743 research outputs found

    The perceived benefts and drawbacks of including hearing peers in listening and spoken language preschool programs for students who are deaf or hard of hearing

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    This study examines teachers’ perceptions of the benefits and drawbacks of including or excluding peers with typical hearing in preschool programs for students who are deaf or hard of hearing


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    thesisThis study was designed to compare maternal perceptions of infant behaviors and development in a group of adolescent and nonadoles-cent mothers. The original hypothesis was that adolescent mothers would have less realistic perceptions of their infants and less knowledge of developmental norms than nonadolescent mothers. There were 17 adolescent and 17 nonadolescent mothers who participated in the study at four to eight weeks postpartum. The mean age of the adolescents was 16.88 years while the mean age of the nonadolescents was 24.47 years. The mothers completed a questionnaire consisting of Broussard's Neonatal Perception Inventory plus questions about common developmental milestones . Demographic data and background information were also obtained. There were no significant differences between the two groups of mothers in their perceptions of their infants. Four of the adolescents and five of the nonadolescents viewed their infants as average"" of ""less than average."" There were no significant differences between the mothers in their knowledge of total child developmental norms, although the adolescents averaged closer to the correct age for the individual norm of awareness of what ""no"" meant. There were no significant correlations between the Neonatal Perception Inventory scores and marital status, education, income, race, previous child care, method of feeding, and resources used for infant questions and regular child care. There were no correlations between these same variables and the mothers' knowledge of developmental norms. There were no significant correlations between the Neonatal Perception Inventory scores and knowledge of developmental norms. Significantly fewer of the adolescent mothers were married (64.7%) when compared with the nonadolescent mothers (100.0%). The adolescents had completed fewer grades, but more of them were attending school (64.7%) than the nonadoles cents (11.8%). Income was significantly lower among the adolescent mothers. More of the adolescent mothers bottlefed their infants (64.7%) while more of the nonadolescent mothers were breastfeeding (82.4%). More adolescents used their own mothers for questions about their infants (75.0%) and regular child care (53.8%). The nonadolescents used friends, husbands, and professionals for infant questions (88.2% and regular child care (100.0%). It was concluded that every mother's parenting skills need to be assessed on an individual basis. The mother's age did not affect her perception of her infant or her knowledge of developmental norms."

    CULA 291.01: Special Topics - Catering Management

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    CULA 156.01: Dining Room Procedures

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    Clinical leadership training: an evaluation of the Welsh fellowship programme

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    Background These days doctors are required not only to be clinically proficient, but also motivate teams, influence service delivery and improve patient care. In the UK, Fellowship schemes have been set up to address a low level of engagement of doctors with leadership roles. Established in 2013, the Welsh Clinical Leadership Fellowship (WCLF) programme aims to recruit aspiring future clinical leaders and equip them with knowledge and skills to lead improvements in healthcare delivery. Aim Our aim was to evaluate the 12-month WCLF programme in its first two years of operation. Focused on the participants (n=8), we explored expectations of the leadership programme, reactions to the academic component (provided by Academi Wales) and learning from workplace projects and other opportunities. Method We adopted a qualitative approach, collecting data from four focus groups, 20 individual face-to-face or telephone interviews with fellows and project supervisors, and observation of Academi Wales training days. Results Although from diverse specialties and stage in training, all participants reported the Fellowship met expectations. Fellows learned leadership theory, developing understanding of leadership and teamwork in complex organisations. Through workplace projects, they applied their knowledge, learning both from success and failure. The quality of communication with fellows distinguished the better supervisors and impacted on project success. Conclusion The WCLF programme addresses both the need for leadership theory (through the Academi Wales training) and the application of learning through the performance of leadership roles in the projects

    Biogeographic and Phylogenetic Investigations of the Pantropical Genus Sargassum (Fucales, Phaetophyceae) with Respect to Gulf of Mexico Species

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    The genus Sargassum, despite considerable research efforts, is still one of the most systematically complex and problematic genera of the brown algae. In order to evaluate the adequacy of sectional to series level designations in the tropical subgenus, an ambitious effort was begun that will eventually include all of the east Isthmian species in a global phylogenetic analysis for the genus. This research effort is based on extensive seasonal field survey work and molecular-based parsimony analysis (chloroplast encoded ribulose-I, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase spacer region) of collected voucher specimens. The present analysis indicates that the Gulf/Caribbean species do not cluster as they are traditionally classified but form a strongly supported clade representing a single biogeographic unit in the Malococarpicae section of the subgenus Sargassum. Four of these species share an insertion/ deletion event with some of the Pacific species, suggesting a shared evolutionary history between the two ocean basins

    Bridge vs tower: Introducing architectural engineering to freshmen students

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    In the first year design studio, one project involves the introduction of structural concepts which students utilize to design their project. Though this project has been assigned successfully for a number of years, the faculty involved decided to revise the parameters of the project with the goal of having students better utilize their newfound knowledge of structural systems in the design process. This paper introduces the original and revised projects, discusses the participation of outside faculty members and external consultants for this project, and assesses the work of the students as it relates to the original and revised projects.Architectur

    Longitudinal Impact of Welsh Clinical Leadership Fellowship

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    Purpose This paper aims to evaluate the longer-term impact of the 12-month Welsh clinical leadership fellowship. Design/methodology/approach Semi-structured interviews with 10 out of 14 trainee doctors who were fellows between 2013-2016, exploring how leadership knowledge and skills were used in clinical practice, impact on patient care and influence on careers. Data, gathered in 2017 when participants had completed the fellowship between 1-3 years, were analysed thematically. Findings All found the fellowship rewarding. The experience was felt to advantage them in consultant interviews. They gained insight into the wider influence on organisations and the complexity of issues facing senior clinicians. Although subtle, the impact was significant, equipping fellows with negotiation skills, enabling them to better influence change. Indirect impact on clinical practice was evidenced by enhanced confidence, teamworking skills and progression of improvement projects. However, the use of skills was limited by lack of seniority within teams, demands of medical training and examinations. The negativity of others towards management and leadership was also noted by some

    CULA 299.01: Culinary Arts Capstone

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    Observations on the Macroalgae Inhabiting Deep-Water Hard Bank Communities in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico

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    A preliminary species list of subtidal macroalgal collections from established monitoring sites on two midshelf hard banks communities in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico is provided. A total of 50 taxa belonging to the green (Chlorophyta), brown (Phaeophyceae), and red (Rhodophyta) algae were identified, providing the first documentation of algal composition at Stetson Bank, TX, and Sonnier Bank, LA. Both sites are much more species rich and taxonomically distinct than previously reported, with a surprisingly different floristic composition between both. New records for the Gulf of Mexico include Laurencia chondrioides, Callithamniella tingitana, Diplothamnion jolyi, Griffithsia heteromorpha, and Dictyota pfaffii. Northernmost range extensions for four taxa are reported for the northwestern Gulf
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