramento aborda o estudo do impacto territorial da Política Pesqueira Común (PPC) en Galicia, a corto e medio prazo. Complétase a investigación do marco autonómico a través de estudos de caso que permiten ver a incidencia desta política en tres portos da provincia da Coruña, relevantes pola súa tipoloxía, e que se consideran representativos das comunidades costeiras galegas: Lira, Muros e Ribeira.
Unha vez definido o marco teórico e os antecedentes do estudo, analízase como foi evolucionando a PPC, e tamén como se foron poñendo de manifesto, de maneira progresiva, os intereses particulares dos países membros da UE. Así, trátanse aspectos como o do nacemento e evolución desta política desde a firma dos Tratados de Roma en 1957; as primeiras medidas instauradas nos anos 1970 por Alemaña Occidental, Bélxica, Francia, Italia, Luxemburgo e os Países Baixos; os cambios producidos en 1973 pola entrada na Comunidade de países con importantes caladoiros como Dinamarca, Irlanda ou Reino Unido; e a conversión en 1983 da PPC nunha política común de pleno dereito. Detállase en especial o proceso e condicións pactadas para a entrada de España na Comunidade en 1986, e a repercusión que tivo para o sector en Galicia esta entrada tardía.
Despois deste traballo inicial, construeuse un sistema de indicadores para estruturar e afondar na evolución do sector pesqueiro galego desde a entrada na CEE.
Con todo este proceso de documentación realizado procedeu a contrastarse a hipótese central do traballo, que pode definirse nos seguintes termos: nos municipios costeiros de Galicia foron moi similares os mecanismos de actuación dos diferentes actores locais, tanto nos procedementos para obter financiamento, como no emprego dos fondos comunitarios. Só nalgúns casos, moi meritorios, os axentes locais conseguiron obter destas axudas, e do novo marco normativo, un input que repercutiu claramente na mellora das condicións socioeconómicas da súa comunidade, no desenvolvemento de estratexias de diversificación produtiva, e na implicación da poboación local na xestión do cambio. No resto do país, a ausencia de plans estratéxicos locais de desenvolvemento que permitisen articular as diferentes actuacións e investimentos, propiciou o desenvolvemento dunha serie de actuacións individuais, sen conexión entre elas, e que non conseguiron avances significativos na fortaleza económica local
Competitiveness, sustainability and diversification on Atlantic Coast of Iberian Peninsula: local management of the European Fisheries Fund (2007-2013)
La incorporación de la perspectiva territorial en la Política Pesquera Común (PPC), a través de la delimitación de zonas y la creación de Grupos de Acción Local Pesqueros (GALP), ha permitido la gestión descentralizada de los fondos dedicados al nuevo Eje 4 del Fondo Europeo de la pesca (FEP) mediante la aplicación del enfoque Leader en esta política sectorial. Este trabajo reúne la investigación de cinco regiones estudios de caso
(incluyendo a Portugal) y de sus GALP en el período 2007-2013. Del análisis de cada estrategia de desarrollo local participativo y de las acciones financiadas se desprenden distintas experiencias: unas negativas, desde desajustes y falta de cohesión entre proyectos y objetivos, a excesiva dependencia con respecto al poder local, y otras positivas, muy meritorias y de impacto tanto en el sector pesquero como en el desarrollo sostenible de las comunidades costeras.The incorporation of the territorial perspective into the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), through the delimitation of fishing areas and the creation of Fishery Local Action Groups (FLAGs), has allowed the decentralized management Axis 4 of the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) through the application of the LEADER method in this sectoral policy. The present study brings together the research of five case study regions (including Portugal)
and their FLAGs in the period 2007-2013. Based on the analysis of each participatory local development strategy (LDS) and measures financed, there are different responses to the experience: misalignment and lack of cohesion between projects, excessive dependence on local power, and, in contrast, very meritorious actions and impact both in the fisheries sector and in the sustainable development of the coastal communities
ODA in Galicia (Spain). The importance of the fisheries sector and the cultural priority
This article analyses the motivations, priorities and financing of Galician Official Development Aid (ODA) in relation to Spanish ODA. We will focus mainly on the Portuguese-speaking African countries (PALOP), paying special attention to the cases of Cape Verde and Mozambique, both priorities for the Galician cooperation programs, due to their linguistic proximity and the fact that fishing takes on a significant role. To understand the orientations of Galician ODA, it is important to consider three priorities, geographical, sectoral and cultural.
Fishing is relevant in any of these priorities, as a strategic sector for the economy of Galicia and Portuguesespeaking countries due to the linguistic proximity between Galician and Portuguese. Therefore, there is a willingness to project regional interests in foreign actions, although always coordinated along the main Spanish and European cooperation lines. However, the decentralised policy of Galician cooperation, characterised in economic terms by its weakness, has encountered certain difficulties in developing its strategies. The main
difficulty lies in the small size of Galician Non-governmental development organisations (NGDOs), which are unable to manage large projects, while bigger NGDOs manage a large part of the cooperation funds, with national or international interests that do not always coincide with the interests of Galicia. In this article we will show that, despite these drawbacks, the fishing orientation of ODA in Galicia is still relevant, and cooperation
with Portuguese-speaking countries is also unique in the Spanish context. However, it is necessary to strengthen a regional vision that can generate more benefits for both the donor region and the receiving country, as well as helping the local population to better understand the meaning and benefits generated by ODA.S
Fishing Tourism as an Opportunity for Sustainable Rural Development—The Case of Galicia, Spain
The functional diversification of coastal fishing communities has been a central objective of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) since the early stages of its implementation. A large part of the initiatives financed throughout Europe have been linked to the creation of synergies between the fishing sector and tourism. This paper analyses the opportunities for the development of fishing tourism at the regional level, considering the investments of European and regional funds on the development of fishing tourism in Galicia. Special attention is given to the incorporation of the territorial perspective and Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) for the sustainable development of fishing areas. The results show limitations of this form of tourism in terms of employment and income, especially those developed by fishermen, despite the significant support of the regional government for this activity. This situation allows a critical reflection on the opportunity to convert fishermen into tourist guides, based on the need to diversify the economy and income of fishing communitiesS
Landscape and power: the debate around ugliness in Galicia (Spain)
This is an original manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Landscape Research on 2020-09-08, available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/01426397.2020.1808961The approval of the European Landscape Convention in 2000 placed
landscape at the centre of the political debate and gave it visibility. At
that time, a movement surrounding the concept of ugliness began in
Galicia (Spain), which condemned the degradation of the Galician landscape
as a result of public and private actions that destroy what is understood
as the typical Galician landscape. The media and experts are actively
involved in this discourse. In this article, we reflect on the concept of
ugliness and relate it to policies of power that seek to confront the
resistance of the Galician rural world. We analyse the links between the
canonical Galician landscape, which dates back to the nineteenth century,
and ugliness, as well as the current authorised landscape discourse.S
Shellfishing on foot and the road to defeminization in Galicia (Spain)
Fishing resources, as well as fishing activities and policies, are in a state of permanent change, therefore transforming the living and working conditions of coastal and fishing populations. The gender perspective is relevant to understand the challenges faced by men and women in the fishing sector. Galicia (Spain) is one of the main fishing regions in the EU and with the largest number of women working in the fishing sector, especially in shellfishing on foot. Shellfishing on foot, an artisanal and traditional activity for the cultivation and extraction of mainly bivalve molluscs, represents 7% of gross value added (GVA) and 17% of the employment of the Galician fishing sector as a whole. Since the 1960s, a process of regulation and modernization of shellfishing on foot—more than 95% of which is carried out by women—has led to a sharp decrease in the number of shellfish gatherers. The regulatory processes and the professionalization of the sector have resulted in a strong decline in female employment, but, at the same time, women feel empowered and regard their jobs as dignified work. Our objective—through the analysis of the local permits granted to carry out this activity—focuses on the study of the consolidation of this process and has tried to highlight the ways in which patriarchy perpetuates the hegemonic position of men evidenced, for example, by a progressive masculinization of this activity with increasing economic profitability and social prestigeS
An investigation into fishing and maritime literature: an analysis of Spanish geographic journals (1950–2015)
En este trabajo se realiza un estudio bibliométrico de los artículos publicados en diez revistas geográficas españolas, en tanto son consideradas el principal medio de difusión de la investigación realizada por geógrafos en España, con el objetivo de evaluar las aportaciones relacionadas con el estudio de las actividades pesqueras y marítimas, con el marco espacial, jurídico y normativo en que se desarrollan, y relativos a la gobernanza del mar y de los espacios litorales. Se destaca que la temática abordada aparece concentrada en unas pocas revistas, en unas determinadas líneas de investigación, y en un reducido número de autores. Esta situación es general en todas las regiones españolas, incluso en aquellas en donde estas actividades tienen un gran peso socioeconómico. Se avanzan una serie de conclusiones relativas a los motivos causantes de esta situación.This article presents a bibliometric study of the production published in ten Spanish Geographic
journals, that are considered the main means of diffusion of the investigation carried out by
geographers in Spain. In particular, we consider geographic research related to the study of coastal
communities, the organization of their societies, and the characterization of the activities related to the
sea and the coastal spaces. We emphasize that this theme is concentrated in a few journals, in
certain lines of research, and in a small number of authors. This situation is common in all the
Spanish Regions, even in those where these activities have a great socio-economic weight. We
advance a series of conclusions regarding the causes of this situation and propose some work
Growth and diversification of uses in fishing ports. The role of the Common Fisheries Policy in Galician ports in the 21st century
Desde la finales del XX, a pesar de la crisis del sector pesquero en España, se ha producido
un importante crecimiento de los puertos de esta actividad. Esto se debe en
parte a que la recualificación de los puertos es un objetivo de la Política Pesquera
Común (PPC) desde mediados de los años 1990. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar el
impacto de esta política, así como observar la integración entre puerto y ciudad vinculada
a la demanda social que posibilita la convivencia de los usos pesqueros con
otros recreativos, deportivos o comerciales. El estudio de caso se centra en los puertos
de Muros y Ribeira (Galicia), a partir de un análisis combinado cuantitativo y cualitativo,
utilizando fuentes estadísticas, cartográficas (programa SIOSE y
fotointerpretación) y trabajo de campo. Los resultados muestran un importante crecimiento
y diversificación de los usos portuarios, al mismo tiempo que una reducción
del número y potencia de la flota pesquera (SGP, 2021). Los autores destacan la ausencia
de un plan director que oriente las inversiones a escala regional, y, en general,
de instrumentos de planificación sectorial y urbana que armonicen estos procesos.Since the end of the 20th century, despite the crisis in the fishing sector in Spain, there has been a significant growth in fishing ports. This is partly due to the fact that the requalification of ports has been an objective of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) since the mid-1990s. The aim of the paper is to analyse the impact of this policy, as well as to observe the integration between port and city linked to social demand which makes it possible for fishing uses to coexist with other recreational, sporting or commercial uses. The case study focuses on the ports of Muros and Ribeira (Galicia), based on a combined quantitative and qualitative analysis, using statistical and cartographic sources (SIOSE programme and photointerpretation) and fieldwork. The results show a significant growth and diversification of port uses, at the same time as a reduction in the number and power of the fishing fleet (SGP, 2021). The authors highlight the absence of a master plan to guide investments at regional level, and, in general, of sectoral and urban planning instruments to harmonise these processes.Departamento de Historia II y Geografí
Growth and diversification of uses in fishing ports. The role of the Common Fisheries Policy in Galician ports in the 21st century
Desde la finales del XX, a pesar de la crisis del sector pesquero en España, se ha producido
un importante crecimiento de los puertos de esta actividad. Esto se debe en
parte a que la recualificación de los puertos es un objetivo de la Política Pesquera
Común (PPC) desde mediados de los años 1990. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar el
impacto de esta política, así como observar la integración entre puerto y ciudad vinculada
a la demanda social que posibilita la convivencia de los usos pesqueros con
otros recreativos, deportivos o comerciales. El estudio de caso se centra en los puertos
de Muros y Ribeira (Galicia), a partir de un análisis combinado cuantitativo y cualitativo,
utilizando fuentes estadísticas, cartográficas (programa SIOSE y
fotointerpretación) y trabajo de campo. Los resultados muestran un importante crecimiento
y diversificación de los usos portuarios, al mismo tiempo que una reducción
del número y potencia de la flota pesquera (SGP, 2021). Los autores destacan la ausencia
de un plan director que oriente las inversiones a escala regional, y, en general,
de instrumentos de planificación sectorial y urbana que armonicen estos procesos.Since the end of the 20th century, despite the crisis in the fishing sector in Spain, there has been a significant growth in fishing ports. This is partly due to the fact that the requalification of ports has been an objective of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) since the mid-1990s. The aim of the paper is to analyse the impact of this policy, as well as to observe the integration between port and city linked to social demand which makes it possible for fishing uses to coexist with other recreational, sporting or commercial uses. The case study focuses on the ports of Muros and Ribeira (Galicia), based on a combined quantitative and qualitative analysis, using statistical and cartographic sources (SIOSE programme and photointerpretation) and fieldwork. The results show a significant growth and diversification of port uses, at the same time as a reduction in the number and power of the fishing fleet (SGP, 2021). The authors highlight the absence of a master plan to guide investments at regional level, and, in general, of sectoral and urban planning instruments to harmonise these processes