21 research outputs found

    Effective Interactions in a Graphene Layer Induced by the Proximity to a Ferromagnet

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    The proximity-induced couplings in graphene due to the vicinity of a ferromagnetic insulator are analyzed. We combine general symmetry principles and simple tight-binding descriptions to consider different orientations of the magnetization. We find that, in addition to a simple exchange field, a number of other terms arise. Some of these terms act as magnetic orbital couplings, and others are proximity-induced spin-orbit interactions. The couplings are of similar order of magnitude, and depend on the orientation of the magnetization. A variety of phases, and anomalous Hall effect regimes, are possible.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Quantum Geometric Oscillations in Two-Dimensional Flat-Band Solids

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    Two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures can be engineered into artificial superlattices that host flat bands with significant Berry curvature and provide a favorable environment for the emergence of novel electron dynamics. In particular, the Berry curvature can induce an oscillating trajectory of an electron wave packet transverse to an applied static electric field. Though analogous to Bloch oscillations, this novel oscillatory behavior is driven entirely by quantum geometry in momentum space instead of band dispersion. While the orbits of Bloch oscillations can be localized by increasing field strength, the size of the geometric orbits saturates to a nonzero plateau in the strong-field limit. In non-magnetic materials, the geometric oscillations are even under inversion of the applied field, whereas the Bloch oscillations are odd, a property that can be used to distinguish these two co-existing effects.Comment: 6 + 7 pages, 2 figures. Comments are greatly appreciated

    Protected Fermionic Zero Modes in Periodic Gauge Fields

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    It is well-known that macroscopically-normalizable zero-energy wavefunctions of spin-12\frac{1}{2} particles in a two-dimensional inhomogeneous magnetic field are spin-polarized and exactly calculable with degeneracy equaling the number of flux quanta linking the whole system. Extending this argument to massless Dirac fermions subjected to magnetic fields that have \textit{zero} net flux but are doubly periodic in real space, we show that there exist \textit{only two} Bloch-normalizable zero-energy eigenstates, one for each spin flavor. This result is immediately relevant to graphene multilayer systems subjected to doubly-periodic strain fields, which at low energies, enter the Hamiltonian as periodic pseudo-gauge vector potentials. Furthermore, we explore various related settings including nonlinearly-dispersing band structure models and systems with singly-periodic magnetic fields.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Comments are very appreciate

    Boundary Modes from Periodic Magnetic and Pseudomagnetic Fields in Graphene

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    Single-layer graphenes subject to periodic lateral strains are artificial crystals that can support boundary spectra with an intrinsic polarity. These are analyzed by comparing the effects of periodic magnetic fields and strain-induced pseudomagnetic fields that respectively break and preserve time-reversal symmetry. In the former case, a Chern classification of the superlattice minibands with zero total magnetic flux enforces {\it single} counter-propagating modes traversing each bulk gap on opposite boundaries of a nanoribbon. For the pseudomagnetic field, pairs of counter-propagating modes migrate to the {\it same} boundary where they provide well-developed valley-helical transport channels on a single zigzag edge. We discuss possible schemes for implementing this situation and their experimental signatures.Comment: 5+12 pages; 3+6 figures; version accepted to Physical Review Letter

    Roses in the Nonperturbative Current Response of Artificial Crystals

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    In two-dimensional artificial crystals with large real-space periodicity, the nonlinear current response to a large applied electric field can feature a strong angular dependence, which encodes information about the band dispersion and Berry curvature of isolated electronic Bloch minibands. Within the relaxation-time approximation, we obtain analytic expressions up to infinite order in the driving field for the current in a band-projected theory with time-reversal and trigonal symmetry. For a fixed field strength, the dependence of the current on the direction of the applied field is given by rose curves whose petal structure is symmetry constrained and is obtained from an expansion in real-space translation vectors. We illustrate our theory with calculations on periodically-buckled graphene and twisted double bilayer graphene, wherein the discussed physics can be accessed at experimentally-relevant field strengths.Comment: 8 + 22 pages, 4 + 12 figures. Published versio

    Interaction-Enhanced Topological Hall Effects in Strained Twisted Bilayer Graphene

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    We analyze the effects of the long-range Coulomb interaction on the distribution of Berry curvature among the bands near charge neutrality of twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) closely aligned with hexagonal boron nitride (hBN). Due to the suppressed dispersion of the narrow bands, the band structure is strongly renormalized by electron-electron interactions, and thus, the associated topological properties of the bands are sensitive to filling. Using a Hartree formalism, we calculate the linear and nonlinear Hall conductivities, and find that for certain fillings, the remote bands contribute substantially to the Hall currents while the contribution from the central bands is suppressed. In particular, we find that these currents are generically substantial near regions of energies where the bands are highly entangled with each other, often featuring doping-induced band inversions. Our results demonstrate that topological transport in TBG/hBN is substantially modified by electron-electron interactions, which offer a simple explanation to recent experimental results.Comment: 7 + 7 pages, 4 + 5 figures. Comments are very appreciated

    Junctions and superconducting symmetry in twisted bilayer graphene

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    Junctions provide a wealth of information on the symmetry of the order parameter of superconductors. We analyze here normal-superconducting and Josephson junctions involving twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) and related systems. The first junctions describe the coupling between the tip and superconducting TBG samples in scanning tunneling microscope (STM) experiments, while Josephson junctions and SQUIDs have been fabricated by applying inhomogeneous gate voltages to TBG. The Fermi surface of TBG contains, at least, two pockets, one per valley, and we concentrate on the difference between superconducting phases which are even or odd under valley exchange (s- and f- pairings). Andreev reflection processes in STM experiments and the critical current, in Josephson junctions, show a strong dependence on the nature of the superconducting electrons, and, in the STM case, on the short range elastic scattering induced by the tip itself.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures and supplementary materia

    Superconductivity and correlated phases in bilayer, trilayer graphene and related structures

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    The discovery of a very rich phase diagram in twisted bilayer graphene [1,2] renewed the interest into the properties of other systems based on graphene. An unexpected finding has been the observation of superconductivity in non-twisted graphene bilayers and trilayers [3-5]. In this perspective, we give an overview of the search for uncommon phases in non-twisted graphene systems. We first describe results related to the topic before the aforementioned experiments [3-5] were published. Then, we address the new experimental findings which have triggered the recent interest in the problem. Lastly, we analyze the already numerous theory works studying the underlying physical processes [6].Comment: 10 Pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. Comments are very welcome. Invited Review Nature Physics Perspective