342 research outputs found

    Spores of Funaria hygrometrica and Entosthodon laxus (Funariaceae, Bryophyta) from Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

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    La familia Funariaceae se halla representada en Tierra del Fuego, por los géneros Entosthodon Schwägr. y Funaria Hedw. Entosthodon con una única especie, E. laxus, y Funaria con dos variedades, F. hygrometrica var. hygrometrica y F. hygrometrica var. fuegiana. Se analizan y describen, en base a material fresco y de herbario, los esporofitos y esporas de las especies citadas, más la variedad de una de ellas. Las observaciones se hicieron con Microscopios Óptico y Electrónico de Barrido. Los esporofitos de ambos géneros presentan cápsulas con distinta forma, color y longitud. En las esporas se observan diferencias en el tamaño y ornamentación de la superficie. Se puede concluir que el estudio de los esporofitos, y en especial el análisis de las esporas, aportan características significativas que contribuyen a la diferenciación y sistemática de estos taxa.The Funariaceae Schwägr. is represented in Tierra del Fuego, by the genera Entosthodon Schwägr. with a single species, E. laxus, and Funaria Hedwig with, with F. hygrometrica var hygrometrica and F. hygrometrica var. fuegiana. They are analyzed and described, based on fresh and herbarium material sporophytes and spores of the species named, plus the variety of one of them. The observations were made with light and scanning electron microscopes. The sporophytes of both genera have capsules with different shape, color and length. In the spores differences are observed in the size and surface ornamentation. It can be concluded that the study of sporophytes, especially the analysis of the spores, provide significant characteristics that contribute to differentiation and systematics of these taxa.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Spores of Funaria hygrometrica and Entosthodon laxus (Funariaceae, Bryophyta) from Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

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    La familia Funariaceae se halla representada en Tierra del Fuego, por los géneros Entosthodon Schwägr. y Funaria Hedw. Entosthodon con una única especie, E. laxus, y Funaria con dos variedades, F. hygrometrica var. hygrometrica y F. hygrometrica var. fuegiana. Se analizan y describen, en base a material fresco y de herbario, los esporofitos y esporas de las especies citadas, más la variedad de una de ellas. Las observaciones se hicieron con Microscopios Óptico y Electrónico de Barrido. Los esporofitos de ambos géneros presentan cápsulas con distinta forma, color y longitud. En las esporas se observan diferencias en el tamaño y ornamentación de la superficie. Se puede concluir que el estudio de los esporofitos, y en especial el análisis de las esporas, aportan características significativas que contribuyen a la diferenciación y sistemática de estos taxa.The Funariaceae Schwägr. is represented in Tierra del Fuego, by the genera Entosthodon Schwägr. with a single species, E. laxus, and Funaria Hedwig with, with F. hygrometrica var hygrometrica and F. hygrometrica var. fuegiana. They are analyzed and described, based on fresh and herbarium material sporophytes and spores of the species named, plus the variety of one of them. The observations were made with light and scanning electron microscopes. The sporophytes of both genera have capsules with different shape, color and length. In the spores differences are observed in the size and surface ornamentation. It can be concluded that the study of sporophytes, especially the analysis of the spores, provide significant characteristics that contribute to differentiation and systematics of these taxa.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Disseny d’un sistema de circularitat del calçat de muntanya infantil

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    Els infants i joves conformaran la societat del futur, per la qual cosa és fonamental que se'ls eduqui amb valors com el consum responsable, la sostenibilitat i la igualtat d'oportunitats perquè serveixin de guia en les seves futures accions. L'objectiu principal del projecte és el disseny d'un sistema de circularitat del calçat de muntanya infantil, en el context de les entitats de lleure. Amb la finalitat de conscienciar als infants, a les famílies i als centres fomentant l'ús compartit dels recursos. La metodologia del treball es basa en el Doble Diamant del Design Thinking, que permet desenvolupar un projecte centrat en l'usuari. En la primera fase s'examina l'estat de la qüestió, s'estudia a l'usuari i el context específic en el qual se situa el projecte. Una vegada finalitzada la fase de recerca, es duu a terme el disseny de la proposta de servitització i la seva estimació dins d'una entitat concreta. La proposta final es basa en la presentació de l'organigrama del sistema i una estimació del seu funcionament en l'entitat model, segons els resultats obtinguts es reduiria l'emissió de 138,6 kg de CO₂.La infancia y jóvenes conformarán la sociedad del futuro, por lo cual es fundamental que se los eduque con valores como el consumo responsable, la sostenibilidad y la igualdad de oportunidades para que sirvan de guía en sus futuras acciones. El objetivo principal del proyecto es el diseño de un sistema de circularidad del calzado de montaña infantil, en el contexto de las entidades de ocio. Con el fin de concienciar a los niños, a las familias y en los centros, fomentando el uso compartido de los recursos. La metodología del trabajo se basa en el Doble Diamante del Design Thinking, que permite desarrollar un proyecto centrado en el usuario. En la primera fase se examina el estado de la cuestión, se estudia al usuario y el contexto específico en el cual se sitúa el proyecto. Una vez finalizada la fase de investigación, se lleva a cabo el diseño de la propuesta de servitización y su estimación dentro de una entidad concreta. La propuesta final se basa en la presentación del organigrama del sistema y una estimación de su funcionamiento en la entidad modelo, según los resultados obtenidos se reduciría la emisión de 138,6 kg de CO₂.Children and young people will shape the society of the future, so it is essential that they are educated with values such as responsible consumption, sustainability, and equal opportunity to guide their future actions. The main objective of the project is the design of a circularity system for children's mountain footwear in the context of leisure entities. In order to raise awareness among children, families, and centres by promoting the shared use of resources. The working methodology is based on the Design Thinking Double Diamond, which allows a user-centered project to be developed. In the first phase, the status of the issue is examined, the user is studied, and the specific context in which the project is located is determined. Once the research phase is complete, the design of the servitization proposal and its estimation within a particular entity are carried out. The final proposal is based on the presentation of the organisation chart of the system and an estimation of its operation in the model entity. According to the results obtained, the emission of 138,6 kg CO₂ would be reduced.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::12 - Producció i Consum Responsables::12.5 - Per a 2030, disminuir de manera substancial la generació de residus mitjançant polítiques de prevenció, reducció, reciclatge i reutilitzaci

    Spore morphology and sporoderm ultrastructure in Adiantopsis Fée (Pteridaceae-Pteridophyta) from Argentina

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    The aim of this study is to analyse, describe and compare the spores of the two Adiantopsis species that grow in Argentina, A. chlorophylla (Sw.) Fée and A. radiata (L.) Fée. The study used herbarium material observed with light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and transmission electron microscopes (TEM). The spores of both species are trilete with an echinate surface. The exospore is smooth, two-layered in section; both layers with different thickness and contrast. Depending on the plane of sectioning, channels are seen running through the exospore and in the apertural region. The perispore strongly contrasted when seen with TEM, is two-layered and bears ornamentation. The two layers have different thickness and structure. The inner layer P1 is the thickest layer and has three strata, which form the sculptural elements. The outer layer P2 covers all the surfaces of P1. Two levels of ornamentation are clearly distinguished: a basal level composed of fused ridges, and an upper level composed of echinae. The spores of A. chlorophylla are triangular-globose in polar view, with convex sides, 25 - 50 μm in equatorial diameter and have more ornamental processes per surface unit than the spores of A. radiata. The spores of A. radiata are triangular in polar view and 30 - 40 μm in equatorial diameter. Size and ornamentation help to establish differences at species level, and together with the exomorphological characteristics of the sporophyte, contribute to the systematics of this genus.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Spore morphology and sporoderm ultrastructure in Adiantopsis Fée (Pteridaceae-Pteridophyta) from Argentina

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    The aim of this study is to analyse, describe and compare the spores of the two Adiantopsis species that grow in Argentina, A. chlorophylla (Sw.) Fée and A. radiata (L.) Fée. The study used herbarium material observed with light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and transmission electron microscopes (TEM). The spores of both species are trilete with an echinate surface. The exospore is smooth, two-layered in section; both layers with different thickness and contrast. Depending on the plane of sectioning, channels are seen running through the exospore and in the apertural region. The perispore strongly contrasted when seen with TEM, is two-layered and bears ornamentation. The two layers have different thickness and structure. The inner layer P1 is the thickest layer and has three strata, which form the sculptural elements. The outer layer P2 covers all the surfaces of P1. Two levels of ornamentation are clearly distinguished: a basal level composed of fused ridges, and an upper level composed of echinae. The spores of A. chlorophylla are triangular-globose in polar view, with convex sides, 25 - 50 μm in equatorial diameter and have more ornamental processes per surface unit than the spores of A. radiata. The spores of A. radiata are triangular in polar view and 30 - 40 μm in equatorial diameter. Size and ornamentation help to establish differences at species level, and together with the exomorphological characteristics of the sporophyte, contribute to the systematics of this genus.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Effectiveness of an intervention to improve antibiotic-prescribing behaviour in primary care: a controlled, interrupted time-series study

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    Background: High rates of antibiotic misprescribing in primary care, with alarming clinical and economic consequences, highlight the urgent need for interventions to improve antibiotic prescribing in this setting. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness on antibiotic prescribing quality indicators of a multifaceted intervention targeting health professionals' and patients' behaviour regarding antibiotic use. Methods: We conducted a pragmatic cluster-randomized controlled trial in the catchment area covered by Portugal's Central Regional Health Administration. The intervention consisted of a multidisciplinary, multifaceted programme involving physicians, pharmacists and patients, and comprising outreach visits for physicians and pharmacists, and educational materials for health professionals and patients. The following were assessed: relative ratios of prescription of penicillins sensitive to β-lactamase, penicillin combinations including β-lactamase inhibitors, third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones; and the ratio of broad- to narrow-spectrum antibiotics. An interrupted time-series analysis for multiple-group comparisons was performed. The study protocol was registered on Clinical.trials.gov (NCT02173509). Results: The participation rate in the educational intervention was 64% (197/309 GPs) in a total of 25 counties. Statistically significant improvements were obtained, not only in the relative prescription of penicillins sensitive to β-lactamase (overall relative change of +896%) and penicillin combinations including β-lactamase inhibitors (-161%), but also in the ratio of broad- to narrow-spectrum antibiotics (-200%). Statistically significant results were also obtained for third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins, though only in the immediate term. Conclusions: This study showed that quality indicators of antibiotic prescribing can be improved by tackling influences on behaviour including knowledge and attitudes surrounding physicians' clinical practice. Accordingly, these determinants must be considered when implementing interventions aimed at improving antibiotic prescribing

    Driven-dissipative four-mode squeezing of multilevel atoms in an optical cavity

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    We utilize multilevel atoms trapped in a driven resonant optical cavity to produce scalable multi-mode squeezed states for quantum sensing and metrology. While superradiance or collective dissipative emission by itself has been typically a detrimental effect for entanglement generation in optical cavities, in the presence of additional drives it can also be used as an entanglement resource. In a recent work [arXiv:2302.10828], we described a protocol for the dissipative generation of two-mode squeezing in the dark state of a six-level system with only one relevant polarization. There we showed that up to two quadratures can be squeezed. Here, we develop a generalized analytic treatment to calculate the squeezing in any multilevel system where atoms can collectively decay by emitting light into two polarization modes in a cavity. We show that in this more general system up to four spin squeezed quadratures can be obtained. We study how finite-size effects constrain the reachable squeezing, and analytically compute the scaling with NN. Our findings are readily testable in current optical cavity experiments with alkaline-earth-like atoms.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures + Appendix; References update

    Squeezing multilevel atoms in dark states via cavity superradiance

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    We describe a method to create and store scalable and long-lived entangled spin-squeezed states within a manifold of many-body cavity dark states using collective emission of light from multilevel atoms inside an optical cavity. We show that the system can be tuned to generate squeezing in a dark state where it will be immune to superradiance. We also show more generically that squeezing can be generated using a combination of superradiance and coherent driving in a bright state, and subsequently be transferred via single-particle rotations to a dark state where squeezing can be stored. Our findings, readily testable in current optical cavity experiments with alkaline-earth-like atoms, can open a path for dissipative generation and storage of metrologically useful states in optical transitions.Comment: 4.5 pages, 3 figures + Supplement; New sections in Supplemen

    Modelagem analítica da operação cronológica de reservatórios no despacho probabilístico de geração

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    Probabilistic production costing models evaluate the expected unit operating costs of dispatching generation resources to meet load requirements along the planning period. These models should describe in detail the actual operation of the generation system and should estimate costs under plausible alternative scenarios. The objective of evaluating the variables of the problem under alternative scenarios is to take into account uncertanties of the generation system, as equipment outages, load variation, inflow sequences, etc. The probabilistic production costing problem can be efficiently solved by a method proposed by Baleriaux. The Baleriaux scheme decomposes the production costing problem into generation reliability evaluation subproblems. In turn, the reliability problems reduce to the comparison between the distribution of available capacity and system demand, which is carried out by discrete convolution. One major limitation of the Baleriaux approach is related to the loss of chronological information. In order to carry out the analytical convolutions, it is assumed that the system states are independent of each other, i.e. system operation is represented as “snapshots". As a consequence, the operation of hydroelectric units, which is essentially chronological, has to be simplified. While this representation may be reasonably adequate for thermal-dominated systems, it is less acceptable for systems with a large component of hydro generation. The representation of hydro units in the Baleriaux scheme has been a topic of great interest. However, the approximations proposed until now has led to underestimated operating costs. One alternative is to use the Monte Carlo simulation method, which allows a better representation of hydrothermal systems. Unfortenately, the associated computacional effort may be very high. This thesis describes an extension of the Baleriaux methodology, able to handle the chronological aspects of reservoir operation. It is shown that Baleriaux's idea can be generalized for stochastic problems which can be represented as linear network flows. In this way, the problem is decomposed into a sequence of analytical convolutions of reservoir storage levels, demand, inflows and generation capacity at each stage. The extended Baleriaux scheme can also produce marginal cost information. The application ofthe methodology is illustrated in case studies with utility-derived systems. To verify the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed scheme, the sarne study was repeated with a Monte-Carlo simulation algorithm. Results were identical, but running times with the Monte-Carlo algorithm were higher by more than arder of magnitude.O despacho probabilístico de geração de um sistema de potência tem como objetivo avaliar os custos associados à utilização dos recursos de geração disponíveis a fim de atender a demanda do sistema Este problema deve representar a operação do sistema de geração da forma mais realística possível e também estimar os custos de operação sob os mais diversos cenários. A avaliação das variáveis do problema sob cenários alternativos é uma forma de representar as incertezas inerentes a um sistema de geração, tais como saídas forçadas das unidades geradoras, aleatoriedade das afluências a um sistema hidrotérmico, etc. Baleriaux et alii propuseram uma metodologia analítica para resolver este problema baseada na construção de curvas de permanência de carga equivalentes, isto é, distribuições de frequências acumuladas resultantes da combinação entre carga e capacidade (sujeita a falhas) das unidades geradoras, e obtidas por convolução discreta. Uma grande limitação desta metodologia está relacionada com a perda de informação cronológica. No cálculo das convoluções analíticas, assume-se que os estados do sistema são independentes entre si, isto é, a operação do sistema é representada por pontos isolados. Esta representação é adequada para sistemas térmicos, onde o despacho econômico para uma determinada hora é independente da situação nas horas seguintes. Entretanto, a operação das usinas hidroelétricas, que é essencialmente cronológica, não pode ser representada. Vários pesquisadores têm proposto aproximações para avaliar a geração hidroelétrica diretamente na metodologia de Baleriaux. No entanto, estas aproximações acarretam em custos de operação subestimados. Uma alternativa de solução é a simulação Monte Carlo, que, neste caso, fornece uma representação mais fiel da operação de sistemas de geração hidrotérmicos, porém a um esforço computacional muito elevado. Esta tese tem como objetivo propor uma extensão da metodologia analítica de Baleriaux capaz de representar com precisão os aspectos cronológicos da operação de reservatórios em sistemas hidrotérmicos. Demonstra-se que a metodologia de Baleriaux pode ser aplicada a problemas de otimização estocástica que podem ser representados por um modelo de fluxo em redes. Assim, a metodologia proposta consiste em decompor o problema de despacho de geração hidrotérmico em uma sequência de problemas cronológicos de avaliação da confiabilidade de suprimento de uma usina hidroelétrica. Por sua vez, cada problema de confiabilidade é resolvido por uma sequência de convoluções entre níveis de armazenamento do reservatório, demanda, afluências e capacidade de geração térmica. A metodologia proposta também é capaz de calcular os custos marginais de operação associados ao problema. A aplicação da metodologia é ilustrada através de sistemas reais de geração de energia elétrica, provando ser bastante eficiente computacionalmente. Quando comparada com a solução obtida pelo método de simulação Monte-Carlo, a redução no tempo computacional foi de várias ordens de grandeza

    Estereotipos de latinoamericanos en la publicidad radiofónica española

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    The paper that media and advertising develop in the person socialization process has aroused the interest to the type of social representations that these they use. This interest has favoured a notable theoretical corpus apparition relative to the diverse social groups media representations; radio has been forgotten in these studies. Present article aims to know Spanish radio advertising use of Latin American different representations, as well as determine the kind of qualities or attributes more frequent in these stereotypes construction. It was used, on this study, a content analysis of radio advertising presented to San Sebastian Advertising Festival between 1996 and 2002.El papel que desarrollan los medios de comunicación y la publicidad en el proceso de formación de la persona ha suscitado el interés hacia el tipo de representaciones sociales que éstos vehiculan. Un interés que ha propiciado la aparición de un relevante corpus teórico relativo a las representaciones mediáticas de los diversos grupos sociales; unos estudios en donde el medio radiofónico ha quedado relegado. El objeto del presente artículo ha sido el de conocer el uso que la publicidad radiofónica española realiza de las diferentes representaciones de latinoamericanos, así como determinar el tipo de cualidades o atributos más frecuentes en la construcción de dichos estereotipos. Para ello se ha optado por llevar a cabo un análisis de contenido de la publicidad radiofónica presentada al Festival Publicitario de San Sebastián entre 1996 y 2002